flashcards lect4 process tracing and causal mechanisms
what is process tracing + 3 components
= method for tracing causal mechanisms using detailed within-case empricial analysis
- what we trace = causal mechanisms: the process between cause and outcome
- what does it mean to trace = we observe “empirical fingerprints”/traces left by operation of a thoerized causal mechanism
- generalization = think comparatively
*might not be an objective, e.g. when you have idiosyncratic focus
causal mechanism definition
= process between cause and effect
cause triggers something (mechanism) that leads to an outcome of interest
!not the same as sheer sequence of events (it is productive, not just descriptive)
!not the same as intervening variables (bc then you still don’t have how they are related)
two versions of causal mechanisms
= depending on practical considerations (e.g. state of research)
- minimalist version = diagnostic evidence, don’t go into much detail about the process
- superficial: one-liner’ description of proces
- incomplete: identify parts/entities, but not the logics that link them (cause -> entity -> entity -> outcome) - maximalist version = less abstract, details about the process
*holistic: individual parts don’t have independent causal power
= detective work: observational manifestations of the process’s parts
ask what it would look like if the mechanism was correct and wrong?
= bring other cases to test if the mechanism works in similar cases as a probe of a more general phenomenon
= wonder about in what context/conditions the mechanism would work = the bounded population of cases to which the mechanism may apply
heterogeneity/equifinality vs mechanisms heterogeneity
equifinality (causes heterogeneity) = different causes may lead to the same outcome
mechanisms heterogeneity = same cause may be linked to outcome through different mechanisms
benefits/payoff process tracing
- logic can more easily be scrutinized
- falsifiability (specify observations that would falsify the mechanism)
- sheds light on contextual conditions
-> PT has narrow scope, but still valuable as contextualized knowledge piles up
4 variants of process tracing - diverse objectives
- theory-building process-tracing
- what is the mechanism linking X and Y - theory-testing process-tracing
- is the mechanism present, does it work as theorized? - theoretical-revision process-tracing
- why did the mechanism break down in the case? - explaining-outcome process-tracing
- case focused