Flashcards for English - Crime and Punishment
“the old woman was a mistake perhaps, but… it wasn’t a human being I killed, it was a…” What?
After he recovers from his fever, R sees who at the gate?
After meeting with Sonia, Sonia gives R specific instructions to show remorse. What does she tell him to do?
Go to the crossroads, kiss the ground and pray/ask for forgiveness of the four cardinal directions.
After returning to his apartment, he received a distressing message. Who sent it, and what does the message say?
Letter from his mother detailing his sister Dunia’s humiliation and engagement: his mother advises him to meet with dunia’s fiance, because R could potentially get a job from him and help their family get out of poverty
After she leaves R’s room, Sonia is followed by someone. Who?
Book Three ends with a main waiting for R to wake up. Who?
Briefly, what is Dunia’s plan to test Luzhin’s feelings for her?
Dunia allows R to come to their meeting with Luzhin, which he has expressly demanded she not do.
Describe R’s nightmare at the end of Book Three.
R dreams that the strange artisan beckons to him and leads him to Alyona’s building, where Alyona is sitting behind a coat, alive. She tries to kill her and cannot.
During his fever, what does R dream of?
He dreams that a plague comes over everyone and makes them believe that they’re right and everyone else is wrong, so everyoen goes around killing and persecuting each other.
Examples of R’s kindness?
gives rest of his money to Marmeladovs when he brings M home; stays with the drunk girl on the street to protect her from the lurking creep and gives money to the policeman to help her get home; gives even more money to the Marmeladov’s for M’s funeral
How do the other prisoners feel about R? What do they call him?
They hate him because he’s isolated and not religious; Atheist
How does R respond to Porfiry’s trick question about the painters at Alyona’s?
He remembers that there were no painters when he went two days before, and denies that he saw any painters there.
How many years was R sentenced to in Sibera?
In book Three, do Dunia and Pulcheria ever go to R’s room?
Yes: and they meet Sonia there too
In his letter to Pulcheria and Dunia, Luzhin says he saw something R did. What?
gave money to Sonia
In his letter to Pulcheria and Dunia, what does Luzhin order them not to do?
to not allow R to be there when they meet
In Part 3, Chapter 1, what does Raskolnikov demand Dunia to do?
not to marry Luzhin, because he realizes that she’s only doing it to help their family financially, and he doesn’t want her to sacrifice herself
in R’s feverish dream, who are saved?
Only the select chosen few, to start a new race
In the first part of book 5, the reader listens to a lengthy philosophical discussion between what two characters?
Luzhin and Lebeziatnikov
One character surprisingly offers to help Sonia and her family financially. Who?
One day, while he is looking across the river at people living in freedom, Sonia appears beside R. What does he do?
Holds her hand and kisses her feet and cries.
Part V includes which of the following? A murder, B distressing call for help, C funeral party, D marriage, E, murder and distressing call
C: funeral party
Porfiry tries to trap R into confessing by asking a trick question. What is the question?
Porfiry asks if R saw any painters when he went to Alyona’s to pawn his things.
R has been in prison for how many years before he realizes his love for Sonia?
R is sentenced to hard labor of what degree?
the second degree
R is sick with fever during Lent and what other holiday?
Sonia follows R to Siberia and gives him money to buy what?
T/F: Raz. Finds Dunia attractive but annoying.
T/F: At the end of Book Five, the reader knows without doubt that there are three people who know that R killed the two women.
T/F: By the end of book One, R has yet to commit any serious crime.
T/F: In Book Five, it becomes clear that Svidrigailov is the most evil man in the novel.
T/F: It is clear after reading the opening chapters that R’s life is one of isolation from humanity.
T/F: Katerina Ivanova, Sonia’s step-mother, dies in Book Five.
T/F: R confesses to Dunia at the end of Book Five.
T/F: R confesses to the murder by explaining how he killed the two women.
T/F: R first needs Marmeladov in a church.
T/F: R is living in poverty, but he has much material wealth.
T/F: R never admits to his mother that he gave all her money to the Marmeladovs
T/F: R tells Pulcheria that he is seeing Sonia
T/F: the eseential purpose of his morhter’s letter is to explain her own severe poverty.
T/F: the pawnbroker’s house is nearly four miles across town from R’s apartment.
T/F: Zosimov, R, Pulcheria, Dunia, and Razumikhin are all together at one point in book Three.
T/F:During the first 4 chapters there is no evidence that R is generous.
T/F:It is clear from Book One that R is an alcoholic.
T/F:R has two roommates.
The most important piece of information from Book Five is what?
That Luzhin gives Sonis a 10 ruble note, setting up the premise for a trap later
What did R use to kill the two women?
an axe
What doctor testified to R’s depressed state at the time of the murders?
What does r do after killing the two sisters?
Washes the axe from a bucket, locks the latch against the two men, hides in the painted room on his way out
What does Svidrigailov do when he “goes to America?”
Kills himself
What happens to R’s mother after R goes to prison?
gets sick
What is Marmeladov’s predicament?
Alcoholic: ran away from sick wife, prostitute daughter, other children after taking their money
What is one of the primary defenses of the epilogue?
Without it, the novel would have no redemption and thus no point.
What is R’s reaction to Dunia saying “I am guilty of no man’s death?”
He almost faints
What plea was issued in defense of Raskolnikov?
What resurrects Sonia and R?
When Razumikhin meets Pulcheria and Dunia, what physical state is he in?
Where did R used to go to school?
University of Petersburg
Where does R get the axe?
from under a bench in the janitor’s room
Where does R hide the axe?
in a self-made sling under/inside his coat sleeve
Who are two characters that could symbolize Jesus Christ?
Sonia, Porfiry
Who is Dunia’s fiance?
Who is Polenka?
Sonia’s younger step-sister: after Marmeladov dies, she follows R and hugs him, thanking him for helping their family. R gives her his address and asks her to forgive him.
Who is Zosimov?
a doctor
Who says “At times, however, he’s… just inhumanly cold and callous, as if there really were two opposite characters in him?”
Who strikes up a conversation with R in a tavern?
Who tells R that “I am guilty of no man’s death?”
Who wrote the article “On Crime?”
Who’s Alyona’s sister? What happens to her?
Lizaveta: gets killed by R
Who’s Marmeladov’s wife? What does she have?
Katerina Ivanovna, TB
Who’s the pawnbroker that R kills?
Alyona Ivanovna
Why does R kill Lizaveta?
She was there after he killed Alyona, and he wanted to witnesses