Flashcards for English - Candide and Tartuffe
Who said, “Do you believe that hawks have always eaten pigeons when they have found them?”?
Who said, “I am the daughter of Pope Urban X, and of the Princess of Palestrina.”?
the old woman
Who said, “Indeed, the law of nature teaches us to kill our neighbor”?
Cacambo reasons with them in their own language
Who said, “It was love; love, the comfort of the human species, the preserver of the universe”?
According to Baker, Orgon is a model of what?
bad kingship
Candide meets an Anabaptist who does what?
Makes him his apprentice
Dorine believes all of the following about Mariane EXCEPT: A:she’s poorly matched for Tartuffe, B:she’s above Tartuffe socially, C: she’d be justified in having an affair while married, D: she’s haughty and judgmental
D, that she’s haughty and judgmental
Examples of Voltaire attacking the Church.
Chapter 15: Father Croust and clergy portrayed as homosexual; Cunégonde’s jewels stolen by a Franciscan monk in Buenos Aires; Auto-da-fe: exaggeration of the intolerance and hypocrisy of the Spanish Inquisition/church
For nearly every death, there is a what? A funeral, B memorial, C wake, D resurrection, E chapter
D, resurrection
How do Candide and Cacambo escape from the Biglugs?
Cacambo reasons with them in their own language
How does Candide finally find happiness?
by gardening
How does Candide respond to the two men in Cunégonde’s life?
He stabs them with his sword
How does Martin become Candide’s traveling companion?
He wins Candide’s contest for the most unhappy man
How does Martin’s view of the world and world order differ from Pangloss?
Pessimist: contrast to Pangloss’s optimism
How does the philosophy of Rousseau fit into Candide?
Rousseau believed that man in nature was inherently good: if you put man in the wild, he’ll be peaceful and pure: Voltaire disagrees: even in Eldorado, Candide and Cacambo get tired of it and leave. If man’s inherent goodness were to exist, it would have to be in complete isolation, like in Eldorado, adn even then man would tire of it and get restless.
How is Cleante related to Orgon?
He’s his brother-in-law
In Tartuffe’s eyes, sin only offends heaven when what?
when sin is committed in full view of others
In which city are Martin and Candid arrested for being “suspicious strangers?”
Is Molière directly attacking religion?
Not really, just religious hypocrisy.
Is Tartuffe a comedy or a satire?
Of what religious affiliation is Martin?
On what do Martin and Candide wager in Venice?
that Cacambo will fulfil his mission
The beggar in Holland turns out to be who?
There are many Biblical allusions in Candide. Give an example.
Eden: Baron thunder-ten-Tronckh’s castle
There are many symbols in Candide. Give at least two and explain.
Eldorado (utopia, how it doesn’t work); garden (the life/world that you have, which you should tend instead of chasing utopia)
Upon leaving Orgon’s house, what does Madame Perenelle do?
Admonishes everope except Tartuffe
What activity brings Candide pleasure at the end of the novel?
What actually happens to Cunégonde after the Bulgarian soldiers rape her?
She is wounded and taken in by a bulgarian captain
What disaster happens in Lisbon?
an earthquake
What disease does Pangloss contract?
What do the officers that Tartuffe brought to Orgon’s house do?
arrest Tartuffe for fraudery
What do the two meen at the door of the inn offer a nearly-starved Candide?
a place in the army
What does Candide mean by “we must tend our garden?”
That it’s no use speculating about what could or couldn’t happen or would or wouldn’t be the best world: you just have to stop worrying and work on improving what you already have.
What does Cunégonde do to improve her financial situation?
Marries a rich governor
What does Cunégonde see Pangloss doing?
sleeping with Paquette, the maid
What does Martin believe?
that men are basically greedy and hypocritical
What does Pangloss do that distracts him and Candide?
What does Tartuffe want Elmire to do?
have a secret affair with him
What happens on the way to Lisbon?
Candide and his companions get shipwrecked
What happens to Candide after he’s kicked out of the Baron’s castle?
He’s drafted into the Bulgarian army
What happens when Orgon returns home?
He defends Tartuffe and believes he can do no wrong
What is an auto-da-fe, and what is its significance in Candide?
“act of faith” used by the Church to execute heretics during the Spanish Inquisition: public event: used by Voltaire as an attack on the Church, since Pangloss is hanged simply because he espouses optimism, and Candide is flogged for listening
What is Candide’s driving force?
What is consistently depicted as corrupting and morally bankrupt?
What is Jacques’ religious affiliation?
What is optimism?
theory that all is for the greater good, best of all possible worlds
What is Pangloss’s favorite saying?
All’s for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
What is Pangloss’s main thesis in his philosophical view of the world? Give one example of how Voltaire mocks it.
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds: contradicition is the earthquake: even as Candide is nearly crushed beneath ruins, asking for help, Pangloss just extemporizes on how good the earthquake is
What is portrayed as meaningless?
status derived from lineage
What is the hidden country into which Candide and Cacambo stubmel?
What precious animal does Vanderdendur steal from Candide?
A sheep laden with jewels
What punishment does Candide choose after his arrest?
Running the gauntlet through the whole regimen
What ultimately happens to the baron and his wife?
they are killed
What’s in Orgon’s strongbox?
information about his friend, an exile, that could damage his reputation and his friend’s safety
What’s ironic about Dorine?
She’s just a servant girl, but she’s very wise.
When does the Anabaptist (Jacques) die?
rescuing the sailor
Where does Candide find Pangloss and the baron?
In a Turkish chain gang
Where does Candide live at the beginning of the story?
Which best describes Candide’s experience in the army?
He’s abused and almost executed
Which enlightenment thinker is Pangloss’s character meant to satirize?
Which of the following does Eldorado have? A prisons, B schools, C churches, D bawdy houses
B, schools
Who said, “I deeply love Miss Cunégonde.”?
Whom does the Jesuit commander turn out to be?
Cunégonde’s brother, the new Baron
Why are there no courts or prisons in Eldorado?
Citizens never break the laws there
Why does Candide flee after landing in Buenos Aireas?
The Spanish police are seeking Candide
Why does Candide kill the Revered Father Commander, who’s also the baron’s son?
The Commander hit him in the face
Why does Dr. Pangloss receive a sentence of execution?
For being a heretic
Why does Monsiuer Loyal appear at the house?
to evict Orgon
Why does Voltaire devote two chapters to the old woman’s story?
To carefully detail her characters
Why is Candide expelled from the baron’s castle?
for kissing Cunégonde
Why is Damis concerned with Marian’s and Valere’s wedding?
He wants to court Valere’s sister
Why is the English admiral executed?
For fighting too prudently