Flash Cards Olexes
Order of business
Plan of items in a meeting or agenda
A gathering of a group of people for a shared purpose.
Order of business
Number of members needed to carry out the business
The person preceding over the meaning, running the meeting
“Parliamentary procedure
Set of rules Used to maintain maintain order in the meeting
Out of order
Someone who doesn’t follow the approved rules
An instrument used to maintain during a meeting
Voice note
Saying aye or no
Rising vote
Standing or a show of hands
Secret ballot
Standing or a show of hands
Roll call
Secretary polls members
Is a proposal that the group certain action
Main motion
Is used to obtain group approval on any subject
Subsidiary motions
Related to the main motion
The purpose of an amendment is to change or improve a motion.
Previous question
To print the assembly to s vote without delay
Lay it on the table
Another way to postpone
Postpone definitely
To delay action until a definite time
Postpone indefinitely
Not to postpone but to reject the main motion without incurring the risk of a direct vote on it.
Refer to a committee
To allow a question to be more carefully investigated before the groups take action
Incidental motions
Used to provide proper and fair treatment to all members
May be made if any decision made by the chair at the time of the ruling
Division of assembly
Division of assembly is a motion related to voting
Parliamentary inquiry
This motion relates to a question that requires immediate attention and my be made while another has the floor.
Point of order
This motion is used when member believes a parliamentary error has been made
Privledge motion
Not related to the main motion
An adjourn motion is used when it’s time to close a meeting
Question of Privledge
A question of privilege motion pertains to the rights and Privledge
intermission in the days proceeding