Flash cards
a charatateristic that improves an individual’s ability to survive and reprouduce in a particular environment
a group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce fertile offspring
the process in witch inherited characteristics within a population change over generations such that new species sometimes arise
the remains or physical evidence of an organism preserved by geological process
Fossil Record
a historical sequence of life indicated by fossils found in layers of the Earth’s crust
a genetically determined characteristic
Selective Breeding
the human practice of breeding animals or plants that have certain desired characteristics
Natural Selection
the process by which individual that are better at adapted to their environment to survive and reproduce more successfully than less adapted individuals do
Generation Time
the period between the birth of one generation and the birth of the next generation
the formation of new species as the result of evolution
Relative Dating
Any method of determining whether an event or object is older or younger than other events or objects
Absolute Dating
Any method of measuring the age of an event or an object in years
Geologic Time Scale
the standard method used to divide the Earth’s long natural history into manageable parts
describes a species that has died out completely
Plate Tectonics
the theory that explains how large pieces of the earth’s outermost layer, called tectonic plates, move and take shape.