FL8 - Lies and the detection of deception Flashcards
What is the definition of deception?
“A successful or unsuccessful deliberate attempt, without forewarning, to create in another a belief which the communicator considers to be untrue” (Vrij, 2000)
What are the types of lies?
- Outright lies
- Exaggerations (Exaggerating remorse for better sentencing)
- Subtle lies (To suit your narrative and omitting details)
What are the reasons to lie?
- Self-orientated lies
- Other orientated lies
- To gain personal advantage
- To avoid punishment
- To make a positive impression
- To protect themselves from embarrassment/disapproval
- For the safe of the social relationship
- (Vrij, 2000)
What is the frequency of lying in the personality and gender of liars?
- American diary studies:
- College students told 2 lie(s)/day
- Community members told 1 lie/day.
- Most lies were self-serving (DePaulo, 1996)
- Frequency of lying depends on:
- Personality and gender of the liars
- Extroverts lie more than introverts (to potentially make more friends)
- Frequency of lies similar between men and women
- Women tell more social lies (e.g. women about image and men about earnings)
- When dating:
- women lie to improve physical appearance
- men lie to exaggerate earning potential
What is the frequency of lying depending on the situation in which the lie is told?
- 90% of people lie to get a date
- 83% of people lie to get a job
What is the frequency of lying depending on the people who the lie is told to?
- Lowest rate of lying with spouses (1/10 interactions – mostly subtle)
- Highest rate of lying with strangers
- College students lie frequently to their mothers (almost 50% of conversations!)
What are the three ways to catch of a liar?
- Examine their physiological responses*
- Observe their verbal and nonverbal behaviour
- Analyse the content of what they saw
How do we examine physiological response?
- Polygraphs measure physiological change not lies.
- Blood pressure
- Heart rate
- Respiration
- Sweating (GSR)
- Not that good at detected lies
What are the different behavioural indicators of deception?
- Some verbal and nonverbal cues are more likely to occur during deception than others, depending on:
- Emotion evoked
- Deception results in different emotions (Ekman, 1985):
- Guilt
- Fear
- Excitement (duping delight)
- The strength of the emotion depends on the personality of the liar and the circumstances of the lie
- Assumption: Emotions may influence the liars non-verbal behaviour and betray the liar
- Cognitive and content complexity
- Lying is difficult to do - is cognitively demanding so more cues such as filler words or avoiding eye contact
- Assumption: People engaged in cognitively complex tasks exhibit different nonverbal behaviours that may betray the liar (Vrij, 2017)
- Attempted behavioural control
- Liars may attempt to control their behaviour to avoid getting caught
- When liars do this, they sometimes overcontrol themselves, resulting in behaviour that looks rehearsed and rigid, and speech that sounds too smooth
- Nonverbal behaviour is more difficult to control than verbal behaviour
- Verbal cues:
- Higher pitch of voice
- Increased response latency
- Increased errors in speech
- Shorter length of description
- Nonverbal Cues:
- Decreased nodding
- Decreased foot and leg movements
- Decreased hand movements
- Verbal cues:
- Micro-expressions
- A fleeting facial expression discordant with the expressed emotion and usually suppressed within 1-5 to 1-25 of a second
- It is difficult to control facial communication and it can betray a deceiver’s true emotion to a trained observer (Ekman, 1992)
- Inconsistent emotional leakage occurred in 100% of participants at least once. Negative emotions were more difficult to falsify than happiness (Porter & ten Brinke, 2008)
- In a high stakes scenario are more likely to occur. Inconsistent emotional leakage on top half of face occurs more frequently. Negative emotions were more difficult to falsify than happiness (ten Brinke & Porter, 2012a, b; Porter, ten Brinke, Wallace, 2012)
- Usage is limited as most reliable identification of micro-expressions is through video coding and not in real time.
- Training of people to see micro-expressions have rendered mixed, but poor results.
- Emotional leakage by the eyes and the moutch
- There are cue-based theories as to why this occurs.
- Ekman’s emotional leakage theory
- Zuckerman’s four factor theory
Can we actually use behavioural cues to detect deception?
- DePaulo et al. (2003) examined 158 cues to deception:
- Liars are less forthcoming
- Liars tell less compelling tales
- Liars are less positive and pleasant
- Liars are more tense
- Liars include fewer ordinary imperfections and unusual details
- However, many behaviours showed no discernable links, or only weak links, to deception.
- Many of the ones that do show links are the verbal-cues. Also, no clear cut-off points or profile for lies and liars.
How are content indicators of deception measured?
- Examining the content of the story
- Statement validity assessment (SVA; Vrij, 2005)
- Developed in Germany to determine the credibility of child witnesses’ testimonies in trials for sexual offences.
- Extended to adults and other types of cases.
- The approach has been accepted in some European Courts, but not UK Courts; and is divided in the United States.
- ## The main use of this technique is to guide police investigations and decisions of prosecutors
What are the three parts of content indicators of deception? (name only)
- Semi-structured interview
- Criteria-based content analysis (CBCA) of transcribed statements given during the interview
- Evaluation of CBCA by a set of questions (validity check-list)
What is the criteria based content analysis of transcribed statements stage?
- Trained evaluators judge the presence or absence (or strength) of 19 criteria
- The presence of each criterion strengthens the hypothesis that the account is based on genuine experience
- Based on the “Undeutsch hypothesis”:
- A statement derived from memory of an actual experience differs in content and quality from a statement based on invention and fantasy (Undeutsch, 1987).
- 5 categories of criteria
- Logical structure
- Unstructured production - Liars think you can’t change your story
- Quantity of details
- Contextual embedding
- Descriptions of interactions
- Reproductions of conversation - Deceptive accounts don’t reproduce these details
- Unexpected complications during the incident
- Unusual details
- Superfluous details (things that are out of the ordinary are often indicators of truth)
- Accurately reported details misunderstood (don’t have the knowledge of what happened to describe, e.g. in child sexual assault)
- Related external associations
- Accounts of subjective mental state
- Attribution of perpetrator’s mental state
- Spontaneous corrections - Common in truthful accounts
- Admitting lack of memory
- Raising doubts about testimony
- Self-deprecation (e.g. I’m so dumb, I just can’t remember)
- Pardoning the perpetrator
- Details characteristic of the offence (Is it consistent?\0
- Content Analysis - Why might criteria not be present?
- Lack of imagination in inventing relevant characteristics
- Do not realise judgements based on these characteristics, so don’t include them
- Lack knowledge to incorporate certain criteria
- Difficult to incorporate some criteria
- Wary of including details in case they forget
- Wary of including details that can be checked
- Wary of including certain characteristics in case their stories sound less credible
What is the evaluation stage of CBCA by a set of questions stage?
- To standardise CBCA findings, evaluators consider alternative interpretations
- Psychological characteristics (age, verbal and social skills)
- Interview characteristics (types of questioning)
- Motivation to report (specific things or not)
- Investigative questions (consistency with other evidence)
Does CBCA criteria indicate deception?
- Criterion 3: in 80% of studies truth tellers included more details
- Criteria 4 and 6: in 69% of studies truth tellers included more contextual embedding and reproductions of conversation
- Cognitive criteria (1-13) received more support than motivational criteria (14-18)
- Vrij (2005) reviewed 37 experimental and field studies on CBCA Field studies:
- Statements made by persons in actual cases of alleged sexual abuse
- Clear forensic relevance, but difficult to establish ground truth
- Experimental studies:
- Statements of participants who lied or told the truth for the experiment
- Easy to establish veracity of statement, but differ from real-life situations
- In 92% of experimental studies, truth tellers received higher CBCA scores than liars
- For experimental studies, Vrij (2005) reported:
- Overall accuracy of 55%-90%
- Accuracy for truths of 53%-91%
- Accuracy for lies of 35%-100%
- Truth bias: CBCA is “truth verifying method” not “lie-detection technique”
- The absence of criteria does not necessarily mean the statement is fabricated (Vrij, 2005)
What are the concerns about SVA?
- No formal decision rules, profiles for truth or deception, or cut points
- Criteria should be given different weight (Sporer)
- Different types of lies (from subtle to outright) may yield different levels/kinds of characteristics
- SVA assessments are subjective and inter-rater reliability can be low, even after extensive training
- CBCA assessments of written statements are time-consuming & even training may not improve accuracy (Akehurst et al., 2004)
Should we use CBCA?
- Chance rate = 50%
- Memon, Vrij, & Bull (2003) conducted a meta-analysis
- Nonverbal behaviour: Average scores of 9 studies of 9 studies (mostly lab studies)
- CBCA: Based on 13 lab studies
- Recent evidence suggests that higher accuracy rates by combining nonverbal and CBCA
Why is it difficult to catch liars/methods not be good?
- Lie detection is difficult and there is no give-away cue
- Othello Error: Truth tellers may show similar behaviour to liars because they, too, may experience emotions, may have to think hard, or may have to control themselves.
- Adequate comparisons between truth-telling and lie-telling are not made (e.g., small talk vs. Interrogation).
- Observers seem to have incorrect beliefs about how liars behave and people, including police officers, are taught wrong cues
- Liars can use countermeasures (e.g., can train themselves to beat techniques).
- Deception research is often conducted in university labs and the stakes aren’t high enough. It’s hard to establish ground truth in field studies.
- The Brokaw hazard: Individual differences in emotional expression, vocal and body movement characteristics.
- Individual differences in ability to control: Some people are ‘natural liars’, or have trained themselves to be very effective liars.
- Cultural differences in nonverbal behaviour - e.g. eye contact to authority figures in some cultures may be considered disrespectful
What is an overall approach to detecting deception?
- Combine CBCA and non-verbal behaviours
- If focusing on verbal and nonverbal (Vrij, 2000):
- Be suspicious – put aside your truth (or lie) bias
- Probe – keep on asking questions
- Do not reveal important information
- Be informed
- Ask liars to repeat what they have said before
- Watch and listen carefully and abandon stereotypes
- Compare liars’ behaviour with their natural behaviour
- Apply a framework:
- Behaviour (verbal and nonverbal)
- Content of conversation
- Context
- Why