Fixed phrases Flashcards
can you SPOT me some money?
lend someone a small anount of money
*give (an opponent) a specified advantage at the beginning of a race, game, etc. in order to make a competition more even
They SPOTTED us five points, but we still lost.
this store doesn’t CARRY the item
14a. keep in stock for sale
the motion is ADJOURNED/TABLED.
decide not to discuss sth until a later time.
formally present sth for discussion.
The committee TABLED the issue until the next meeting.
She plans to TABLE a motion for debate in Parliament.
reach age of MAJORITY
the age at which full civil rights are accorded
beauty PAGEANT
Christmas PAGEANT
a play or performance made of scenes from a historical event or a legend
SUFFICE it to say that …
Let’s say … period.
hire (a ship, bus) for temporary use
one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided
The suitcase has a zippered COMPARTMENT for personal items.
The refrigerator has a separate COMPARTMENT for meats.
FLIGHTS to climb
a series of stairs from one landing or floor to another
extremely intense, severe very hot very strong and critical SEARING pain SEARING review SEARING portrayal make a searing attack on the enemies
have a FROG in throat
a condition in the throat that produces hoarseness (having a harsh or rough sound or voice)
play by EAR
deal with sth without previous planning or instructions
much to somebody’s CHAGRIN
a feeling of being frustrated or annoyed because of failure or disappointment
grade on CURVE
absolute SCALE
relative grade marking
absolute marking
give somebody a LIFT
give someone a ride
DWELL on something
keep the attention directed
dwell (up)on
tried not to DWELL ON my fears
reporters DWELLING ON the recent scandal
RANK odor
foul odor
have PENCHANT for
a strong like for something or a strong tendency to behave in a certain way
regard sth as someone’s DUE
take sth as someone’s granted reponsibility before being imposed
SLIP my mind
escape from one’s memory or notice
Their names SLIP my mind.
ONSET of a disease/winter
beginning, commencement
attack, assault -
withstand the onset of the army
GRACE period
an amount of extra time that someone is given to pay a bill, finish a project, etc.
The terms of the loan allow for a ten-day GRACE period.
at someone’s own VOLITION
the power to make your own choices or decisions
syn. discretion
She left the church OF HER OWN VOLITION.
it was BEYOND MY VOLITION/control.
did you do it on purpose?
be responsible for
have rights
The Declaration of Independence to which every american was to fall heir.