Five Precepts Flashcards
What are the five precepts?
The five precepts are guidelines for ethical behaviour. They are five commitments that Buddhists must take to ensure skilful actions. Skilful actions are what generates good kammic energy and ensures a better rebirth for Buddhists.
Abstain from taking life
Buddhists are against killing or harming other beings. They try to develop an attitude of loving kindness towards others. Buddhists will also follow a vegetarian diet to stop harm towards animals.
Abstain from taking what is not freely given
This means not stealing but also not manipulating or exploiting others for your own gain which takes people’s time, energy or money.
Abstain from misuse of the senses or sexual misconduct
Means Buddhists should not overindulge in food or drink but also that one shouldn’t take advantage of someone sexually (rape or adultery). Some Buddhists will abstain from sex entirely in order to focus on their spiritual journey.
Abstain from wrong speech
This means avoiding lying to others but also avoiding gossip or slander and avoiding speaking harshly or unfairly of others. We shouldn’t involve ourselves in aimless conversation as well as this wastes time.
Abstain from intoxicants that cloud the mind
Buddhists should avoid alcohol or drugs that alter perception. Alcohol and drugs prevent enlightenment as people won’t see the world for what it really is.