Fitness Components Flashcards
Definition of strength?
the maximal force that a single muscle contraction can produce
Why is strength important?
-the body needs muscular strength to help increase joint stability, making the joint less prone to injury
eg improved muscle tone of the abdominals helps prevent common postural problems by maintaining the alignment of the spine and minimising lordosis
-strength also helps the body to be agile yet controlled allowing the dancer to move quickly safely and effectively
How to improve muscular strength?
Muscles must be targeted by contracting against resistance, this could be the dancer’s own body weight such as press ups and plank, or be supplemented with additional resistance such as elastic bands or weights
Definition of endurance?
- The ability of the muscles to continue to work for a period of time, either to sustain a contraction or to perform repeated contractions.
- Endurance enables muscles to resist fatigue when a movement in repeated, or when a position is held in a static contraction.
- There are two types.
Definition of muscular endurance?
- this is the ability of the muscles of the skeleton to work strenuously over increasing periods of time without tiring.
- to increase this maximum resistance must be employed either by increasing intensity or repetitions
Definition of cardiovascular endurance?
- this is the ability of the cardiovascular system, (heart and blood supply), to work efficiently during susatained exertion
- to improve this sustained aerobic activity should be undertaken which increases in time and intensity
Benefits of improved muscle strength and endurance?
- enhanced ability to participate in partner work
- increased lean muscle mass to body fat ratio
- develop kinaesthetic sense (better awareness of surroundings and motor control
- creates stronger muscles and connective tissues
- reduced risk of injury
Definition of cardio-respiratory fitness?
This is the ability of the heart, lungs and circulatory system to take in, transport, and use oxygen efficiently.
What are the two parts of the cardio-respiratory system?
1) the cardiovascular system
2) the respiratory system
What does the cardio-respiratory system do?
The two parts work in unison to provide the body with oxygen and nutrients and remove waste products such as C02 from the body’s cells.
What does the respiratory system consist of?
It consists of the lungs and airway passages, which function by drawing in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.
How does the cardiovascular system carry products and nutrients?
Through blood which flows through blood vessels and is pumped by the heart.
How is cardio-respiratory fitness defined?
By the heart and lung’s ability to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body. At the same time, it is measured by its capacity to remove metabolic wastes such as C02. Thus, cardio-respiratory fitness has a vital role in sustaining continuous activity.
How does exercise help the cardio-respiratory system?
Regular exercise promotes the development of arteries and capillaries towards skeletal muscles and increases the efficiency of the heart and lungs so that more oxygen is taken in and more blood is pumped in each stroke cycle.
How do you improve cardio-respiratory fitness?
- use whole body movements to increase efficiency of blood flow and increase demand on the heart
- increase heart rate eg running, swimming, aerobics, cycling
- undertake rhythmical activities using large muscles on a regular basis (every other day), varying activities and intensities, do both aerobic and anaerobic exercise
- to make sustained improvements the Overload Principle needs to be applied-gradually increase intensity, duration, frequency
Definition of flexibility?
The ability of joints and muscles to move through their full potential range of movement.
Depending on what will flexibility range from?
- anatomical limitations
- joint usage
- injury
- muscular tightness
Inherent factors of flexibility?
Each of us are physically unique through our genetic makeup. Accordingly, factors such as skeletal structure and joint pliability will dictate the upper limit of flexibility at birth.
How to improve flexibility:
- warm up
- this allows the joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles to work to their full ROM
- it is necessary to put the muscles under additional pressure
- use a combination of several types of stretching
Different types of stretching:
- passive-a held stretch with added assistance from another force eg assisted shouldering the leg
- static-held stretches, holding a comfortable position, usually for 10-30 secs eg a held side bend
- active-another muscle is actively involved in contracting in opposition to the stretch eg sitting in parallel, point and flex feet
- dynamic-a stretch while going through full ROM eg a kick
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
combination of stretched
start with a held passive stretch, then push against the stretch and hold, then repeat the initial stretch-the muscles should go further
Why stretch?
- increase muscle length
- reduce muscle tension
- disperse lactic acid build-up
- prevent or alleviate delayed-onset muscle soreness
Benefits of good flexibility:
- improves ROM in joints and muscles
- aesthetically can be more creative
- improved posture and joint alignment
What is the overload principle?
- has to be applied for improvements in various aspects of fitness to occur
- elected parts of the body must be subjected to loads greater than those which they are accustomed
- do more today than you did yesterday and do more tomorrow than you did today
- muscular strength-muscles must work against a greater than normal load
- flexibility-muscles must be stretched beyond their current length
- cardiovascular-increased demand on the heart and lungs
Resistance training:
- it will improve strength
- specific muscles need to be targeted and the muscle needs to contract under resistance, either from own body weight or an external force
- the amount of resistance must be continually increased in either intensity or duration
What does motor fitness include?
agility, balance, speed, power, coordination, reaction time
Definition of agility:
Agility or nimbleness is the ability to change the body’s position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, power, strength, endurance and reaction time.
What are the effects of motor fitness/improved agility?
- improved transmission of messages and responses
- body becomes better at doing movements automatically
- more control of what you’re doing
- improved movement efficiency and effectiveness
How can you improve motor fitness and agility?
- increase general flexibility and strength
- gradually increase the length and complexity of sequences learnt in class in order to pick up routines quickly
- coordination exercises which develop ability to perform different movements with different parts of the body simultaneously
- warm up exercises that involve quick changes of direction and level
Factors that affect overall fitness:
- heredity-genes are inherited from parents including body type, lung capacity, size of heart ect
- gender-males are 30-50% stronger than females, females generally more flexible
- body type-build, frame, muscle type, endomorph/ectomorph/mesomorph
- age-as age increases soft tissue dehydrates so takes longer to repair, bone density decreases
- medical conditions-asthma, diabetes
- external factors-smoking diminishes the effectiveness of the lungs
- sleep-lack of sleep leads to loss of concentration
Overall advantages of physical fitness:
- weight management
- stronger muscles and bones
- reduced risk of injury
- relaxation and stress relief
- self-confidence and energy