Fish Lab Info Flashcards
Agnathans are jawless vertebrates, including a complex and poorly understood radiation of armoured forms that began 520 million years ago.
These ancient fishes, collectively known as ostracoderms (‘bony skin”), are primarily bottom-dwellers that were covered by elaborate head shields and bony plates on the outside, but possessed little internal bone.
Hagfishes (Myxinoidea) and lampreys (Petromyzontoidea) are the two living groups of Agnatha.
Besides lacking jaws, both groups lack paired fins, bone and scales. Hagfishes, however, are thought to be much nearer the base of vertebrate phylogeny than lampreys.
jawed vertebrates, evolved from one of the many groups of ostracoderms.
Placoderms are first known from the fossil record from 410 million years ago and all are extinct.
Placoderms may have been the first jawed fishes; they displayed many unique and primitive features.
Like ostracoderms, external bony plates covered them.
Although some were bottom dwelling, other species were large, mid-water predators.
Acanthodians are the first jawed fishes to appear in the fossil record, 440 million years ago.
They possessed a variety of advanced features, possibly associated with a more active lifestyle in the water column. Acanthodians were covered by a combination of small bony plates and scales, including a bony gill cover (operculum).
They had peculiar fins supported by stout spines and a well-developed internal skeleton of bone.
Although the stem lineages are extinct, fossil acanthodians were part of the lineage that gave rise to Chondrichthyes.
The Chondrichthyes or cartilaginous fishes, which form a monophyletic clade with the extinct acanthodians, are first found in the fossil record 410 million years ago, but they are widely viewed as being significantly older based on recent fossil evidence and many anatomical features of living forms.
Sharks, rays, and chimeras all have an internal skeleton composed of cartilage, internal fertilization, and lack a swim bladder.
Sharks have filled the role as top predator in aquatic systems for millions of years and have undergone a series of changes in dentition and locomotory structures during this time.
Also called flesh-finned or lobe-finned fishes, this group includes the coelacanths, lungfishes, and the “fishy” ancestors of tetrapods, as well as the tetrapods themselves according to cladistic classification.
Sarcopterygians first appeared in the fossil record 410 million years ago.
They share a variety of features with the Actinopterygians including an internal skeleton of bone and primitive lungs (swim bladder).
The robust, paired fins of the Sarcopterygians, which contain a bony axis, connective tissue and muscle, are one distinct feature of this group.
The ray-finned fishes are the most successful group of living vertebrates in terms of numbers of species and individuals, and they are the dominant fishes in all freshwater and marine habitats.
They are characterized by paired and unpaired fins composed of bony rays that are linked by webs of skin. Ray-finned fishes first appeared 410 million years ago, and successive groups have displayed changes in tail morphology, scale types and patterns, swim bladder structure and function, and jaw mechanics.
Among living fishes, the sturgeon and paddlefish represent the most ancestral grade (collection of morphological features).
An intermediate grade of evolution, originating about 200 million years ago, is represented by the bowfin and gar.
The thousands of other species of ray-finned fishes are teleosts and display advanced morphology.
Trends in Fish Evolution
Development of jaw with increasing mobility
Differences in the attachment of the jaw bones (particularly the maxilla and premaxilla) across different groups of bony fishes have allowed for differences in gape (gape = transverse opening of the mouth).
The differences in gape and jaw flexibility also permit different feeding styles. For example, maxillary in gape (Amia sp.) and (Perca sp.).
Trends in Fish Evolution
Progressive lightening of the skeleton for greater speed and mobility.
- A reduction in repeating parts; i.e., rays and vertebrae.
- In the evolution of fish the dermis of gave rise initially to dermal / cosmoid bone or plates that gave rise to dermal scales.
Changes in scale types from cosmoid plates (dermal bone), to cosmoid scales or placoid scales, to ganoid scales, to cycloid scales, to ctenoid scales, to the complete loss of scales.
Trends in Fish Evolution
Movement of the position of the fins for greater control of motion.
- Pelvic fins from abdominal region to thoracic region.
-thoracic - Pectoral fins from low to high
- Change from rays only to rays and spines in some fishes.
-rays only
-rays and spines
Trends in Fish Evolution
Lungs and swim (gas) bladders
Lungs were initially paired lateral organs that developed in series with pharyngeal pouches.
These ancient organs shifted ventrally to form the respiratory structures of lungfishes, some primitive ray-finned fishes and tetrapods.
In most ray-finned fishes the ancient, paired organs either shift dorsally to merge over the gut and become a single bladder, or one lung is lost leaving the other to shift around the gut.
The trend in teleost evolution is from physostomous (bladder with duct attached to esophagus) to physoclistous (no attachment to gut).
Trends in Fish Evolution
Tail evolves from being a buoyancy device to a locomotory structure.
Evolved heterocercal (elasmobranchs, ancestral actinopterygians) to either diphycercal
(lungfishes) or homocercal (advanced teleosts).
Body Form
Whole body form
The shape of the body is highly adapted to the environment and mode of life of the fish.
- Fusiform forms (torpedo-like) are usually highly active, fast swimming species; i.e., a shark or mackerel.
- Compressed shapes (laterally flattened) are generally found in still-water species, especially those forming schools and those living in reef habitats. Specialized forms of a laterally compressed fish are the flounders and soles.
- Bottom-dwellers tend to be depressed (dorsoventrally) and in extreme cases they may be flat like a skate or a ray.
- Other species may show considerable variation such as eels, seahorses, needlefish, puffers, anglerfishes, etc.
Body Form
Mouth position
- Terminal mouths are positioned at the anterior-most end of the skull.
—This is the ancestral condition and is used by generalist feeders and some types of specialized feeding. It allows fish to eat food items in front of them. - Superior mouths are angled upward.
—This mouth position is an adaptation for feeding at the surface of the water, above the body position of the fish. - Inferior are angled downward or even positioned underneath the head.
—This mouth position is an adaptation for bottom feeding, eating food that is located below the position of the fish.
Protective Mechanisms of Bony Fishes
Scales and other surface armour
Generally, most fish depend on fast swimming, powerful jaws and good sensory systems. However, subsidiary protective measures have been developed, especially in those fishes that have given up the fast-swimming habit.
- Protective armour of the Paleozoic fishes, formed by thick, overlapping bony plates. Present day trunkfishes also have bony armour.
- Cycloid and ctenoid scales form a covering of thin overlapping bony plates.
Protective Mechanisms of Bony Fishes
Spines and poison glands
- In many fishes the scales bear upstanding spines and possess a pulp cavity opening to a poison gland, e.g., globefishes or spiny puffers.
- Sometimes these spines are restricted to the opercular and dorsal fin areas. These types of spines may be provided with modified dermal glands that produce toxins, e.g., triggerfish.
- Angler fishes have modified spines used for attracting prey.
Protective Mechanisms of Bony Fishes
Luminescent organs
Luminescent organs may be used as a protective mechanism by some deep-sea fishes.
In many species the light is due to organs containing luminous bacteria, while in other fish modified mucous glands containing guanine crystals may form them.
Depending upon the fish species the light may be used to startle attackers, hide the silhouette of the fish, or attract prey.
Protective Mechanisms of Bony Fishes
Electric organs
Electric organs are usually derived from muscle cells (but their origin from glandular and nervous tissue has not been ruled out) and emit an electrical discharge, e.g., electric eel, knifefish, electric ray.
These structures are also used for navigation, offense and communication.
Protective Mechanisms of Bony Fishes
Structural Camouflage
Some fish have modified their fins or other part of their body to provide structural feature that they use, along with cryptic coloration, to help camouflage themselves from their prey or other predators.
Color and Visual communication
For most fish, vision is the most important sense for finding food and communicating with other fish.
There is an enormous variety of visual signals among fish from subtle movements of the body and fins to bright colors arranged in elaborate patterns.
Colors in fish are of two basic types, pigments and structural. Pigments are located primarily in the chromatophores.
Structural colors are caused by light reflecting from purine crystals located in special chromatophores.
Color patterns in fish function in intraspecific communication, evasion of predators and possibly thermoregulation.
The use of color in fishes as a protective mechanism may be grouped as cryptic or concealing (e.g., flounder) and warning coloration (e.g., puffer). See Appendix B on Adaptive Coloration.
Concealment or Cryptic coloration
a) Concealment or Cryptic coloration
b) Red coloration – wavelengths in the red region of the spectrum are the first to be filtered out as light passes through the water. Fishes that are solidly red are often nocturnal (e.g., cardinal fishes and squirrel fishes) or live at moderate depths (e.g., rockfishes) and thus are cryptically colored.
c) Obliterative shading (countershading) functions in concealment from above and below and is present in a large number of fish species (e.g., trout, shark).
d) Disruptive coloration such as eye lines, lateral or vertical stripes are common in many fishes.
- Fishes associated with beds of aquatic plants (e.g., sunfishes, cichlids) often have vertical bars that help blend in with the vertical pattern of plants.
- Lateral stripes are best developed in schooling fishes. They appear to serve a dual purpose of keeping school members properly oriented to each other and confusing predators who cannot distinguish individuals from the group.
- Eyespots are found in many fishes and are often found in the caudal or dorsal regions. They appear to serve to confuse predators into aiming attacks at the caudal area rather than the head.
- Eye ornamentation or eye lines help disguise the eye.
Warning or Aposematic coloration
many fish use bright coloration to advertise some noxious attribute, such as being toxic, for predator avoidance (e.g., yellow puffer). Mimicry is prevalent (e.g., triggerfish)
Epigamic (sex) coloration and Social coloration
is used in sexual and courtship behaviors (e.g., wrasse). There is also some indication that this coloration may aid in maintaining groups (e.g., some butterfly fish).
Chemical communication
Most fish have a well-developed ability to detect chemicals. Chemicals produced by fish are very important in intraspecific communication; especially in fish that do not have keen eyesight or who live in habitats with poor visibility.
Pheromones – chemicals used for intraspecific communication, are important in reproductive behaviors, individual recognition and predator avoidance.
Auditory communication
Sound production is fairly widespread in fishes. Sound is produced for attraction and/or stimulation between sexes, for defense against predators, to intimidate or threaten others (intraspecific), and possibly for maintaining schools.
- The sounds produced by noisier species tend to be low-pitched with grunt-like or knocking qualities and are often repetitive.
- Fish produce sounds in three main ways:
a) Stridulation or rubbing together of bones.
b) Vibrations of the swim bladder.
c) Incidental to other activities.
Fishes with the most complex auditory signals usually use the swim bladder as the sound- producing organ (See Ostariophysi)
Reproduction and Development
Sperm and egg development in separate male and female individuals (the most prevalent type).
Testes in fish are internal and longitudinal. They are composed of follicles in which the spermatozoa develop.
Ovaries in fish are internal and originate as paired structures. Their size and the extent of their occupancy of the body cavity vary with the stage of sexual maturity. They may compose up to 70% of body weight when the female is gravid with mature eggs.
Reproduction and Development
The male and female sex organs occur in the same individual. This form of reproduction is rare in fish and extremely rare in any other vertebrate group.
• Synchronous hermaphrodites – possess both male and female sex organs at the same time. It is uncommon, although some sea bass and hamlets and many of the deep-sea fishes are synchronous hermaphrodites.
• Sequential hermaphrodites – change sex as they grow. Protogyny, a change from female to male, is the most common form of sequential hermaphorditism. At least 14 families have protogynous species, and is common in the wrasses, parrotfish, and groupers. Far less common is protandry, a change from male to female. Moray eels, damselfishes, and anemonefishes are protandrous.
Reproduction and Development
The development of young without fertilization. In the Amazon Molly mating is required, but the sperm only serves to incite the egg development. The resultant young are always female without any trace of paternal characters.
Reproduction and Development
(“egg layers”) – The embryo develops within an egg outside the mother’s body. The vast majority of fish species are oviparous.
Reproduction and Development
Lecithotrophy (Ovovivipary - “egg retainers”)
The embryo develops within an egg inside the mother’s body, but no placenta forms. The mother does not supply nutrients to the embryo, the egg yolk supplies the nutrients.
Only a few species of bony fish are ovoviviparous.
Some fish bear live young.
e.g., Guppies and some mollies accord an extreme amount of care via internal incubation.
e.g., Male seahorse carries eggs in a special brood chamber until “birth”.
Reproduction and Development
Matrotrophy (Vivipary - “live bearers”)
The embryo develops within the mother’s body and receives nourishment from a placenta. Viviparity in fish is extremely rare.
Sharks are a unique fish group in that most sharks are either ovoviviparous or viviparous, few sharks are oviparous
Reproduction and Development
Fish Eggs
The eggs of fish are anamniotic, nevertheless, the eggs of most fishes have “shells” secreted around them; however, they do not have extra-embryonic membranes.
The “shelled” eggs occur in oviparous species and the “shell’ is formed as the eggs pass down the oviducts. There are different types of eggs:
Reproduction and Development
Spawning and Nests
- Some species do not build nests and just typically scatter their eggs.
- Some species make nests and exhibit parental care.
- Other species build nests but then desert the nests after spawning.