Ch. 1 Flashcards
Binominal nomenclature
Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus
The Linnaean system names species using binomial nomenclature: two names, a genus name and a species epithet.
(Greek taxo, “to arrange”; nomos, “order”)
Species are grouped in hierarchical categories (family, order, class, and so on).
These categories are called taxa (singular taxon), and the discipline of naming organisms is taxonomy.
Goals for scientific names are threefold:
uniqueness (i.e., no two species can share the same name);
universality (i.e., everyone agrees to use the same name); and
stability (i.e., a species name cannot be changed once it is properly named).
If stability of names is a goal of nomenclature, then why do species names seem to change so often?
- upon further study, a systematist may decide that what was thought to be one species turns out to be two or more species.
- a species thought to be distinct is found to be the same as another species
- or that a species originally placed in one genus belongs in another genus;
- or that the species name was already in use for another organism (often an insect).
Another reason for instability of names is the principal of priority,
which means that the first person who recognizes and names a species in an appropriate publication is credited as the author of that species name; any other names that someone else subsequently applies to that species are invalid.
phylogeny, or phylogenetic tree
The root (sometimes called the base)
From its root, the tree branches-splits in two at a node. Splits at subsequent nodes, in an earliest-to-most-recent time progression, lead to all the branches in the tree.
terminal taxon
Each branch ends in a terminal taxon, the group named at the tip of the branch.
classification bracket
basal group
the branch closer to the root of a particular tree.
Tax that branch after Basel
The arrangement of branches and taxa in a tree are collectively termed the tree’s topology.
phylogenetic systematics
(Greek phylon, “tribe”; genesis, “origin”).
A core concept of phylogenetic systematics
is the recognition of groups of organisms at different hierarchical levels within an evolutionary lineage, or clade.
Clades must have a single evolutionary origin–that is, they must be monophyletic (Greek mono, “one” or “single”), and include all the descendants of a common ancestor.
Members within monophyletic groups
are linked by nested sets of characters that trace the evolutionary history of the group.
These principles-monophyly and the inclusion of all descendants underpin the discipline of cladistics
shared derived characters
that is, characters that have the same evolutionary origin (i.e., are homologous) and that differ from an ancestral condition (are derived).
A shared derived character is a synapomorphy (Greek syn, “together”).
derived character
A derived character is called an apomorphy (Greek apo, “away from”; morphe, “form”; thus, “away from the ancestral con-dition”).
The basic method is to compare characters…
in the group of interest, the ingroup, to those of an outgroup, a reference group or groups that, although known to be related to the organisms we are studying, is less closely related to any member of the ingroup than the ingroup members are to each other.
The most parsimonious phylogeny
(i.e., the branching sequence requiring the fewest number of changes)
Any change in a structure is an unlikely event, so the most plausible phylogeny is the one requiring the fewest changes.
molecular scaffolding
Studies that include extant and extinct organisms often employ the technique
of molecular scaffolding: the extant taxa are placed in their phylogenetic position by the relationships established by the molecular data, and then morphological data are used to integrate the fossil taxa with the extant taxa.
sister group (or sister taxon),
which refers to the monophyletic lineage most closely related to the mono-phyletic lineage being discussed.
extant phylogenetic bracket.
Crown group
have all of the derived character states found in extant species. Not all members of a crown group have to be extant; an extinct species with all of the derived characters is a member of the crown group.
Stem group
Stem groups are those extinct forms that lack some of the derived characters. Put another way, stem groups are fossils with some derived characters, and crown groups contain extant species plus fossils that have all the derived characters of the extant group. Stem groups are paraphyletic because they do not contain all the descendants of the ancestor of the stem group.
gene families
Genes are often grouped in gene families that produce multiple structurally related forms of the same protein, and regulatory genes from a relatively small number of families control a host of developmental processes.
developmental regulatory genes
can be expressed in different parts of the body, affect diverse aspects of the phenotype, and can interact.
Heterochrony (Greek heteros, “different”; chronos, “time”) refers to changes in the timing of gene expression during development.
Heterochrony can involve the length of time during which a gene is expressed during development.