Fish & Invertebrate Husbandry, WQ, & Enrichment Flashcards
What are the four types of culture systems?
Describe the components of aquaria.
What are some of the challenges of managing ponds?
Describe the effect of temperature, pH, and alkalinity on the dissolved oxygen and CO2 in a pond - as well as their effects on the toxicity of ammonia and copper.
What are flow through culture systems used for?
What are semi-opoen culture systems used for?
Four major types of culture systems: aquaria, pongs, cages, and raceways with the major difference between them being how quickly the water turns over.
- Flow through systems (raceways) constantly add new well oxygenated water to dilute out toxins.
- Aquaria can hold higher fish densities because of supplemental life support systems.
Closed culture systems: Aquaria
- Composed of the aquarium, substrate (crushed coral reacts with acids in the tank to release calcium and magnesium to increase hardness), filters (corner, under gravel, outside, and canister – circulate water for oxygenation (mechanical) and remove nitrogenous waste products via bacteria that colonize the filter bed (biological) and remove particulates/pigments (chemical)), aerator, other purification (foam fractionation), live plants, decorations, heater, disinfection unit (used to remove pathogens from the water – ozone or UV)
Closed culture systems: Ponds
- It is not possible to treat the pond without affected the fish, and not possible to treat the fish without affecting the pond ecosystem.
- Fertilization (used to stimulate growth of algae to produce oxygen and remove ammonia), aerator, liming (neutralize acids to maintain pH – also provides carbonate, calcium and magnesium)
- Commercial ponds face problems similar to intensive animal agriculture. High stocking density mandates high nutrient input from feed which causes a buildup of toxic wastes. Large fluctuations in oxygen. Disease can spread rapidly – herd health approach
- Farm pond – raise fish (channel catfish and gamefish). Source of food an enjoyment for owner. Medical advice should be incorporated into routine calls made for care of other farm animals. May be deep, leading to stratification problems.
- Pet fish ponds – goldfish and koi. Supplementary life support needed if fish are in a high density.
Flow through culture systems
- Also known as open systems are primarily used to raise salmonids.
- High water turnover rate and flushing effect to maintain water quality. Continually flowing water enters at one point and exits another. Major limitation is amount of water available for use.
- Most common type is the raceway – long narrow ditch longitudinal divided in to compartments with a waterfall between each one. Oxygen is the major limiting factor to the number of fish possible.
- Some farms use liquid oxygen 🡪 can lead to ammonia toxicity and low pH. Not feasible to control water quality variables in these systems.
- Regulations restrict the type and amount of effluents released. Many systems use surface (stream water) which depends on rainfall and thus can case overcrowding and high temperatures in the summer or during droughts. Ground water is usually free of pathogens, not chemically influenced by rainfall and chemically stable.
Semi-open culture systems
- Cages (net pens) intermediate between open and closed. There are floating, fixed, submerged, and submersible. Fixed cages have net bag driven into the bottom, floating cages have a buoyant collar that supports the net, submerged cages remain permanently below the water while submersible cages can move vertically in the water to take advantage of environmental conditions.
- Tilapia, carp, salmonids, sea bass, and sea beam

Describe the mechanics of water conditioning.
What are the typical systems used with marine mammals? How does that differ with fish?
How does mechanical filtration work? What about flocculation?
How does foam fractionation work?
How does biological filtration work? What considerations should be given to biofilter design?
How does ecological filtration work?
What sterilizing agents and disinfectants can be used? Which should not be used?
Where should heat exchangers be placed in the filtration process?
Fowler 7 Ch 24 - The Mechanics of Aquarium Water Conditioning
- Open- direct circulation with natural body of water and do not usually require filtration
- Semiclosed- basic filtration systems but rely on partial exchanges with external water body
- Closed- most complex, includes all types of filtration
- Simplest artificial filtration system is marine mammal system, with different levels of filtration
- Dump and fill- similar to human swimming pools, may be brine or chlorination, some use marine mammal mix that more closely mimics ocean water (sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride)
- Mechanical filtration
- Ozone with chlorine/bromine
- Ozone without chlorine
- U.V. sterilizer
- Most complicated involve fish (+/-birds, reptiles) was water quality is imperative for resp
- No chlorine or bromine with fish.
- Oxygen-reduction potential (ORP) less than 350 mV when using ozone
- Biological filtration
- Gas exchange/partial pressure
- Foam fractionation
- Denitrification
- Invertebrates systems are even more complicated and detailed chemistry control needed
Traditional routes of water conditioning
- Gas exchange and aeration- large surface area-to-volume ratio allows good gas exchange with atmosphere (normal with large natural bodies of water)
- Artificial systems- maintaining natural balance of dissolved gases in systems critical to support bio filtration, maintain plant photosynthesis and animal respiration, maintain pH, and prevent supersaturation
- Try to maintain natural ratio to of O2/N/CO2- 1/2/4
- Primary components in artificial systems for gas exchange- diffuser stones, degas chambers (trickle filters), and venture injectors
- Surface skimming used to remove mostly dissolved organics at surface of tank
- Hinder gas exchange there
- Surface skimming used to remove mostly dissolved organics at surface of tank
Filtration methods
- Organic and bacterial loads important in filtration
- Closed recirculating systems- completely dependent on human manipulations to condition water and sustain life
- Filtration is designed to reduce overall organic and bacterial loads in a system
- Mechanical filtration
- Divide into large, medium, fine and dissolved materials
- Large particulate removed by a prefilter (screens and baskets)
- Medium particulates removed by pressure sand filtration or canister filters
- Fine particulates removed by flocculation- use with caution as effects on fish and invertebrates are not completely known
- Flocculation- method of using chemicals to bind particulates to make them bigger and easier to remove.
- Dissolved organics may also removed by activated carbon
- Foam Fractionation- particulates brought together mechanically by causing flow conditions that promote particle collisions
- Water slowly pushed down column with air injected at bottom of column, creating steady upward stream of very small bubbles
- Mucopolysaccharides produced by bacteria and algae stick together
- Safer alternative to flocculation
- Contact with air bubbles- form an organic film on surface of bubbles
- Resulting foam skimmed and flushed to drain, removing organic waste
- Biological filtration: unnaturally large populations of relatively few species of bacteria encouraged to convert organic waste products and nitrogenous toxins (ammonia and nitrite) to less toxic waste products (nitrate, phosphate, co2 and bio inert organic compounds)
- Causes yellowing of aquarium water
- Bacteria competes with fish and invertebrates for oxygen
- Denitrification- anaerobic two-step process, reactions catalyzed by specific bacteria reduce NO3−2 and release N2 as gas from system
- Dissolved oxygen = DO is the most common limiting factor to biological filtration
- Important biofilter design considerations
- Surface area (optimal is 2-5 ft2/gallon)
- Amount of solid buildup
- Gas exchange properties
- Water flow distribution over biofilm
- Packing – how media compresses w/in filter which affects water distribution through filter
- Backwashing requirements
- Uniformity and stability of biofilm populations
- Biomass shearing
- Water channeling – abnormal distribution of water allowing bypass of majority of media
- Ecological filtration
- Natural process where balance populations of bacteria, turf algae, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and other microorganisms interact with each other within specialized physical environment to form ecosystem that completely cycles and/or removes waste products in aquarium while enriching aquarium with oxygen, buffering pH and balancing water chemistry
- Sterilizing and disinfectants
- Sterilization
- Point contact sterilization- water diverted in sidestream in continuous contact with sterilizing agent and recycled back to system (inline UV radiation and ozone)
- Bulk fluid sterilization- oxidizes organics and kills microorganisms throughout water system (chlorine)
- Chlorine/bromine use in water systems regulated by APHIS
- Not to be used in systems housing fish
- Chlorine can be neutralized with sodium thiosulfate
- Activated carbon can also remove chlorine – must be replaced frequently
- Dissipation of chlorine not reliable as it takes 20 hours for each 1mg/L of chlorine
- Chloramine is a stable product of chlorine and ammonia – TOXIC to fish
- Sodium hydroxymethanesulfonate neutralizes chloramine
- Sterilization
- Ozone (O3)- allotrope of oxygen
- Highly oxidative and good for water sterilization and clarification
- Not very stable, dissipates readily
- Must be generated onsite
- Silver and Copper- together create bactericidal and fungicidal treatment
- Best in soft water
- EPA limits are silver 100 ppb and copper 1000 ppb.
- UV sterilization- radiation in range 254-nm to irradiate pathogens and proteinaceous debris
- Best to use in flow through system
- Tubes need to be changed every 6 months
- Water Conditioning for Marine Bird–Only Systems
- Freshwater systems with routine water changes to decrease oxidation demand on disinfectants
- Option only if not marine taxa will not be sharing with fish, reptiles, or mammals
- Heat exchangers- best if placed last in water handling system just before water reenters exhibit to be most efficient
- Must be sized correctly for the temp range of species, size and flow rate and thermal characteristics of the system
- Select one with water contacting components that are nontoxic, no heavy metal leaching
Describe the proper protocol for collecting a water sample for water quality testing.
What are the minimum parameters that should be tested for water quality.
What are the most common water quality issues?
Minimum parameters: temperature, salinity, nitrogenous wastes, pH, hardness, alkalinity, dissolved gases +/- anions, cations, heavy metals, turbidity, microbiome
- Consider accuracy, sensitivity (detection limits), calibration and maintenance requirements, ease of use, cost of purchase and maintenance, durability, reliability in working conditions, and associated disposal requirements (such as reagents)
Most likely issues
- Source water - low DO, inappropriate temp, incorrect composition of salt mizes, high chlorines in municipal water, high iron in well water
- System water - high nitrogenous wastes, pH change in low-pH systems, temp change in tropical fish systems, oxidative by-products and low iodide insystems with ozone disinfection, drug assays
- Discharge water - drug residues, temp, salinity, pathogen load
- Transport water - low DO, high ammonia, inappropriate temps

Describe how the water source may affect water quality.
What are some advantages and disadvantages of using municipal water, surface water, or ground water?
Water source
Municipal water - tap water
- Often requires treatment to remove chlorines and chloramines
Surface water - ponds, streams, rivers, lakes, seas
- Often requires filtration and disinfection to reduce particulates and pathogens
Ground water - wells, springs, aquifiers
*Any source water may require temperature correction

Describe the effects of low dissolved oxygen on fish.
How is DO tested?
When should it be tested?
What are the target values?
What are some causes of low DO?
Is warm or cold water more likely to be affected?
How does DO vary throughout the day in a pond?
Dissolved Oxygen
Low DO - common cause of acute m&m in fish, can damage microbial population supporting biological filtration leading to increases in toxic nitrogenous waste
- Test continuously or routinely as positive aka daily, can vary across the year esp surface water
- Establish baselines across all seasons
- Check prior to and during immersion treatment, restraint, or transport
- Measure in multiple locations (varies with depth, water flow, and surface water agitation)
- Test using a DO meter: oxygen-permeable membrane, uses oxygen-dependent chemical reaction with electrical current measured by polarographic or galvanic electrodes
- Polarographic models require probe to be moved through the water
- Fiber-optic units measure the effect of oxygen on fluorescence
- Calibration is required each time it is turned on usually against moist room air, membrane should be replaced periodically or if there are tears or bubbles
- Measured in mg/L = ppm or as % saturation (amount required to saturate water varies with temp and salinity
- Target 6-15 mg/L or >90% saturation *some fish may be tolerant of lower levels but nitrifying bacteria in biological filters require >80%
- Low: <2-4 mg/L likely to cause morbidity and mortality in most species
- Often due to poor water flow, reduced photosynthesis, high organic loads
- More problematic in warm water because of low solubility and for pelagic and reef fish because of higher O2 demands
- High: rarely a problem, theoretically could cause O2 toxicity and gill damage, safe upper limit 120-140%
- Varies significantly across the day especially with vascular plants, algae, or phytoplankton which produce O2 during daylight through photosynthesis but consume oxygen overnight, lowest DO at dawn
- Oxygen is more soluble at lower temperatures

What does the total gas pressure (or total dissolved gasses) measure?
What are the effects of high TGP?
Which gas is most likely to cause issues? Why?
How is TGP measured? What are the target values?
What values are likley to cause pathology?
What are the typical causes of high TGP?
Total gas pressure (TGP; total dissolved gasses, TDG) - partial pressures of O2, nitrogen, CO2, argon
- High: supersaturation, when total partial pressures is > atmospheric pressure → causes gas emboli and pathology in vasculature, eyes, or subcu spaces in fish
- Nitrogen is the most likely to cause gas emboli because its insolubility makes it more likely to come out of solution within the fish
- Get baseline for every system, monitor continuously in intensive systems
- Must be measured on site in the system, uses TGP meters (saturometers)
- Keep in water for >30 min (takes time for gasses to diffuse across membrane), best to track over at least 24hr to look for transient increases
- mg/L and %saturation relative to atmospheric pressure of air at the water surface
Target 90-100% or <105%
- High TGPs: gas emboli in fish, >110% likely to cause pathology; often due to entrainment of air into a pump or valve due to a crack or leak upstream, turbulent water flow (esp at depth), or poorly designed gas-exchange towers
- Single TGP values less useful than serial monitoring
- Low: unusual, may be associated with low DO or low water flow, warrants investigation
Discuss the monitoring of temperature as part of water quality.
How do thermoclines develop?
How quickly can temperature change safely?
How does increasing the temperature of a system lead to more toxicity?
Temperature - cooler water is heavier than warmer water so steep temp gradients (thermoclines) can develop in deep habitats
- Assay continuously or at least daily, when fish moved between bodies of water, during restraint and transport
- Use thermometers certified by National Institute of Standards and Technology in the US), check accuracy and precision, min and max should be reported
- Species preferred temp zones
- Tropical reef fish: 22-28C (72-82F)
- Goldfish, koi: 15-22C (59-72F)
- Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, other cold water spp: 7-18C (45-64F)
- Generally shouldnt change by >2C/hr or 5F/hr
- Increased temp in a system with high ammonia or heavy metals shifts chemical equilibrium to more toxic forms and m&m become more likely
Describe the measurement of salinity as part of water quality monitoring.
How is artificial saltwater prepared?
How often should salinity be measured?
How is it measured?
What are typical values for freshwater and for saltwater?
What are some causes of low salinity?
What are some causes of high salinity?
Salinity - concentration of dissolved ions in water, mainly sodium and chloride in seawater, also calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, and other inorganic elements
- Ions increase density of water and make it easier to conduct an electric current so salinity can be indirectly measured by specific gravity and electrical conductivity
- Artificial seawater typically made from dechlorinated municipal freshwater with added salt mixtures
- Avoid commercial mixes with sodium chloride alone and anticaking agents
- Phosphates rarely required in salt mixes for established aquariums because levels accumulate from food fed
- Bromides are less common in salt mixes recently, not required at levels seen in natural seawater and can form harmful residual oxidants with ozone disinfection
- Salts should be mixed in off-exhibit tank, not added directly to a system
- Salts are often a significant part of the cost of a marine aquarium
- Ions can be removed from freshwater by deionization, reverse osmosis, or distilling
- Test incoming water routinely or with production of each batch, test every 2-4 weeks if stable
- Full cation analysis (Na, Ca, Mg, and other ions) should be considered periodically
- Can be stored for a few days at room temp or weeks refrigerated or frozen
- Refractometer or hydrometer to measure specific gravity - reflects total dissolved solids but gives a quick approximation
- USG usually 1.005-1.030, conversion tables available for temperature correction
- Handheld conductivity meters more accurate indirect measurements of salinity (salt water) or total dissolved solids (freshwater)
- g/L = ppt or practical salinity units (psu; roughly equivalent to g/L)
- Freshwater systems - electrical conductivity may be reported in uSiemens/cm or umho/cm
- Seawater often 32-35 g/L; freshwater <0.5 g/L or conductivity 60-2000 uS/cm
- Ion-exchange chromatography is used for cation analysis
- Low salinity may be caused by freshwater contamination, insufficient salt added, or crystallization of salts on lids/life support system components (“salt creep”)
- High salinity: evaporation or contamination by salts or saltwater
Describe the nitrogen cycle and how it affects fish.
What are the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria?
What are the nitrite-oxidizing bacteria? Where are they found?
Which form of ammonia is most toxic?
What are the two methods for measuring ammonia? When should they be used?
What about nitrite? Is it more of an issue in FW or SW fish? Why?
At what level does nitrate become an issue?
How frequently should these tests be run?
What are target concentrations for these products?
Nitrogenous wastes: Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate
- Nitrogenous wastes are produced through protein metabolism by animals and decay processes (excess food or dead plant matter)
- Nitrogen cycle: conversion of ammonia → nitrite → nitrate
- Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria: betaproteobacteria, gammaproteobacteria (Nitrosomas)
- Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria: Nitrobacter, Nitrococcus, Nitrospina, Nitrospira spp.
- Nitrifying bacteria exist on all surfaces within the habitat but are concentrated where surface area is high (sand filters, undergravel filters
- Uses oxygen and alkalinity, produces CO2 via bacterial respiration
- Ammonia: ionized (NH4+) and unionized (NH3) = total ammonia nitrogen (TAN)
- *Un-ionized more toxic to fish as it can diffuse across the gills
- Increase in toxic form (un-ionized) at high pH, high temp, and low salinity
- Nitrite can be toxic to fish in freshwater systems
- colorless adn odorless, toxic at 0.10 mg/L in freshwater
- Binds hemoglobin (methemoglobinemia)
- Chloride cells transport nitrite as well (nitrite to chloride ratio dependent, so less of an issue in SW)
- Nitrate is a stressor and endocrine disruptor
- Can disrupt hemtologic factors when >100 mg/L
- Nitrate is removed from the system though water changes, algal or vascular plant use, and denitrification systems
- Assay ammonia and nitrite on all systems q1-2wks in stable systems: daily in new systems, when new fish are added, or following immersion treatment
- Nitrate testing often less frequent, q1-2mo
- Samples for ammonia and nitrite can be stored for a few hours at room temp, up to 24hr if refrigerated, 48 hrs if frozen
- Nitrate more stable, can store samples longer
- Commercial test kits for ammonia:
Nessler method - rapid and reliable in freshwater, less accurate in salt water
- May be falsely elevated within 24-72hr of treatment with formalin or ammonia-locking compounds (often contain formalin)
- Includes mercury which must be disposed of as hazardous waste
Ammonium salicylate method - more accurate in salt water if using modifying reagent developed by Kingsley
- Produces sodium nitroferricyanide - often requires disposal as hazardous waste
- Not affected by presence of formalin
- More expensive, slightly slower
- Ion-specific electrodes for measuring ammonia, have to know water temp, pH, and salinity
- Nitrite and nitrate tests: colorimetric, assayed with colorimeter or spectrophotometer (more accurate)
- TAN reported in mg/L; un-ionized ammonia calculated from TAN using conversion factor based on temp, pH, +/- salinity
- UIA < 0.02 mg/L
- Nitrite-nitrogen <0.1 mg/L
- Nitrate-nitrogen <50 mg/L for most fish (<15 mg/L for may inverts)
- High ammonia followed by high nitrite often seen in newly established recirculating systems in first few weeks after animal additions until there are sufficient nitrifying bacteria to handle the bioload.
- High nitrate is seen in long-established recirculating systems without denitrification or adequate water changes or with system contamination such as nitrogenous fertilizer
- Increases more likely to be problematic in warm water and freshwater systems because of higher unionized (toxic) form of ammonia
- Low levels are never a concern for fish but vascular plants and algae need nitrate for healthy growth
Nessler method - rapid and reliable in freshwater, less accurate in salt water

What are the target pH values for freshwater adn saltwater?
What is an effect of increased pH? When is this most clinically relevant?
How does it vary with the day? When is it the lowest?
pH - concentration of hydrogen ions on a logarithmic scale
- Test incoming water regularly or with each production batch, test stable systems every 2 weeks
- Samples cannot be frozen and assaye slater
- Colorimetric tests common but accuracy often +/- 0.5
- Handheld pH meters use electrometric or potentiometric methods - more accurate and readily available, must be calibrated
- Freshwater: target pH 5.5-7.5
- Saltwater: target pH 7.5-8.5
- New concrete can leach materials that affect pH
- Increases in pH increase toxic forms of ammonia and heavy metals, most clinically relevant with closed transport containers when plastic bags are opened post-transport and accumulated CO2 escapes causing water pH to increase and high levels of ammonia in the transport water to become more toxic
- pH can vary significantly across the day because of diurnal changes in animal and plant respiration and photosynthesis, esp heavily planted systems - pH values are lowest at dawn
What do alkalinity and hardness measure?
Low alkalinity can increase what toxicity? How does this occur?
How are these values measured?
What are the typical values in a FW system?
What about a SW system?
How do changes in these values occur?
Alkalinity - concentration of anions or bases in water: bicarb (HCO3-) and carbonate (CO3 2-), also hydroxide (OH-), borate (BO3 3-), and phosphate (PO4 3-)
- Measure of buffering capacity, high alkalinity helps to limit rapid changes in pH
- High alkalinity is often associated with high hardness and high pH but not always true
- Test system alkalinity every 2-4wks, prior to copper sulfate immersion (low alkalinity increases risk of toxicity)
Hardness - concentration of divalent cations: Ca2+ and Mg2+, also strontium (Sr2+), ferrous iron (Fe2+), and manganese (Mn2+)
- Monitor hardness in rearing systems - inappropriate hardness can affect egg hatchability and fry survival
- Samples can be stored for a few days at room temp or few wks when refrigerated
- Commercial colorimetric test kits: EDTA titration, atomic absorption spectrometry
- Spectrophotometric testing for specific anions or cations may be considered in specific systems
- Calcium in hard coral and egg or larval-rearing systems
- Ferrous iron in well water
- Phosphates in hard coral systems, outdoor ponds where increases (from fertilizer) can cause algal blooms, and long-established closed systems where phosphates from food builds up over time
- Hardness and alkalinity measured in mg/L of CaCO3 or mEq/L CaCO3
- mEq/L x 100 = mg/L CaCO3
- Freshwater may be soft (hardness 40-75 mg/L or 2-4dH) or hard (hardness 75-150 mg/L or 4-8dH); alkalinity 50-200 mg/dL
- Saltwater usually high hardness (150-300 mg/L or 8-16 dH) and high alkalinity (>200 mg/L)
- Possible target range for free calcium is 25-100 mg/L
- Most common problem: gradual decrease in alkalinity in closed system as ions are used by animals, buffers and salts routinely added to compensate
Also affected by addition or removal of salts such as oyster shell (CaCO3), calcitic limestone (CaCO3), dolomitic limestone (MgCO3 and CaCO3), hydrated/slaked lime/limewater (Ca(OH)2), sodium bicarb (NaHCO3), sodium carbonate/soda ash (NA2CO3), and calcium chloride (CaCl2)
- May be part of substrate (crushed coral), decor, or enclosure walls (concrete)
- Low alkalinity increases risk of rapid pH changes; low alkalinity and hardness increase the dissolution and absorption of heavy metals
- Copper sulfate treatment is contraindicated in low alkalinity because of the possibility of rapid pH changes
What affect does dissolved carbon dioxide have on water quality?
What is a target concentration?
What are some effects of higher levels? When does this commonly occur?
Carbon dioxide - very dynamic
- Highly soluble, produced by animal and microbial respiration and decay processes, used during photosynthesis
- Reacts with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3) which dissociated to bicarbonate (HCO3-_ then carbonate (CO3 2-), and hydrogen ions (H+) depending on alkalinity, pH, salinity and temp
- Testing is not common but usually done in high-risk situations
- Measured on site and within 30 min of sampling
- Commercial colorimetric tests, can be estimated based on pH and alkalinity using standard curves
- Narrow range of pH in salt water (7.5-8.5) means low pH may indicate high levels CO2
- mg/L; common target < 20 mg/L
- High CO2 affects pH and O2 availability, common in intensive aquaculture systems with limited off-gassing, closed transport containers, well water, and after algal or phytoplankton die-off
- Low levels not a health concern for fish but vascular plants, algae, and phytoplankton need CO2 for photosynthesis
- CO2 is inversely related to pH and is a component of alkalinity which affects pH stability
- CO2 can vary significantly across the day because of diurnal changes in respiration and photosynthesis, highest at dawn
What are the various forms of chlorine in water? Which are toxic?
What is the difference between free and total chlorine?
When are these values measured?
What shoudl the values be?
How do high levels occur?
How are high levels managed?
Chlorines and chloramines - toxic to fish and invertebrates (not to be confused with chloride)
- Chlorines: oxidants that are highly reactive
- Chlorides: essential salts to fish
- Chloramines: chlorines bound to ammonia *no direct test for chloramines
- Chlorines and chloramines frequently used as a disinfectant in municipal water, can be present in tap water at levels that can be toxic to fish (0.5-3 g/L) *must be removed
- Also accidental exposure to bleach or similar disinfectants
- Ozone disinfection can convert chlorides (and bromides) in water into strong oxidants and oxidative by-products *should be confined to ozone contact chamber and not released into the fish habitat
- “Free chlorine” - sum of active oxidants (Cl2, OCl-, and HOCl)
- “Total chlorine” - sum of free chlorine and combined chlorine (chloramines)
- Assayed where they are considered a risk: incoming municipal freshwater before and after carbon filtration or other treatment to ensure chlorines have been removed; with ozone disinfection test for residual oxidants including free and total chlorine (and free and total bromine)
- Regular testing more useful than individual results because of margin of error inherent in many of the test methods
- Any tap-water contamination will artificially increase results
- Testing by colorimetry or potentiometry
- Measured in mg/L - total chlorines should be <0.03 mg/L for most fish, <0.01 mg/L for sensitive species
- High levels of chlorines or chloramines are toxic to fish, most often from untreated municipal water or failure of dechlorination methods
- Management: water changes, aeration, addition of activated carbon filters, or treatment with sodium thiosulfate, UV light, or binding products such as AmQuel
What are the various forms of iodine in water? Which forms are usable?
How does ozone affect it? What about nitrate?
What are target levels for elasmobranchs?
What levels do they need to be below?
Iodide and iodate
- Iodine (I2) - essential micronutrient, exists in water as iodide (I-), iodate (IO3-), and dissolved organic iodine
- Iodide and dissolved organic iodine are considered bioavailable, can be oxidized to iodate (no available to fish)
- Deficiencies associated with goiters esp elasmobranchs
- Iodide and iodate should be assayed routinely in elasmobranch systems esp where ozone disinfection is used
- Samples can be stored for a few days at room temp or wks when refrigerated or frozen
- Iodide assayed with high-performance liquid chromatography
- Can be hard to measure accurately if nitrate levels are high
- Measured in mg/L = ppm or umol/L
- Salt water with elasmos: iodide target levels 0.03-0.06 mg/L
- Low iodide: esp in long-established recirculating systems with ozone disinfection: ozone converts iodide to iodate
- Unknown if excess iodide leads to thyroid dysfunction in fish as it does in other classes, levels should be kept <0.1 mg/L
Iodine – functions as component of thyroid hormones
- Deficiency is common cause of goiter in elasmobranchs
- Ozone reduces bioavailability – the usable iodide is oxidized to unavailable iodate. High nitrate also reduces iodide uptake
What are some potential heavy metal toxins to fish?
What should these levels typically be below?
What are some potential causes of heavy metal exposure?
When is toxicity more likely?
Heavy metals - potentially toxic to fish, particularly common where surface or ground water is used
- Potential toxins: copper, zinc, lead, mercury, manganese, and arsenic
- Test based on risk analysis, samples can be stored for weeks or months if frozen
- Commercial colorimetric tests can be used for copper and iron but heavy metals best assessed using spectrophotometer; most other tests rely on atomic absorption spectrophotometry
- Reported in mg/L = ppm or ug/L = ppb
- Important to differentiate free/ionic concentration (more toxic form) and total (free + combined/chelated)
- Generally should be <0.03 mg/L for most heavy metals
- Common causes of high heavy metals: copper sulfate treatment, contaminated source water, drip contamination of system, or leaching from decor, substrate, enclosure walls, or water lines
- Toxicity more likely at low pH, hardness, and alkalinity and at high water temps
What is turbidity? What effects does it have on fish?
How is it measured?
What are some causes of high turbidity?
Turbidity/total suspended solids - suspended material in the water column can interfere with respiration and light penetration
- Tested where indicated or in response to upcoming treatments such as copper sulfate immersion
- Black and white Secchi disk lowered into water to record depth where its no longer seen
- Secchi depth reported in cm or inches, low value = high turbidity
- Nephelometric tests measure scatter from a focused light beam, handheld probes available
- Reported in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), Formazin turbidity units, or variety of other units depending on the meter
- Target for ponds: Secchi depth >50 cm (18 in) or turbidity <1-10 NTU
- High turbidity may be due to phytoplankton or bacterial blooms, insufficient mechanical filtration, disturbance of substrate, or contamination (runoff)
How is the microbiome of aquariums assessed?
Microbiome/bacterial testing - bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi, microalgae such as diatoms
- Microbiota found within the water column and attached to all surfaces, forms a biofilm on wet surfaces
- In house testing relies on membrane filtration or multiple-tube fermentation methods, results available 1-2 days later as number of colony-forming units (CFU)/100 mL (membrane filtration) and most probable number (MPN)/100 mL (multiple-tube fermentation)
- Mostly coliforms, only represents a small proportion of total microbiome
- More complete view possible using fluorescent microscopy but requires DNA analysis to determine types of micro-organisms
- Aquarium Microbiome Project
What is the most common environmental problem of fish?
What is the target dissolve doxygen concentration?
How does that vary with water temperature? How does DO vary throughout the day in a pond?
What are some causes of reduced DO?
What fish are most susceptible? Which are more resistant?
What clinical findings would you find on exam of affected fish?
What differentials should be considered?
How is this diagnosed?
How is it corrected and prevented?

- Low DO
- Most common envtal problem of fish
- Target DO is >90% (6-18 g/L depending on salinity and water temp)
- Initiate husbandry changes rapidly to correct this
- Etiology
- Almost all fish rely on O2 in water, except a few obligate air breathers
- DO comes from plants, diffusion from air and water movement
- Causes: low aeration or water flow, high water temp/salinity, high organic load, stocking density, heavy feeding, small SA or water volume, immersion tx (formalin), granular activated carbon, reduced photosynthesis (at dawn after an algal die off in fall and winter *cloudy days in fall - ponds), ice cover over shallow ponds, high altitude, reversal of thermocline in lakes or ponds after wind, rain, thunderstorms
- Signalment
- Most- esp Salmonidae, tropical marine teleosts, elasmos
- More resistant spp - tilapia, crucian carp, goldfish, epualette sharks, facultative and obligate air breathing fish
- Larger fish more sensitive than smaller fish
- Clinical Findings
- Lethargy, inappetence, dyspnea or tachypnea (fared opercula, piping or gasping at surface or gathering in high areas of flow), blotchy skin in sharks, color changes in water, stagnant look to water, acute mortality of 100%, multiple species affected
- DDX:
- Ammonia toxicity, contaminated water, acute ectoparasitic or bacterial disease
- DX:
- Measure DO with a DO meter, calibrate every time first. Normal 90-100%
- Husbandry
- Increase aeration stat - air stones (less efficient), fine pore stones producing small bubbles > big bubbles. Provide direct aeration from O2 cylinders, liquid O2 or oxygen generators. Packed column aerators, aeration cones and Venturi oxygen injectors considered if long term needed.
- Check the life support system
- Minimize stressors
- Reduce feeding temporarily
- Remove unnecessary organic material
- Monitor ammonia and nitrite levels which can be affected
- Prevention
- Measure DO on routine basis
- Predict DO in outdoor ponds for the morning; measure at dusk and 2-3 hrs later, if extrapolation shows it falls too low at dawn, increase aeration
- Aerators on timers to provide addl aeration overnight, or turned on when DO is below a limit
- Power outages - use battery powered or generator powered air pumps, withhold food, have water available for water changes
- Monitor algae at surface
- Environmental hypoxia (Noga):
- Low DO.
Temp and salinity have a significant influence on O2 solubility.
- Higher temp, higher salinity = lower total O2 dissolved in water.
- Photosynthesis most important source of O2 in ponds.
Marked diurnal variations.
- O2 highest at sunset, net O2 production occurs during day.
- At night, O2 declines (no photosynthesis).
- Plant respiration continues, O2 is used up overnight and lowest levels are before sunrise.
- Warm water also decreases O2 solubility, so O2 lowest in ponds in summer.
- Algae major producers and consumers of O2 in ponds.
- Cloudy water may reduce photosynthesis/overcast weather.
- Massive death of algae can cause severe O2 depletion. Decaying O2 demands O2.
- Chemicals used to tx fish disease i.e. copper sulfate, potassium permanganate, formalin are algicidal.
- Ice formation can also deplete O2.
- Prevents O2 diffusion into pond and blocks photosynthesis while respiration of pond organisms continue.
Temp and salinity have a significant influence on O2 solubility.
- Due to overcrowding, low water flow in raceway, algae crash in pond, several overcast days over pond.
- Acute mortality of all but air-breathing fish, fish piping, gathering at water inflow, death with opercula flared and mouth open (agonal response), large fish die (small may survive). Chronic environmental hypoxia can cause stress.
- At least 5 mg/l of DO is needed for optimal growth and reproduction of most fish. Goldfish tolerate anoxia. Chronic hypoxia can also cause immunocompromised, ulcers.
- Tx: Restore O2 levels.
- Monitor ammonia and nitrite for 1 wk to ensure biological filtration is functioning properly.
- Aeration, can transfer water from adjacent ponds.
- Check algae concentrations.
- Dx can only be done by on-site DO measurement, otherwise not accurate.
- Differentiate environmental hypoxia from nitrite toxicity and gill parasitosis.
- Low DO.

Describe the effects of gas supersaturation in fish.
This disease is common in what settings?
What are the common causes?
What fish are more susceptible?
What are the clinical findings you may find on exam?
What differentials need to be consider?
How can this disease be confirmed?
What husbandry considerations need to be made?
What medical treatments can be used?
Gas Supersaturation (CGFM)
- Sum of gas pressures in water is higher than atmospheric pressure
- A cause of gas bubble disease
- Common in aquarium fish, following gas entrainment into a pump, in cold-water aquaculture where gas pressures are kept high. Prognosis good if supersaturation can be resolved.
- Etiology
- Increased partial pressure of dissolved gases, Nitrogen MC since that gas is more soluble and abundant > CO2 >> O2 (rare, causes oxygen toxicity or gill damage)
- Entrapment of air into a pump from a leak or crack upstream, rapid increase in water pressure or temperature, excess supplementation of gases, turbulent water flow or entrainment of air across pressure differentials i.e. life support equip on diff floors, waterfalls, water sourced from deep wells, springs, unusually high levels of photosynthesis
- Signalment
- All spp susceptible, larger and more active bony fish most likely
- Clinical Findings
- Multiple spp affected
- Exophthalmos, buphthalmos, corneal edema, intra/periocular gas, anterior lens lux or cataracts, skin darkening, focal pallor in sharks, gas bubbles in skin or fins, bubbles in brood pouch in seahorses
- dyspnea/tachypnea common
- Lethargy, increased activity, positive or negative buoyancy (due to swim bladder changes), reduced appetite, mortality can reach 100%,
- intraocular gas is slowest to resolve - cataracts and ophthalmitis common sequelae
- DDX: barotrauma, perimortem period (moribund fish on a skimmer or turbulent water), intraocular gas from infx or inflammatory processes in the eye
- DX:
- Gas emboli - PE, gill or fin bx; emphysema on necropsy, gas emboli or hemorrhage in any tissue;
- measure total gas pressure (TGP) using a TGP meter where the fish are found in the system, ideally monitor trends. >103% suspicious, >110% likely to cause acute lesions
- If no TGP meter, DO >100% suspicious
- Husbandry
- Check life support system for cracks, salt deposits
- Minimize handling, agitate surface water to promote off-gassing, incr water depth to reduce gas pressures, consider slowly reducing water temp if tolerated,
- consider recompression tx of individual fish to >1atm for 6-24 hours followed by gradual decompression over several hours or days
- If incoming water is supersaturated, well designed degassing towers are likely required
- Medical tx
- Aspiration of free gas in the eye, coelom, or pouch; recurrence if source not removed is common
- Acetazolamide - Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (reduced Co2 in the eys and plasma and may reduce O2 secretion), high doses - negative buoyancy, neuro signs, mortalities
- Consider systemic abx coverage
- Other tx reported - dorzolamide, systemic anti inflammatories
- Prevention
- Routine TGP measurements, life support system design, degassing towers with large or intensive systems, large habitats with variable depths
Problem 11 – Gas Supersaturation (Noga)
- Prevalence: WF - 4, WM - 4, CF - 3, CM - 4
- Epidemiology/Pathogenesis:
- Edema of secondary lamellae, vacuolar degeneration of renal epithelium, edema/embolization of mucosal surfaces
- Diagnosis:
- Total dissolved gases, clinical history, gross lesions
- Gas emboli in gill capillaries
- History:
- Rapid increase in water temperature, water intake pipe sucking in air, rapid decrease in pressure, behavioral abnormalities in the fish, fish floating to the surface
- Physical Examination:
- Gas emboli in gills, skin, fins, rays; exophthalmos
- Treatment:
- Agitate water to volatilize excess gas; caused by water supersaturated with gases, due to pump malfunction, cold water heated quickly, submerged hoses, algae overgrowth, pump malfunction
- Gas bubble disease/supersaturation.
- Total pressure dissolved gasses exceeds barometric pressure.
- Gases drawn or injected into water i.e. pumps, small leaks and vortices, artificial waterfalls.
- May also occur due to utilization of well water without off-gassing/when heated to higher temps.
- CS – gas embolism, emphysema in any organ.
- Most commonly in gills, exophthalmos, intraocular.
- On histo gas appears as colorless areas, choroidal rete or retrobulbar, may have granulomatous inflammation.
- High morbidity/mortality.
- Survivors may have persistent neuro signs, blindness, generalized debilitation, persistent exophthalmos.
- Evaluation of gas saturation of enclosure water.

Describe the effects of barotrauma in fish.
What causes it?
Which fish are most susceptible?
What clinical findings will you see on exam?
How can you diagnose it?
What husbandry and medical treatments can be made?
- Physical tissue damage caused by change in air or water pressure
- Can lead to swim bladder hyperinflation and rupture, exophthalmos, buphthalmos, organ compression; esophageal, gastric, cloacal or anal prolapse
- Recompression can improve short term and long term survival
- Etiology
- Rapid ascent from depth without adequate decompression
- Pressure increases with depth, 1 atm at 0 ft, 2 atm at 33 ft, etc.
- As pressure decreases, gas expands (Boyle’s law)
- Signalment
- Physoclistous >> physostomous, though the physoclistous Samson fish and silver trevally have a special vent; those lacking swim bladders less susceptible
- Clinical Findings
- Positive buoyancy, dyspnea, ataxia, exophthalmos common, prolapse of esophagus or stomach, gas emboli, exophthalmos, mortality up to 100%
- DDX: few
- DX:
- Hx, c/s, gas emboli in gill and fin bx, imaging to assess SB, necropsy
- Husbandry
- Recompression tx can resolve signs even after severe barotrauma, prognosis can be good if signs resolved with recompression
- Start recompression immediately - equiv to where fish was follected for 6-24 hr then gradually decompress over several hrs to days
- Negative buoyancy can occur due to SB damage, will resolve over time
- Medical tx
- Percutaneous aspiration of gas from SB - lateral approach
- Recompression recommended
- Prevention
- catc h fish at shallow depths, slow ascent, staging areas, increased use of recompression chambers
Describe the effects of temperature stress on fish.
How do high temperatures change fish metabolism?
How quickly can temperature be changed?
What fish are most suceptible?
What clinical findings might you see with inappropriately high temps? What about low temps?
What husbandry changes can be made to treat and prevent this?
Temperature Stress (CGFM)
- Fish are poikilothermic and many are sensitive even to small changes in water temp
- High temp - reduces DO, suppress immunity, alter drug PKs
- Fast temp changes are worse, >5F should be avoided
- Etiology
- heater/chiller/exchanger malfunction
- Changes in ambient temp
- Addition of water
- Inadequate temp control during transport
- Lack of acclimation
- Reversal of normal thermocline
- Signalment
- Tropical and coldwater fish most susceptible,
- systems reliant on heat exchangers to maintain water temp are at highest risk
- Clinical Findings
- Multiple spp affected
- High temp - activity changes, dyspnea/tachypnea, erythema, skin ulcers, deaths
- Low temp - decreased feeding/growth/activity, bradypnea, deaths
- Dx:
- Measure water temp, use same meters, should be certified; consider rate of change
- Husbandry
- High temp: slowly decrease if possible, change water if suitable water exists, add fans, increase aeration, decrease feeding
- Low temp: slow increase water temp, incr insulation, decor feeding
- Prevention
- Heat exchanger selection
- Avoid systems that differ significantly from ambient temp or have insulation
- Minimize water changes uriing transport, restraint
- Slow acclimation
Temperature Stress (Noga):
- Hypothermia – Power failure shuts down heaters, thermometer not working, heater wattage too small for aquarium, aquarium next to window draft, mortality of all but the most cold-tolerant fish i.e. cyprinids, water mold infection.
- Suppression of immune response.
- Pond fish dz most common in spring and fall, when temp fluctuations greatest.
- In US, problem for tilapia.
- Hyperthermia – Dyspnea, heater thermostat improperly set, heater not adequately submerged, wattage too large, aquarium next to heat source, summer.
- O2 less soluble at high temps.
- Problem for salmonids in the summer.
- Ponds can have large fluctuations normally without detriment, usually because of time to acclimate.
- Plastic sheeting of ponds may help with temp fluctuations.
- Shipping of tropical aquarium fish may be exposed to large fluctuations. Return to normal temp range ASAP.
- When acclimating to higher temps, best not to rise more than ~3 deg F per day.
- When temp is near upper lethal limits, limit or stop feeding since O2 needed for both homeostasis and digestion of food may exceed the amount of oxygen that can be extracted from the water.
- Stratification of ponds (one side warmer or cooler) can result in deaths when the pond finally mixes i.e. inclement weather, seining or harvesting, or aeration. Turnover in fall when surface water temps cool.
- Prevent by having farmer run weekly O2 profiles on each pond in at least two places. Correct with aeration.
- Hypothermia – Power failure shuts down heaters, thermometer not working, heater wattage too small for aquarium, aquarium next to window draft, mortality of all but the most cold-tolerant fish i.e. cyprinids, water mold infection.
Describe the effects of pH stress on fish.
What is the typical pH range of fish?
What are the effects of low pH? What about high pH?
How quickly can pH safely change?
What causes low versus high pH?
What clinical signs are seen with low versus high pH?
What husbandry changes can be made to correct these issues?
pH stress (CGFM)
- Rapid fluctuations or pH outside of preferred species range → M&M
- 7.5-8.5 typical for marine fish, FW or estuarine fish usually wider
- Low pH more common → incr uptake heavy metals, dissolution
- High pH → ammonia toxicity
- Do not change pH > 0.5/day
- Etiology
- pH affected by weak acids, strong acids, bases or buffers in water
- [buffers] is = alkalinity
- Low pH: low alkalinity, addition of RO or Deionized water, acidi rainfall, high stocking density, closed transport containers, decr photosynthesis
- High pH: high alkalinity, adding buffers, open closed transport containers, incr photosynthesis, leaching from inadequately cured concrete
- Signalment
- All susceptible
- Clinical Findings
- LOW pH: incr activity, tremors, incr mucus, dyspnea/tachypnea
- HIGH pH: dyspnea/tachypnea, skin pallor, corneal opacities, coelomic effusion
- Dx:
- Measure pH using meters, colormetric tests
- Alkalinity measurements
- Measure CO2 - test kits
- Husbandry
- Correct slowly (<0.5/d)
- Low pH
- If ammonia high, correct ammonia issue FIRST
- Change 20-30% water
- Slowly add buffer if alkalinity is low
- Slowly add Calcium hydroxide or Na hydroxide to convert CO2 or carbonic acd (CA) → carbonates
- High pH
- Change 20-30% water, add driftwood, almond leaves or peat (more acidic), remove excess plants, consider Co2 injectors
- Prevention
- Monitor pH and alkalinity
- Water changes
Describe the effects of low pH on fish.
What are the typical clinical signs with acute or chronic exposure?
What are the primary sources of low pH water?
What are some secondary sources?
What husbandry changes can be made to aquaria, ponds, or flow-through systems to correct low pH?
Low pH (Noga):
- Hx:
- Acute – mortality with tremors, hyperactivity, dyspnea.
- Chronic – increased mucus production, chronic stress.
- Tx:
- Aquaria – change water, add buffer, adjust pH if ammonia levels safe.
- Ponds – add buffer, reduce density.
- Flow-through – pretreat incoming water with buffer, add base.
- Comments:
- pH 6.5-9 generally recommended for FW fish.
- < 4, > 11 is lethal.
- Most aquarium FW fish do well in slightly acidic pH ~6.7.
- African rift lake cichlids, brackish water fish do bet in hard alkaline 7.6-8 water.
- Marine fish require stable, alk pH. 7.8-8.4.
- Optimal best 8.1-8.2.
- Fish in ponds may be more tolerant due to routine exposure to wide pH fluctuations.
- Primary sources of low-pH water:
- Most ground water from wells or springs pH 5-8.
- Ground water in contact with silicate materials poorly buffered.
- Ponds – pH influenced by soil type.
- Acid sulfate soils may have pH < 4.
- Unsuitable for fish culture unless neutralized.
- Acid rain may also lower pH.
- Acid sulfate soils may have pH < 4.
- Inadequately cured silicone aquarium sealants release acetic acid.
- Most ground water from wells or springs pH 5-8.
- Secondary sources of low-pH water:
- Metabolic activity of aquatic organisms produces acids.
- If water changes not regularly performed, can drop low in aquarium systems.
- Dropping below 5.5 can be fatal.
- Acute exposure is fatal.
- Buffering capacity and pH:
- Bicarbonate-carbonate buffer system is major moderator of pH in aquatic ecosystems.
Alkalinity – buffering capacity in water.
- Amount of bicarb and or carbonate present.
- Expressed as mg/l calcium carbonate equivalent.
- Water with high alk resists pH changes from aquatic organism metabolism.
- Low pH most common in water with low alk < 50 mg/l.
- With enough time pH can still drop.
Pond pH influenced by bircarb and also photosynthesis.
- Plants use CO2, raises pH leading to peak near sunset.
- Night, accumulation of CO2 leads to drop in pH.
- Also occurs in heavily planted aquariums.
- Flow-through system – pH is highest at inflow and lowest at outflow, caused by fish metabolism.
- Dx:
- Account for optimal pH of species, rate of pH change observed, magnitude of change, and acclimation.
- pH influences ammonia and other toxins.
- Also metals become more toxic at low pH i.e. aluminum.
- Rapid acidification of high alk water can also increase free CO2 resulting in hypercarbia.
- Pure water saturated with CO2 has pH 5.6.
- Lower suggests other acids are present i.e. nonmetallic oxides, hydrides of halogens, organic acids.
- Gill tissue primary site of acid stress.
- Increased mucus production interferes with gas and ion exchange.
- Chronic low pH assoc with poor growth, repro failure, increased accumulation of heavy metals.
- Tx:
- Acclimation – pH should not be changed more than 0.2-0.5 pH units per day.
- Ammonia tox increases greatly with pH, so ammonia should be low enough to prevent toxic side effects before adjusting pH.
- High calcium increases tolerance to low pH by reducing ionic permeability of gills.
- Aquaria:
- Commercial preparations for adjusting pH.
- Carbonate, bicarb, phosphate buffers.
- Carbonate-bicarbonate buffers preferable, major source of buffer in natural waters.
- Freq routine water changes 10-25% every 2-4 wks.
- Limestone will buffer acids but not maintain pH over 7.5, which is outside range for tropical marine fish.
- Total alk in marine aq should be 200 mg/L and not exceed 100-300.
- Commercial preparations for adjusting pH.
- Ponds:
- Increasing alk with buffer will also solve pH problem.
- Warm water fish, alk k< 50 mg/l as CaCO3 buffer should be added.
- Some acid-sulfate soils need large amounts to be neutralized.
- Best managed with other management techniques in combo.
- Flow-through:
- Trout farms susceptible to low-pH runoff may need to lime water supply during low-pH episodes.
- Agricultural lime and slaked lime do not react quickly enough to raise pH in flow-through systems.
- Can add sodium hydroxide solutions.
- pH 6.5-9 generally recommended for FW fish.
Describe the effects of high pH on fish.
How does acute versus chronic exposure differ? What lesions might you see?
What are the general treatments in aquaria and ponds?
What is the primary cause of high pH in ponds?
High pH:
- Hx:
- Acute – cloudiness skin and gills, improper lime tx of pond, acute stress.
- Chronic – chronic stress.
- Tx:
- Aquaria:
- Add buffer.
- Add deionized water.
- Add peat.
- Mechanically remove excess plants.
- Ponds:
- Add buffer (low alk pond).
- Add calcium (high alk pond).
- Add alum (high alk pond).
- Tx algae with herbicide.
- Aquaria:
- Comments:
- Alk pH stress less common than acid stress.
- Closed systems dent to decrease in pH over time.
- Acids more common environmental contaminants.
- Acutely high pH may be due to high alkalis leaching out of inadequately cured concrete.
- Can be cured with hydrochloric acid.
- Improper use of lime will rapidly raise pH to 11 killing all fish.
- Most fish should be kept in soft, moderately acid conditions.
- Alk pH also kills incubating eggs.
Chronically high diurnal pH in ponds is almost always caused by excessive phytoplankton or vascular plant photosynthesis, drives up the pH during day as CO2 is consumed.
- Ponds with low alk or low Ca.
- Wide pH swings occur in low alk waters due to not enough buffering to moderate plant assoc metabolic alkalosis.
- High alk ponds with low Ca hardness, pH can rise during day.
- Can also occur because of precip of calcium carbonate normally inhibiting rise in pH, since carbonate hydrolysis is source of high pH.
- High pH increases the amount of toxic, unionized ammonia!
- Dx:
- Gill mucus cells and epithelial cells hypertrophic.
- Corneal damage may occur.
- Tx:
- Aquaria:
- Commercial preparations.
- Phosphate buffers can lower pH.
- Filtering water through peat lowers pH and hardness.
- Adding deionized water reduces pH.
- Dilutes carbonate buffers that maintain neutrality.
- Ponds:
- Low alk ponds – adding buffer reduces the high diurnal pH peak.
- Calcium-poor ponds can be tx with calcium or alum.
- Adverse effects assoc with killing plants – low O2, possible tox of herbicides to fish.
- Aquaria:
- Alk pH stress less common than acid stress.
Describe the effects of improper hardness on fish.
What is the difference between hardness and alkalinity?
How is low hardness resolved?
What about high hardness?
Improper hardness.
- Hardness too low – add calcium.
- Harness too high (aquaria) – do water change with deionized water or other low hardness water, filter water through peat.
- Comments:
Hardness vs alkalinity:
Hardness – measure of divalent metal cation i.e. calcium, iron, zn, mg in water.
- Most waters entirely Ca and Mg.
- Total hardness usually similar to alkalinity because alk of most waters primarily from carbonate salts Ca and Mg.
- Temporary hardness = hardness from carbonate salts.
- Precipitated by boiling.
- Permanent hardness – noncorbonate metal salts i.e. sulfate, nitrate, Cl, silicate.
- Very hard but low alk waters.
- Waters with alk due to Na or KCO3 may be low hardness with high alk.
- Total water of SW very high.
Hardness – measure of divalent metal cation i.e. calcium, iron, zn, mg in water.
- Hardness requirements:
- Spp dependent.
- Salmonids – at least 100 mg/l optimal.
- But can tolerate wide range once acclimated.
- FW aquarium fish do poorly in moderately soft water and should be kept with high Ca content water.
- Ca levels in tropical marine aq should be ~400 mg/l.
- Often easier for fish to adapt to hard water vs soft.
- Ca, Mg needed for osmoregulation.
- Ca reduces permeability of gills to water, reduces electrolyte flux.
- Dx:
- Expressed as mg/l equivalents of CaCO3 or German hardness scale degrees of hardness dH.
- Commercial kits measure both.
- dH 3-10 most aq fish, > 10 most Af rift lake cichlids.
- Tx improper hardness:
- Limit other Ca salts supplemental Ca for pond fish.
- To reduce hardness, add distilled water.
- Filter water over peat.
- Sedimentary rocks may increase hardness.
- Release Ca and Mg salts.
- Metamorphic or volcanic rocks ie. Basalt, granite and quartz do not release divalent cations.
Hardness vs alkalinity:
Describe the effects of ammonia toxicity on fish.
What is the most toxic form of ammonia?
What are the causes of high ammonia?
What fish species are particularly sensitive?
What clinical findings would you find on exam?
How is ammonia toxicity confirmed? What lesions would be present on pathology?
What husbandry changed can be made to improve the water quality?
What treatments can be made to the water?
How is this best prevented?
Ammonia Toxicity (CGFM)
- Unionized form is more toxic, highest in warm freshwater
- Nitrogenous waste product of most fish, can buld up if not oxidized by nitrifying bacteria ro removed via water changes
- Etiology
- Sources of ammonia: protein waste products, bacterial fermentation, organic decomposition; municipal or groundwater; leaching of fertilizers, industrial emissions
- Ammonia builds up rapidly in closed systems or static (ie transport bags)
- Ammonia-oxidizing (nitrifying) bacteria convert ammonia to nitrite using DO and bicarbonate ions, grow on every surface
- Causes of inadequate nitrifying bacteria - immature systems, High stocking densities, high organic load (ie food), reduced H20 changes, acute envtal changes, low DO/alkalinity, high pH (>8)/temp, recent algal bloom die off, some abx (enro/erythromycin), some antiparasitics (formalin, chloroquine, levamisole)
- NH4+ (ammonium-ionized) and NH3 (ammonia - uniionized) are the two major forms, the latter is more toxic. Closed transport containers are a big risk, once opened, CO2 rushes in → pH incr converts NH4+ to NH3 → rapid ammonia incr
- Signalment
- Tetras and salmonids esp sensitive; air breathing spp more resistant
- Clinical Findings
- Acute - lethargy, inappetence, dyspnea/tachypena, erythema, incr mucus, dark coloration, neuro signs (erratic swimming)
- Chronic - wt loss, reduced feeding, poor growth rates, some acute signs may be seen
- Secondary infx common, incr in nitrite common
- DDX: other envtal failure (low DO, contaminated water), ectoparasitic or bacterial dz
- DX:
- Testing the water (ammonia colorless, odorless. Most kits test total ammonia nitrogen, the NH3 should be calculated based on pH and temp (see table)
- NH3 (unionized ammonia; UIA) should be <0.02 mg/L, toxic if 0.5-1 mg/L
- Husbandry
- Incr aeration (target 95-100%)
- Change 30-50% of water daily, remove excess organic material, reduce or stop feeding temporarily, check life support system, consider new source of organic carbon (i.e. chopped hay) as carbon can be a limiting nutrient for nutrifying bacteria
- Consider adding substrate from another system with nitrifying bacteria
- FW: consider adding zeolite to adsorb ammonia
- Consider moving all of the fish
- Ammonia is NOT removed by activated carbon
- Medical tx
- Commercial products that bind ammonia are available (i.e AmQuel); ammonia tests will remain high b/c they do not remove it
- 1-3 g/L of salt in FW can reduce physiologic stress
- Prevention
- Test 1-2x/week in most systems, any ammonia should prompt response
- Maintain DO and alkalinity within appropriate ranges
- Mature biofilters in new systems with ammonium chloride or urea for 3-8 wks
- If no cycling is possible prior to adding fish, the stocking density must be very low with fish relatively tolerant of ammonia
- Maintain biofilters without fish and feed NH3Cl or urea as ‘biofarms’ as a source of nitrifying bacteria
- Fast fish prior to shipping
- Ammonia poisoning (Noga):
- Lethal poisoning > 1.00 UIA/L
- Sublethal poisoning > 0.05 mg UIA/L
- Hx – Overcrowding, recent meds or chemicals, newly established tank, aquarium gravel or filters recently cleaned or changed, failure of bio filters, recent algal crash in pond, reduced water flow in raceway, hyperexcitability, other neuro signs if acute > 0.2 mg/L; acute to chronic stress.
Tx – 25-50% water change in aquarium; add zeolite; add buffer to FW to reduce pH; add nitrifying bacteria; add bio filtration; decrease density; temp reduce or stop feeding.
- Ponds or flow-through systems – Stop or reduce feeding, decrease density, add water or increase flow.
- Ammonia is the primary nitrogenous waste product of fish, also from decay of proteins.
- Aquaria – Inadequate number of bacteria oxidizing ammonia to nitrite.
- Nitrosomonas europaea – predominant ammonia oxidizer.
- Aka AOB – scarce in new aquaria, ammonia rises rapidly when fish added.
- Aka new tank syndrome.
- Can also occur in long-established tanks.
- Overfeeding or adding too many fish to tank.
- Overwhelms biofilter.
- Bio filter and ammonia removal will be greatest where there is a high water flow over a large surface area.
- Cleaning filters will also result in ammonia spike when bacteria are removed.
- Overfeeding or adding too many fish to tank.
- Aka AOB – scarce in new aquaria, ammonia rises rapidly when fish added.
- Nitrosomonas europaea – predominant ammonia oxidizer.
- Ponds – Most likely near sunset, when pH, temp, and unionized ammonia are highest.
- Algae and nitrosomonas bacteria major consumers of ammonia in ponds.
- Increases in fall and winter, possibly because of decrease in algal and bacterial metabolism at low temps.
- Ammonia may rise after algae crash.
- CS – anorexia, hyperexcitability, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of gills (not specific).
Two forms: unionized (NH3) and ionized (NH4+).
- UIA toxic to fish.
- High pH and temp and low salinity favors UIA.
- Concentration determined from chart.
- False positives when measuring ammonia via Nessler method if formalin is present. Salicylate method fails to measure ammonia (false negative) if formalin. Use an ion probe to measure if during formalin treatment.
- Tx – Water changes, zeolite (efficacy decreases with inc salinity), reducing pH will reduce percentage of NH3 (for each 1 unit pH decreases there is 10x decreases in UIA), ammonia-neutralizing products. Ultimately need to fix the biofiltration situation.
Ammonia toxicosis aka New Tank Syndrome (ZP).
- Common scenarios – adding new fish prior to appropriate development of filter bacteria; changing filters, biomedia removed in excess; high stocking densities, marginal filter microorganism capacity; overfeeding, protein breakdown and generation of ammonia.
- Risk factors – small water volumes, high animal densities, lack of appropriate microorganisms.
- Assessment of water ammonia levels diagnostic.
- Affected by pH, temperature.
- Unionized ammonia > 0.05 mg/L considered elevated, should be treated. > 1 mg /L rapidly fatal.
- CS – Range from no change to excess mucus production.
- Lesions – Edema, epithelial degeneration, fusion of gill lamellae.
- Severe cases – Alzheimer’s Type 2 gliosis.

Describe the effects of nitrite toxicity in fish.
Nitrite is most toxic in what systems?
What species are most susceptible?
What clinical findings would you find on exam?
How are these cases managed?
Nitrite Toxicity
- By product of ammonia oxidation, can build up in closed systems
- Less toxic than ammonia
- Toxicity in FW mainly (Cl- ions in SW inhibit nitrite uptake by gills)
- Nitrite exposure → MetHbemia
- MC tx - water changes, aeration, sodium chloride additions
- Etiology
- Ammonia → nitrite (ammonia oxidizing bacteria) → nitrate (nitrite oxidizing bacteria)
- Signalment:
- FW fish in recirculating systems most susceptible
- Salmonids, channel catfish and related spp are susceptible
- Marine fish resistant
- Clinical Findings
- Gills may be red, pink, brown; dyspnea/tachypnea, poor growth rates with chronic exposure
- DDX:
- Brown gills - nitrite, nitrate, or chloramine toxicity, autolysis
- Dx:
- Commercial tests are usually measured as nitrite-nitrogen; convert to nitrite by multiplying by 3.3, i.e. 1 mg/L No2-N = 3.3 mg/L NO2
- Nitrite in water should be <1 mg/L, signs at 0.5-1 mg/L
- Husbandry
- Similar to tx for ammonia toxicity, increased aeration, 30-50% water changes daily
- Nitrite is not removed by activated carbon
- Medical tx
- Sodium chloride at 3-10 mg/L of chloride for each 1 mg/L of NO2-N, usually with aquarium salt
- Ca carbonate can be more effective than sodium chloride
- Nitrite (Noga):
- Nitrite poisoning – Brown blood dz aka new tank syndrome
- Method of dx:
- Chemical measurement of high nitrite in water
- Measurement of high methemoglobin in blood
- Hx:
- Overcrowding, recent meds or chemicals added, new aquarium, recent washing of filter or gravel, failure of biofilter, fall season in pond, low Cl:NO2 ratio, stress.
- PE:
- Dyspnea.
- Light tan to brown gills and brown blood.
- Tx:
- Aquaria – 25-50% water change daily to weekly.
- Add nitrifying bacteria, chloride.
- Enhance biofilter.
- Decrease density.
- Reduce temp.
- Reduce feeding.
- Ponds.
- Add chloride.
- Maintain high DO.
- Aquaria – 25-50% water change daily to weekly.
- Comments:
- Nitrite builds after ammonia has peaked during cycle.
- NOB that convert nitrite to nitrate require time to activate.
- Nitrobacter, nitrospira spp.
- NOB inhibited by high ammonia, high ammonium concentrations toxic to NOB. Also inhibited by strong light.
- Spike in ammonia inhibits nitrite oxidizing bacteria leading to spike in nitrite.
- NOB that convert nitrite to nitrate require time to activate.
- Ponds, nitrite poisoning common in fall.
- Can rise quickly < 24h in catfish ponds.
- Clinical signs:
Nitrite transported across gill, enters blood, oxidizes Hb to MetHb.
- MetHb cannot transport O2, tissues deprived.
- MetHb conc around 40% results in brown blood coloration.
- Dyspnea despite adequate O2.
Nitrite transported across gill, enters blood, oxidizes Hb to MetHb.
- Dx:
- Definitive – blood measurement of MetHb. > 25% abnormal.
- Measuring nitrite levels in water more common.
- Kit measures nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N), which is converted to total nitrite via multiplying by conversion factor (3.3).
- Susceptibility is species dependent.
- Channel catfish in FW, nitrite should be undetectable (< 0.1 mg/l).
- Sunfish tolerate high levels > 50 mg/l.
- Salmonids: < 0.5 mg/l recommended.
Extremely high levels required for toxicity in marine fish i.e. 900 mg/l.
- Chloride prevents nitrite toxicity in these spp.
- Not always the case, some saltwater spp susceptible i.e. red drum.
- If water contains high chloride or Cl has been added, dx also requires measurement of Cl-.
- Nitrite toxicity also influenced by pH, fish size, prev exposure, nutritional status, DO level.
- Fish may not always have brown gills and blood, can die from nitrite-induced hemolytic anemia rather than toxicity.
- May have accumulation of high nitrite conc in spleen or foci of iron-containing MP caused by increased erythrocyte destruction.
- Tx:
- Cl competitively inhibits nitrite uptake across gill.
- Channel catfish – nitrite toxicity can be prevented when at least 3 mg Cll to 1 mg nitrite present in water.
- Does not prevent chronic erythrocyte damage that may cause anemia.
- Ratios of 6 RBT to 16 channel catfish inhibit nitrite toxicity.
- Sodium chloride or calcium chloride are effective.
- Low level needed of salt for tx usually < 50 mg/l is nontoxic to FW fish.
- Hb should return to normal within 12-24h after initiation of tx.
- Prevention:
- Channel catfish – at least 20 mg/l Cl always present.
- 1 ppt SW contains over 500 mg/l chloride.
- Clinically encountered nitrite levels have never been shown to be toxic to fish in SW.
- Bicarbonate and high dietary vit C may also protect against nitrite-induced MetHb formation.
- Nitrite builds after ammonia has peaked during cycle.
- Nitrite toxicity - ZP.
- FW fish.
- Primary effect of elevated nitrite is oxidation of hemoglobin, limiting O2 carrying capacity of blood.
- Gills and blood may be grossly brown.
- Anemia, methemoglobinemia, low chloride, and acidosis.
- Dx – documentation of methemoglobinemia coupled with elevated nitrite in water.
- Variable susceptibility by spp – FW nitrite levels > 0.10 mg/L considered elevated for warm water spp.
- Even with treatment, may have weeks of elevated sensitivity to other stressors/infectious dz.
Describe the effects of nitrate toxicity in fish.
What species are most susceptible?
What are the clinical findings?
What are the target levels?
Nitrate Toxicity (CGFM)
- Nitrates less toxic than ammonia or nitrite, can reach high levels in long established recirculating systems; chronic stressors and endocrine disruptors
- Removed through water changes, plants, anaerobic bacteria
- Etiology
- Risk factors: limited water changes, no denitification, no or few live plants, contamination of ponds with fertilizer, long established, large recirculating systems.
- Signalment
- FW fish and marine elasmobranchs in recirculating systems most susceptible
- Eggs, fry, small fish more susceptible
- Clinical Findings
- Chronic, lethargy, inappetence, reduced growth, dyspnea/tachypnea, pale or discolored gulls, muscle rigidity, feminization of male fish, mortality low but chronic mortalities may be seen
- Goiter (ventral throat swelling in elasmos, bilateral or unilateral opercular distention in teleost)
- Dx:
- Water testing. Multiply NO3-N (nitrate-nitrogen) on a colormetric test by 4.4 to get result
- <50 mg/L for most fish ideal
- <15 mg/L for inverts
- <2 mg/L for sensitive FW spp
- Husbandry
- Water changes, reduce stocking density, remove organic material
- Medical tx
- Iodid supplementation for goiters
- Prevention
- Frequent water changes, denitrification filters in large recirculating systems
Nitrate (Noga):
- Nitrate poisoning aka old tank syndrome:
- Dx:
- Chemical measurement of high nitrate in water
- Measurement of metHb in blood
- Hx:
- Overcrowding, inadequate water changes.
- PE:
- Dyspnea.
- Tan to brown gills, stress.
- Tx:
- Water changes.
- Denitrification apparatus.
- Decrease density.
- Comments:
- End product of nitrite oxidation -> nitrate.
- Builds up after nitrite peak.
- Must be actively removed by water change or denitrification.
- Dependent upon fish biomass and feeding rate.
- Can also enter aquatic ecosystems from agricultural runoff, industrial wastes, and effluents.
- Clinical signs:
Forms metHb.
- But gill uptake is limited compared to ammonia or nitrite.
- Relatively low toxicity.
- FW fish may be more sensitive.
- Exposure of RBT fry for several days caused increased ferrihemoglobin, alteration in peripheral blood and hematopoietic centers, and liver damage.
Forms metHb.
- Dx:
- Measuring nitrate in water.
- Kits measure nitrate-nitrogen, can be converted to total nitrate by multiplying by 4.4.
- Toxic level for most fish testes is much higher than drinking water limit (10 mg).
- In general nitrate is less toxic than ammonia or nitrate.
- Some fish are highly sensitive.
- Eggs and fry of RBT can die after 30 days at levels 1-8 mg.
- 50 mg/l typically considered safe.
- Typically more of a chronic problem.
- Recommended to keep as low as possible.
- Reef corals are very sensitive – levels should be < 20 mg/L.
- Tx, prevention:
- Clinically encountered nitrate never really seen as toxic to marine fish and is rare in FW fish except some species.
- Elevated nitrate may present uptake of iodine which predisposes marine fish to goiter.
Describe the effects of chlorine toxicity in fish.
How do fish usually get exposed?
What are some additional risk factors?
What clinical findings may be present?
How are these cases handed from a husbandry and medical perspective?
How are chlorines typically removed from the water?
Chlorine/Chloramine Toxicity
- Usually caused by exposure to untreated municipal water
- Usually at levels toxic to fish 0.5-3 mg/L
- Bleach contamination is another source, ozone disinfection can create chlorines/chloramines (although bromines are more common)
- Risk factors: high water temperature, low organic load, low hardness and pH (<7.5)
- Clinical Findings
- Lethargy, abnormal swimming, hiding → jumping, tetany, erratic movements
- Pallor, darkened skin, increased mucus
- Gills may be pale or tan-colored due to hemolytic anemia or methemoglobin formation
- DDX: nitrite, nitrate, chloramine toxicity
- Dx: levels of free and total chlorines in the water → free chlorine Cl2, OCl-, HOCl
- Total chlorine should be <0.03 mg/L for most fish, <0.01 mg/L in sensitive spp
- Gill hyperplasia on cytology/histology
- Husbandry:
- Aggressive aeration, 30-50% water change daily
- Vigorously aerate new water ~24 hrs prior to use to get rid of chlorine and some chloramines
- Activated carbon filter can help adsorb chloramine and chlorines
- Consider moving the fish
- Medical tx
- Some products bind chlorines and chloramines - AmQuel
- Sodium thiosulfate immersion neutralizes chlorines and chloramines
- Prevention
- Always treat water prior to use with fish using sodium thiosulfate, activated carbon filtration, or aeration
Describe heavy metal toxicity in fish.
How are fish typically exposed?
What fish are particulalry sensitive to copper?
What clinical signs will you see on examination?
How are heavy metal cases treated?
How can heavy metals be removed from the water?
Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Sources: contamination of water from plumbing, decor, therapeutic agents, runoff, groundwater, food contamination
- Copper MC***, zinc, lead
- Activated carbon can adsorb heavy metals
- Etiology
- Copper
- Immersion MC source, ie frm Cu sulfate txs
- Zinc
- Coins containing zinc, galvanized steel tanks or plumbing
- Lead
- Lead plumbing, lead-based paints, metal strips
- Iron
- Contaminated well water
- Low pH, hardness and alkalinity can increase heavy metal dissolution and uptake in the gills
- Copper
- Signalment
- Low tolerance for Cu ions
- Most elasmos, inverts, teleosts in soft, acidic FW; larval and juvenile teleosts, syngnathids
- Low tolerance for Cu ions
- Findings
- Signs are variable, nonspecific; lethargy, erratic swimming
- Gill pallor from nonregenerative anemia
- Copper toxicity - gill hyperplasia, edema, curling of distal tips of primary lamellae
- Coelomic distention from ileus
- Acute or chronic mortalities
- Dx:
- Measure ionic form via commercial testing
- Toxic levels vary by species, life stage, rate of change, water chemistry, water temperature
- Zinc → 0.02-100 mg/L of Zn sulfate
- Lead → 0.05 - 30 mg/L
- Heavy metals in tissue > serum
- Husbandry
- Remove the source, 30-50% water change, add activated carbon filters, consider zeolite or other ion exchange resin filters
- Consider water conditioners that bind heavy metals
- Vigorous aeration for iron toxicity
- Medical tx
- EDTA (IM) or DMSA (immersion), the latter has been reported to improve signs in rainbow trout, lower blood levels in an electric eel
- Prevention
- Only use Cu sulfate if CaCO3 is >50 mg/L
- Only aquarium safe products should be added to aquariums
- Remove coins
- Run ground FW high in heavy metals should be run through activated carbon, zeolite, or other ion exchange filter prior top use
Describe the effects of hydrogen sulfide toxicity in fish.
How do fish get exposed?
What conditions make it more toxic?
What is the mechanism of toxicity?
What findings will there be on exam?
What diagnostics can be done?
How are these cases treated and prevented?
Hydrogen Sulfide Toxicity
- Gas produced under anoxic conditions, acutely toxic in most fish, prognosis poor
- Etiology
- Toxic, soluble, flammable gas produced from sulfates or anaerobic bacteria
- Can be high in groundwater or hot springs, wastewater from paper mills, chemical plants
- Effects worse at low pH, high water temperature
- The gas created sulfhemoglobin, which directly damages gills and blocks oxygen using a similar mechanism to metHb
- Signalment
- Toxicity is more likely in saltwater and brackish water, almost all fish susceptible
- Clinical Findings
- Most fish affected in the system, inappetence, dyspnea/tachypnea common, acute mortalities common, up to 100%
- Dx:
- >0.3 ug/L there is a rotten egg smell
- Black material on substrate in some cases due to metal sulfides
- Commercial test kits to test in water
- Clubbing, hyperplasia of lamellae on gill bx
- Husbandry
- Aerate aggressively, move fish asap to new system, if not possible, change 80-100% of the water rapidly, reduce water temp slightly, consider incr pH
- Medical tx
- Husbandry changes
- Prevention
- Degas and aerate groundwater prior to use
- Avoid substrate >10cm
- Excess organic material removed
- Take filters that have held stagnant water for >2hrs off-line to run water through
Describe organosphosphate and carbamate toxicity in fish.
How do fish typically get exposed?
What treatment is commonly used in fish that can be toxic?
What fish are particularly susceptible?
What clinical findings would be found on exam?
How can these cases be managed from a husbandry and medical point of view?
Organophosphate and Carbamate Toxicity
- Common pesticides, exposure usually from runoff into ponds or tx of ectoparasites
- Trichlorfon (Dylox) is the most common organophosphate used on fish, often to treat copepods or leeches
- Can be adsorbed transdermally
- Signalment
- Many elasmos are sensitive
- Ponds
- Serrasalmidae (red hooks and pacus)
- Clinical Findings
- Neuro signs - erratic swimming, seizures, vertebral fractures
- Pect fins may be held cranially,
- Lethargy, paralysis may be seen
- DDX:
- Toxin, nutrition, inxfx
- Dx:
- History, concentrations can be measured at specialist labs
- Husbandry
- Wear PPE (toxic to humans too)
- Consider moving fish or 50-80% water change daily
- Add AC filters
- Consider adding zeolite
- Medical tx
- Supportive
- Atropine IM or IV used commonly due to affected Achesterase activity
- Prevention
- Avoidance
- When using as an immersion tx, a bioassay is essential, use minimum effective dose. Pretreatment with intramuscular atropine may reduce risk of toxicity.
- Common pesticides, exposure usually from runoff into ponds or tx of ectoparasites
Describe the effects of improper salinity in fish.
What levels cause issues in marine fish?
What about freshwater fish?
How quickly can these treatments be made?
Improper salinity.
- Marine < 30 or > 35 ppt (< 1.020 or > 1.026 spec grav).
- Hx:
- Improper housing of spp in FW or SW.
- Incorrect calc of SW mix.
- Replacing SW with FW during water changes.
- Failure to replace evaporative loss of FW.
- Tx: Add salt or FW.
- Comments:
- Salinity – amount of all ions in water.
- Parts of ions per thousand parts water.
- Full-strength SW 30-40 ppt.
- Salinity requirement/tolerance:
- Salinity can rapidly increase due to evaporation. About 2ppt per week.
- Best to keep sal of tank at lower end of the optimal range.
- Use balanced salt mixtures rather than pure sodium chloride.
- NaCl lacks other valuable divalent cations.
2ppt generally safe for FW fish.
Some spp i.e. tetras, catfishes, more sensitive.
- Can still tolerate 1 ppt usually.
Some spp i.e. tetras, catfishes, more sensitive.
- Salinity – amount of all ions in water.
- Dx:
- Measured by conductivity, chlorinity, refractive index, specific gravity.
- Hand-held refractometer or electric meter.
- Tx;
- Do not change more than 1 ppt/hr.
- Estuarine fish, sal should not be adjusted more than 10 ppt in a few hours.
- Salt is useful prophylactic and can be added to reduce prevalence of infectious dz in FW aquaria.