Elasmobranchs Flashcards
Describe the unique structure of elasmobranch skin.
What type of scales do they have?
How does skin thickness vary with species?
What about rays? What about Chimaeras?
What defensive mchanisms do they have in the integumentary system?
What sensory organs do they have within their skin?
- Placoid scales (aka dermal denticles) - formed like teeth (calcified layer, dentin, enamel)
- Silk sharks - denticles minute (softer skin); Blue sharks - females have sig. thicker skin d/t mating trauma
- Many rays have few to no scales - tend to have sig. mucus layer
- Porcupine rays and some others - “armor” on dorsum
- Many batoids, some sharks - sharp spines; venomous spine or barb in most rays (except mantas, mobulas, porcupine rays); can have more than one barb
- Barbs covered by integument including cells for venom production
- Chimaeras - scaleless (except juveniles), very sensitive to skin trauma
- Visible, symmetrical epithelial pores
- Pit organs - free neuromasts; sensory hair cells detect water motion
- Ampullae of Lorenzini - gel-filled tubular structures, detect electric fields for navigation, prey/predator detection, mating
Describe the unique adaptations of the elasmobranch muculoskeletal system.
How does their skeleton differ from other vertebrates?
Describe the feeding mechanisms.
What sharks have red muscle? What is its function?
Musculoskeletal System
- Entire endoskeleton cartilaginous - made of hyaline cartilage-like core supported by mineralized tesserae
- Bone exists - teeth, denticles
- Calcification can occur in vertebrae, jaws; true bone not present
- Centrum of vertebral cartilage can be used for aging
- If cartilage fractures - does not heal fully, fibrous “bandage”
- Prey capture - biting, ram feeding and/or suction feeding
- Permanent jaw protrusion assoc. w/ spinal deformity in sand tiger sharks
- Muscle similar to teleosts (red, white) - most poikilothermic but regional endothermy in some lamniform sharks (mako, white, salmon, porbeagle, thresher sharks)
How do elasmobranchs regulate their buoyancy?
- Buoyancy d/t cartilaginous skeleton, large lipid-dense liver, urea and methylamine oxides in blood
- No cartilaginous fish have swim (gas) bladders; sand tiger sharks swallow air for additional buoyancy
Describe the anatomy of the elasmobranch eye.
What species have mobile eyes?
Describe the ray iris?
How does the PLR differ across species?
How do sharks adjust their tapetum?
What makes enucleation more challenging in elasmobranchs than in teleosts?
What species have the pinneal eye?
Ocular Anatomy
- Diverse eye anatomy - typically fixed eyelids (mobile in some - nurse and catsharks) - is blink reflex
- 3rd eyelid in some (requiem sharks)
- Pupil type and shape characterizing features in some
- Rays - upper iris modified into operculum pupillare covers iris during light adaptation
- PLR highly variable - diurnal –> rapid constriction, nocturnal –> intermediate, batoids –> slowest
- Dilation can be achieved w/ topical acetylcholine
- Sclera - thick w/ cartilaginous layer; Cornea - same layers as other vertebrates
- Many sharks - partially or totally occlusible tapetum - melanophores can migrate (some have fixed tapetum - catsharks, deep-sea sharks)
- Avascular retina, no choroid gland
- Many can pull globe into socket w/ extraocular muscles
- Optic pedicle - cartilaginous structure - connects globe to cranium
- D/t scleral cartilage, optic pedicle and size of optic nerve/vessels/muscles - enucleation more challenging
- Pineal organ/eye (epiphysis) well-developed in most (except absent in electric rays)
- Photoreceptors superficial on dorsal chondrocranium
Describe the auditory anatomy of sharks?
Auditory Anatomy
- Ears similar to other vertebrates
- Located in cartilaginous otic capsules caudal to large optic capsules; only external indication of position is tiny paired endolymphatic pores on dorsal chondrocranium near medial line
- Each ear - inner ear labyrinth (utriculus, sacculus, lagena) - none of accessory organs seen in teleosts
- W/in endolymphatic duct - no otolith, instead otoconial paste of CaCO3 granules in gel functioning like otoliths in teleosts
- Patches of sensory epithelium (macula neglecta) - vibration detection
- Audiograms - freq. 50-1500 Hz, greatest sensitivity 400-600 Hz (may be sensitive to pump/filters noise)
Describe the olfactory and gustatory anatomy of elasmobranchs?
What portion of the brain is well developed in elasmobranchs for these senses.
Elasmobranchs use olfaction for hunting at what range?
What leads sharks to predation when they are otherwise well fed in aquaria?
Olfactory and Gustatory Anatomy
- Olfactory bulbs w/in rostrum, part of forebrain (telencephalon) - well-developed
- Bulbs detect amino acids, bile salts, pheromones
- Nares (endolymphatic pores) possible entry route for development of meningitis
- Taste buds in oropharyngeal cavity
- Olfaction - used for feeding w/in 3-15 m, vision more important at closer range (<3 m)
- One study showed sharks become conditioned to the odors from normal, healthy fish
- Fish have different odors when frightened, stressed, or excited - can stimulate predation
Describe the dentition of elasmobranchs.
How are their teeth replaced?
How are their teeth attaches?
How often are they replaced?
What is the function of the denticles in the back of some species pharynx.
Oral/Pharyngeal Cavity
- Teeth or dental plates dictated by feeding strategy
- Teeth/plates erupt, roll out continuously w/ Cd.-most gradually replacing front (polyphyodont dentition)
- Lyodont teeth - embedded in oral mucosa, not ankylosed to jaw); have dentine and enameloid
- Tooth replacement rate varies by spp., 8-10 days per row up to 5 weeks per row
- If they typically eat hard-bodied prey (i.e. crustaceans, etc) - overgrowth of plates can occur
- Gingival hyperplasia and neoplasia described in sand tigers
- Denticles - pharynx of most sharks (except carpet sharks) and some others (guitarfish)
- May decrease drag for ram ventilators, prevent trauma, improve predation success
Describe the GI anatomy of elasmobranchs.
What is the function of the spiral valve?
What species have pyloric cecae?
What is the function of the rectal gland?
What are the cloacal pores used for?
Gastrointestinal System
- GI tract short, simple - slightly S- or J-shaped tube
- Ileum includes spiral or valvular intestine - sig. increases surface area (colloquially spiral colon - not technically colonic though)
- 4 variations - spiral winding around central column, cones directed Cd. or Cr., and scroll-shaped
- Empties into short tube (colon/rectum)
- A few have pyloric cecum or ceca (deepwater dogfish)
- Rectal gland - unique intestinal appendage - Cd. to valvular intestine @ colon/rectum
- Osmoregulatory function, secretes Na/Cl rich fluid (~2x plasma concentration) in contrast to urine (not concentrated)
- Sig. reduced in FW elasmobranchs
- Bilateral coelomic (abdominal) pores in cloaca - suspect excretory function (also catheter access point)
Describe the liver of elasmobranchs.
What does a healthy versus an unhealthy liver look like?
What is the hepatosomatic index?
Liver and Gallbladder
- Liver - 1º lipid storage organ, helps maintain neutral buoyancy
- Large volume of lipid must be stored, size and density critical in maintaining position in water column
- Major indicator of general health/caloric intake; size can fluctuate w/ age and repro cycle
- Hepatosomatic index (HIS) - ratio of liver wt to body wt ID’d for many species
- Grossly should be tan, fill a large portion of coelom and float in formalin
- Gallbladder - dynamic in appearance
Describe the respiratory anatomy of elasmobranchs.
How many gill arches do they typically have?
What is the spiracle? What species is it well developed in?
What are the two modes of respiration for sharks?
Respiratory System
- Usually 5 gill arches, may be up to 7 - hemibranch cranially (one filament row) and holobranchs for remaining (2 filament rows)
- Interbranchial septum extends to form gill slits on external surface
- Cranial most gill slit modified to spiracle in some spp.; well developed in skates, rays, slow-moving sharks and absent in pelagic sharks
- Damage to gills affects gas exchange and other physiology; in SW spp. gills have important role in acid-base balance and in FW spp. important salt regulation
- Critical for urea retention, esp. some species (spiny dogfish)
- Oral cavity - orobranchial and parabranchial cavities
- If buccopharyngeal pumping - double pumping action delivering oxygenated water through mouth or spiracles to gills
- In ram-ventilating species - mandibular muscles control opening of mouth
Describe the cardiovascular system of elasmobranchs.
What is the relationship between the percardium and the coelom?
What are the the four parts of the elasmobranch heart?
What is the function of the second vascular system?
Cardiovascular System
- Heart in rigid pericardial chamber w/ large volume pericardial fluid
- Pericardial lumen communicates w/ coelomic cavity via pericardiocoelomic canal (usually closed unless pericardal pressure exceeds coelomic cavity)
- Pericardial cavity fluid reported to be different from plasma, coelomic fluid
- Heart - sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, conus arteriosus (similar to bulbus arteriosus)
- Sinus venosus - thin walled, very compliant
- Atrium - flaccid, larger volume than ventricle
- Ventricle - thickest myocardial tissue
- Conus arteriosus - tubular and thick w/ prominent valvular structures
- Often synchrony b/w respiratory and cardiac beat - inconsistent, no obvious clinical consequence
- ECG similar to other vertebrates except V-wave (depolarization of sinus venosus) prior to PQRS
- Secondary vascular system (SVS) w/ different blood values than 1º system
What are the lymphoid tissues of sharks?
Where are they located?
Hematopoietic and Immunologic System
- Tissues include epigonal organ, Leydig organ, thymus, meninges of brain, eye orbit, spleen, gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)
- Epigonal organ - physically associated w/ gonads; in some spp. enclosed w/in epigonal organ (common guitarfish, dogfish) or may be attached (stingrays)
- Generally if prominent epigonal organ 🡪 Leydig organ is unapparent or absent
- Leydig organ - in some spp., (not Leydig organ involved in sperm maturation) - sometimes ID by lighter-colored area w/in dorsal (occasionally ventral) submucosa of esophagus (may be raised)
- Spp. - skates, some rays, guitarfish, some shark species (velvet belly lanternshark)
- All have bilateral thymus - dorsal near gills
- Some species (catsharks, nurse sharks) - involution with age
- Others (bullhead sharks, some rays) - remains visible/small through life
- Spleen - dark red, strap-like to oval; lacks marginal zones and germinal centers (like in mammals) - likely b/c no true lymphatic system
- Melanomacrophages in spleen, liver - do not aggregate like in teleosts
Describe the endocrine anatomy of elasmobranchs.
What is the function of the interrenal gland? Where is it located?
Where is the thyroid location?
What is the function of the ultimobranchial bodies? Where are they located?
Endocrine System
- Complex, but organs, stimuli and targets of action similar to other vertebrates
- Pituitary similar to teleosts, slight anatomical variations
- Hypothalamus (w/in diencephalon) well-developed, important for feeding, reproduction, aggression, likely migration
- Interrenal gland (equiv. of adrenal cortex) - grossly visible 🡪 section of yellow b/w each kidney (long thin strip in sharks, smaller oval in skates/rays)
- Chromaffin cells of suprarenal bodies separate, located on dorsal kidneys near dorsal aorta
- Hypothalamo-pituitary-interrenal axis considered endocrine stress axis - not fully characterized
- Single thyroid gland - encapsulated, varies in size/shape
- Batoids - usually ventral to pharynx, near bifurcation of ventral aorta
- Sharks - under commissure of mandible
- Ultimobranchial bodies - produce calcitonin (similar to mammal parathyroid system) - actions of calcitonin in cartilaginous fish less well-understood
- Batoids - paired, found in caudal wall pericardial cavity
- Sharks - only L side of body on dorsal wall of pericardial cavity
- Pancreas (bilobed) and GI tract - produce expected hormone; detail on function and activity limited
- Heart and kidney also produce several natriuretic peptides - have renin-angiotensin system (regulates renal and cardiovascular systems)
- Pineal organ and gonads also have endocrine function
Describe the renal anatomy of elasmobranchs.
Where are the kidneys located?
Describe the flow of urine from the kidney to the urogenital pore?
How can you collect a urine sample?
Urinary System
- Manages osmotic and ionic regulation
- Marine elasmobranchs - maintain high plasma osmolality d/t high Na, Cl, urea, methylamine oxides
- Slightly hyperosmotic 🡪 uptake of water to balance fluid lost in urine
- Drinking negligible (unlike marine teleosts)
- Gills, kidney, rectal gland important for maintaining homeostasis
- Kidney primary urea regulator
- FW elasmobranchs - urea, electrolytes, osmolality much lower
- Kidneys microscopically similar
- Rectal gland significantly reduced
- Kidneys - paired, firmly attached to dorsal wall
- Sharks - midway in coelomic cavity, widen caudally
- Skates, rays - more caudal in coelomic cavity, more lobulated
- Males - ureters leave kidneys medially 🡪 midline 🡪 seminal vesicles 🡪 sperm sacs 🡪 exit through single (sometimes double) urogenital pore/papilla
- Small urine sample - catheter past repro tract; large volume not possible d/t low production
- Semen sample can be collected more distally
- In SW - unable to produce concentrated urine - ionic conc. cannot be higher than that of plasma
- GFRs 0.2-4.0 mL/kg/h - higher than SW teleosts but similar to FW teleosts
- In dilute enviro 🡪 increased urine flow 🡪 decreased urea absorption
- FW stingray have GFR of 8-10 mL/kg/h
Describe the reproductive anatomy of elasmobranchs.
Where does sperm storage occur in males and females?
Describe the flow of sperm in males.
Describe the sections of the oviduct.
Describe the uterine anatomy and function.
Reproductive System
- Diverse anatomy and biology - mode generally split by oviparity or viviparity and fetal nutrition
- Synchrony (seasonal aggregation) important in some species
- Gestation 4.5 months to 2 years (up to 3.5 yr if egg cases included)
- Embryonic diapause confirmed in 3 species (Australian sharpnose sharks, common stingrays, bluntnose stingrays) but may be more common
- Parthenogenesis in many species; polyandry (multiple paternity) also occurs
- Sperm storage in males (ampullae of distal epididymis; weeks to months) and females (oviductal gland; weeks to over a year)
- Fertilization internal in all elasmobranchs; all males have external claspers (part of pelvic fins)
- Tend to increase in size and internally calcify; able to rotate
- Internal paired organs - testes (diametric, radial, compound); genital ducts; Leydig glands (produce sperm maturation substances); alkaline glands (Marshall’s glands - in skates - seminal fluid)
- Genital ducts (efferent ductules, epididymis, ductus deferens, seminal vesicle) - embedded in dorsal abdominal wall
- Epigonal organs can embed testis, incorporate caudal end, or be separate
Copulation - sperm ejaculate 🡪 urogenital papilla(e) 🡪dorsal groove of clasper
- Batoids - clasper glands w/ many proposed functions
- Sharks - subdermal siphon sacs - either for sperm propulsion or to wash rival sperm out (can be prominent on ultrasound)
- Surgical amputation of claspers when necessary - may not impact repro capacity
- Ovaries - typically paired, may be single (left is dominant in batoids, right in viviparous sharks)
- Developing follicles of various sizes, follicles undergoing atresia, corpora lutea-like tissue
- Can be within or separate from epigonal organ
- Oviduct - differentiated into an ostium (receives the ovum), oviducal (nidamental or shell) gland, isthmus (some spp.), leads to uterus, cervix, common urogenital sinus
Uterus - single (typ. L side) or paired
- In oviparous - uterus hardens egg capsules and hold until oviposition
- Yolk-sac viviparous - uterus creates intrauterine milieu - supplying O2, water, nutrient to embryo and regulates wastes
- Uterine wall vascular, folded
- Stingrays - secretory cells w/in uterine trophonemata (large villous projections) - produce histotroph
- All placental species have limited histotrophic stage after absorption of yok sac before placental implantation where uterus provides nutrients (complex subject)
Elasmobranchs have many reproductive strategies.
Describe the various strategies and give some example species of each.
Describe the neuroanatomy of elasmobranchs.
What are the parts of their brain?
What is unique about the cerebellum of several species?
How does their blood brain barrier differ from other vertebrates?
Neurologic System
- Cranium encloses brain, olfactory bulbs, optic and otic organs
- Telencephalon (forebrain), diencephalon (epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus), mesencephalon (cerebellar body and auricles, medulla)
- Brains vary widely in shape and size; some have obvious asymmetry w/in cerebellum (rays, requiem sharks, hammerhead sharks)
- Notable on gross examination, not think pathologic on necropsy
- Cranial nerves similar
- Choroid plexus forms cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) - large space rostral to brain where can collect
- Electrolyte composition of CSF and plasma differs, independent regulation
- Blood-brain barrier differs from other verts - endothelium permeable but tight junctions b/w glial cells
Describe the generation of electricity in electric (torpedo) rays and skates.
Electric Organs
- Electric (torpedo) rays - large electric organs (electroplaques) on either side of gill arches - derived from branchial musculature - moderate electric discharges
- Skates - weak electric discharges from small bilateral electric organs in tail
- Both can have intermittent and focused discharges; coordination of discharge originates in medulla
- Relatively low amplitude 20-40 mV in skates vs. 30-60 V from electric rays
What is the order of Chimaeras?
What fish are in this group?
Describe their unique anatomy.
What is a concern with their eyes in managed care?
Chimaeriformes (Chimaeras, Ratfish, Ghost sharks)
- Cartilaginous skeleton but upper jaw has grinding tooth plates fused to cranium
- One gill opening, lack spiracle except as embryos; eyes cannot regulate light going onto retina - exposure to bright lights a concernà “bloody eye”, handling induced damage to pseudobranchial artery
- Scaleless except for denticles over pelvic claspers and tenaculum; dorsal spine venomous
- Lack stomach, ribs, epigonal organ, Leydig organ; there is spiral intestine and rectal gland
- Separate anal and urogenital openings; male have claspers and fertilization is internal
What order are the ground sharks in?
What groups are in this order?
What are the defining anatomic features?
Carcharhiniformes (Ground Sharks)
- Largest order of sharks, 2 dorsal fins in most, anal fin, 5 gill slits, 3rd eyelid, mouth extends behind eyes
- Oviparous, ovoviviparous, or viviparous
- Includes requiem, catsharks, hound, hammerhead and bonnethead sharks
- Requiem sharks look like “typical” sharks - internal nictitans and spiracles absent; scroll intestine valve
- Catsharks have rudimentary nictitans, small spiracles, spiral valve
- Hound sharks - spiracles, spiral valve
- Hammerhead/bonnetheads - lateral extension to head (cephalofoil) w/ eyes on lateral aspects; spiracles absent, have spiral valve
What order are mackerel sharks, white sharks, and sand tigers in?
What are the defining anatomic features of this group?
Lamniformes (Mackerel sharks, White sharks, Sand Tigers)
- 2 dorsal fins and an anal fin; 5 gill slits - broad and extend beyond base of pectoral fin
- Sand tiger sharks differ - gills in front of pectoral fin
- Spiracles present behind eyes but are small; eyes lack a nictitating membrane
- Mouth extends behind eyes; ring-type spiral intestine
- Practice of oophagy or adelphotrophy (uterine cannibalism); some practice endothermy
What order are dogfish adn gulper sharks in?
What are the defining anatomic features of this group?
Squaliformes (Dogfish, Gulper sharks)
- Two dorsal fins, may have spines; anal fins absent; 5 gill slits and spiracles present
- Small nictitating membrane in lower lid
What order are carpet sharks, bamboo sharks, and nurse sharks in?
What is the largest shark of this group?
What are teh defining anatomic features of this group?
Orectolobiformes (Carpet sharks, Wobbegongs, Bamboo sharks, Nurse sharks)
- 2 dorsal fins and an anal fin, 5 gill slits w/ spiracles close to eyes; no nictitating membrane, eyes dorsolateral; most have prominent nasoral grooves w/ barbels
- Wobbegong - dorsoventrally flattened head/body, rostral mouths, fang-like teeth
- Also includes whale sharks
What order are skates in?
What are the defining anatomic features of this group?
- Rajiformes (Skates)*
- Skates - dorsoventrally compressed w/ enlarged pectoral fins continuous with their heads; caudal fin and no anal fins; some have dorsal fins; tail has no barbs, oviparous; skin freq. has thorns and some have weak electric organs
What is the order most rays are in?
What are the families of the following commonly kept rays: eagle rays, cownose rays, manta rays, southern rays, river stingrays, whiptail stingrays?
What are the defining anatomic features of this group?
Myliobatiformes (Cownose rays, Stingrays, Manta rays)
- Typical stingrays - dorsoventral compression w/ enlarged pectoral fins continuous w/ head
- 5 gill openings ventral; eyes and spiracles on dorsal surface - water pulled in through spiracles for respiration - jaws protrusible and do not articular w/ neurocranium
- No nictitating membrane, cornea attaches directly to skin; cranial vertebrae fused w/ pectoral girdle (synarcual), no anal fin, most have one or more venomous spines
Aetobatidae, Myliobatidae, Mobulidae, Rhinopteridae - eagle rays, mobulids, cownose rays - small dorsal fin at base of tail, head elevated, eyes and spiracles lateral on head; tooth-plates made up six-sided teeth in horizontal arrangement; capable of leaping into air. Mobulids have cephalic lobes - cranial extensions of pectoral fins to assist in feeding
- Have gill rakers, mobulids lack venomous barbs
- Dasyatidae - whiptail stingrays - inhabit FW and SW habitats; long, slender tail
- Potamotrygonidae - river stingrays - all FW species, reduced rectal gland, venom more potent
Aetobatidae, Myliobatidae, Mobulidae, Rhinopteridae - eagle rays, mobulids, cownose rays - small dorsal fin at base of tail, head elevated, eyes and spiracles lateral on head; tooth-plates made up six-sided teeth in horizontal arrangement; capable of leaping into air. Mobulids have cephalic lobes - cranial extensions of pectoral fins to assist in feeding
What order are electric rays in?
What are the defining anatomic features of this group?
Torpeniniformes (Electric rays)
- Strong electric organs derived from branchial musculature; dorsoventrally flattened w/ rounded pectoral fins; slow-moving and do not use pectoral wings much for locomotion
- Skin is soft, no denticles or thorns - eyes very small; well-developed caudal fin
What order are guitarfish and sawfish in?
What is their anatomy like?
Pristiformes (Guitarfish, Sawfish)
- Guitarfish - stout tail, with two dorsal fins, caudal fin w/out a barb
- Bowmouth guitarfish - similar but tail bilobed and rostrum unique
- Sawfish - carpenter sharks - rostrum shaped like flat blade, non-replaceable “teeth” (modified dermal denticles)
- Mouth and nares ventral, oral dentition varies but teeth mostly blunt-edged “cobblestones” in rows; prominent spiracles, no anal fins
Touch pools are common in aquariums.
What are some important considerations to make in planning one of these exhibits?
What species work best? How can stress be reduced?
On a water quality basis, how do touch pools differ from display exhibits?
What contingency planning needs to be in place for these systems?
How should they be monitored?
Fowler 9, Chap 48: Touch-Pools: The Other Side of the Hand
- Touch-pools provide unique immersive experience for guests to interact with collection
- Should be designed to enhance welfare, minimize stressors, while balancing good guest experience
Setting Goals- before design starts to guide habitat plans/species selection- animal welfare, education, conservation
- Animal health/welfare standards compliant with AZA
- Track morbidity/mortality and compare to display only exhibits
- Long-term sustainable population plan
- Meet guest needs and promote conservation discussion
Species Selection - determine early to help optimize habitat, within framework of goals that were set
- Meeting quarantine and environmental needs for all species, management if they outgrow habitat
- Ease of monitoring individual health, mitigating morbidity and mortality, expected lifespan and breeding activity
- Time on exhibit, desired behaviors for exhibit, rotating animals in and out
- Ideal species- stable populations with little turnover- ELASMOBRANCHS (may outgrow), invertebrates > teleosts
- Determine training/enrichment plan early on (desensitize to touch, target feeding, husbandry behaviors
Planning - all groups involved in building and managing should be involved in planning, allow additional time for training
- Requires more space, should provide refugia, use suitable substrate/décor for target species
- Allow interpreters to access animals and be seen by guests, use a cue if entering habitat itself
- Life support system larger/more complex- increased contaminants- high water turnover, biofilter accommodating peak attendance, good foam fractionation (saltwater), UV light + Ozone (monitor nitrate, iodate, iodide)
- Regular period of full darkness, maintain appropriate temperature despite fluctuations in attendance/season
- Off-exhibit holding area improves health/welfare- close to touch-tank to minimize transport time, same water system
- Hand-washing/drying stations- low zoonotic risk, some guests may be immunocompromised, 30-60% compliance
- Contingency planning: human fluid contamination, human injury, zoonotic concerns, life support failure, morbidity/mortality, animal abnormality, welfare concerns
Monitoring- more closely tracked than display-only habitats
- Assess water quality parameters regularly- expect fluctuations in DO2, NH4, temp- include bacterial counts
- Review feeding/behavior records regularly to address health concerns as needed
- Routine exams, routine trimming of stingray barbs
- Ensure collection in touch-pools is doing as well as display-only collection
- 2-3 years to find optimal balance of animal health, life-support systems, guest dynamics
- Extensive training for staff- natural history, conservation/education goals, common questions, animal touch rules
- Positive reinforcement for appropriate guest behavior
- Evaluate guest metrics
What is the most common nutrient deficiency in elasmobranchs? What does this result in?
Describe the role of calcium in elasmobranch health. How are those needs typically met?
What vitamin and mineral deficiencies have been suggested as possible causes of spinal deformities in sand tiger sharks? How did healthy v affected animals differ? What is the proposed mechanism?
What B vitamin is commonly supplemented in elasmobranchs? Why?
Most common mineral deficiency in elasmobranchs = Iodine.
- Results in goiter.
- Oral supplementation is recommended in systems where levels are below natural seawater and nitrate > 10 mg/L. Commercially available supplementation tablets for elasmobranchs will meet these requirements.
Ca and P major roles in growth and development of bone, teeth, cartilage, muscle contraction, and blood clotting in teleosts.
- Ca:P ratio in diet should be 1:1 or 2:1.
- Inverted ratios lead to skeletal malformations, poor growth and muscle disorders.
- Dietary Ca minimal contribution to daily requirements in teleosts, as fish have access to ionic Ca in sea water.
- Diets including whole bony fishes generally meet min Ca:P ratio.
- Consider supplementing Ca if feeding chopped fish.
- Ca:P ratio in diet should be 1:1 or 2:1.
- Vitamins
Nutritional deficiency in Vit C and Zn has been suggested as causative of spinal deformities in sand tiger sharks.
- Health animals higher K, vit C, vit E, and Zn vs affected. Small sample size in that study.
- Vit C and Zn are cofacts involved in collagen synthesis and cartilage development across taxa.
- While teleosts cannot synthesize vit C and require it in the diet, some research shows elasmobranchs may be able to synthesize it in the kidneys. Vit C can be supplemented.
- Vit E declines over time through storage of fish. Elasmobranchs fed thawed fish are susceptible to deficiencies.
Nutritional deficiency in Vit C and Zn has been suggested as causative of spinal deformities in sand tiger sharks.
- Thiamin (B1) – Integral for carbohydrate metabolism, digestion, growth, fertility, neuro function in fish.
- Thiaminases found in certain fish and shellfish, render thiamin inactive when ingested.
- Thiamin can also be lost by holding diet items too long in storage.
- Wet or frozen diets risk thiamin deficiency.
- Supplement thiamin when feeding frozen thawed fishes and shellfish.
- CS of deficiency – Neuro symptoms, muscle spasms, spinning, jerky movements.
- Supplementation is recommended.
- Vit D and D essential for teleosts, probably also for elasmobranchs.
- Potential accumulation in liver and adipose when over supplemented.
- Excess vit A causes slow growth, anemia, abnormal vertebral growth and mortality.
- Vit A and D likely met in aquarium elasmos that consume whole fatty fish.
- Mollusks, crabs, crustaceans generally low in fat-soluble vitamins.
- Nutrient values in elasmobranch blood:
- Plasma Vit A largely influenced by diet or level of supplementation.
- Plasma or serum vit A (retinol) good indicators of status.
- Plasma vit E (a-tocopherol) may be directly related to diet or level fo supplementation. Variable based on spp.
- Serum Ca generally only changes with prolonged deprivation or pathology. Plasma or serum P are a good determinant of phosphorus status.
- Plasma/serum Mg reflective of dietary status, K may not be.
- At minimum – Supplementation with I, thiamin (B1) is recommended for elasmobranchs. Ca, Zn, Mn, vit C, vit A, and other nutrients can be considered.
- Plasma Vit A largely influenced by diet or level of supplementation.
What are some unique considerations for planning the quarantine of elasmobranchs?
How does tank shape affect them?
How does ozone affect them? Is this an issue with a typically short quarantine period?
How can you encourage them to eat?
Describe a quarantine exit exam and potential diagnostics that might be run.
Quarantine Planning:
- Elasmobranch systems need appropriate space for normal swimming, gliding, and turning.
- Large oval tanks are preferred.
- Jump barriers should be regularly inspected.
Ozone and/or UV disinfection can reduce pathogen burdens.
- Goitrogenic effects of ozone use and high nitrates are unlikely to be an issue in short term quarantine periods, supplement diet with iodide anyway.
Techniques for encouraging food intake:
- Offer variety of foods – fish, crustaceans, mollusks, cephalopods.
- Offer fresh rather than frozen.
- Add fish blood to water prior to feeding.
- Crushing or cutting stripes into food prior to feeding.
- Using rod, grabber, or line to move food in water.
- Offer live foods that clear quarantine.
- Feed at different times to match feeding times in wild or previous institution.
- Avoid aversive stimuli i.e. loud noises, people leaning over aquarium.
- Isolate animals in suitable systems or parts of the system to reduce competition for food.
Physical Exams – Quarantine:
- Endoscopic or laryngoscopic examination of buccal and branchial cavities can help ID parasites.
- Determine sexual maturity and BCS.
- Morphometrics – Body mass BM, total length TL, precaudal length, snout-to-vent length and/or disc width (DW).
- Remove visible parasites, save images for future.
- Gill biopsies – Potential for hemorrhage, lower diagnostic value vs teleosts, not often performed.
- Fecal samples for helminths and coccidia from water or cloacal wash.
- Coelomic aspirates, flushes recommended in cownose rays for coccidia.
- Blood – Hematology, bioichemistry, blood gases, lactate and ancillary testing i.e. macronutrients, vitamins, hormone assessment.
- Venipuncture – Ventral tail vein, posterior cardinal sinuses, wing or radial veins.
- Venipuncture sites affect PCV – Lower PCV from dorsal sinus (~8%). Sharks more tolerant of anaerobic conditions have lower HCT values, similar differences between the two sites. Ventral tail vein less affected vs the sinus. Total WBC count also affected. Heparin preferred.
- Elasmobranchs – Total dissolved solids = ~2x total protein.
- Sodium, chloride, urea, osmolality high in marine adapted elasmos.
- Serum or plasma may require dilution.
- Sodium, chloride, urea, osmolality high in marine adapted elasmos.
- US – Free fluid may indicate inappropriate salinity, inanition, coelomitis, bacterial or parasitic infection. Female repro ultrasound is essential to check gestational status, ID pathology, and obtain baseline images of ovaries and oviducts.
- Full necropsy for animals that die.
Anesthetic drug effect can vary widely in elasmobranchs.
What are some reasons for this?
WHat species have endothermic capabilities? How does that affect drug uptake?
Do elasmobranchs have a renal portal system?
- Variation in Drug Effects:
Body temperature, hepatic biotransformation, renal function, drug receptor type and distribution, injection site. Also gill surface area to BW ratio, lipid content, stress, health status, body condition changes.
- Most elasmobranchs – poikilothermic.
- Endothermic abilities – porbeagle, mako and white shark.
- Regional heterothermy associated with variable vascular densities may result in unpredictable drug uptake.
- Liver size and composition is species dependent.
- Kidneys have higher filtration rate and different selectivity that influence drug elimination rates.
- Renal-portal system may enhance nephrotoxicity or renal excretion of drugs.
- Most elasmobranchs – poikilothermic.
Body temperature, hepatic biotransformation, renal function, drug receptor type and distribution, injection site. Also gill surface area to BW ratio, lipid content, stress, health status, body condition changes.
Describe physical restraint of elasmobranchs.
What is tonic immobility?
What are some hazards associated with physically restraining elasmobranchs?
What safety precautions should be in place?
How can stingray envenomation be managed?
How should electric rays be handled?
- Physical Restraint:
- Tonic immobility – Level of restraint highly variable between species, often starts with period of marked excitement, especially in batoids. Not considered to have any analgesic effects, has been linked to hyperesthesia. Additional analgesia required for painful or invasive procedures.
Hazards while handling and diving – Teeth, spines, tail barbs, venomous spines at leading edge of first dorsal fin (piked dogfish), abrasive skin, electric shock (Torpediniforme rays), saw blades (Pristiformes, sawfishes).
- Accident prevention – Procedures should be well planned, two operantions commanders (one for human safety, the other for the overall procedure and animal wellbeing). Staff briefing before the procedure.
- Develop SOPs, PPE, emergency protocols, safety equipment (Kevlar, chain mail), safety glasses around rays, practice safety drills.
- All staff should be trained in first aid. Blood loss from shark bites can be significant and must be stopped rapidly.
- Stingray envenomation can be painful, fragments of spine can remain in wounds. Heat labile proteins can be denatured through application of heat (hot water immersion as hot as the patient can tolerate without scalding).
- Diving – Occupational diving regulations (OSHA). DSO (diving safety officer) at each aquarium should understand and enforce relevant regulations. Additional safety divers are recommended for operations that require full attention i.e. repairs. Safety diver encourages elasmos to remain at a safe distance from working divers and maintains non-visual (sound tapping, etc) communication with working divers.
- PVC with electrical tape around it – “shark wand” deterrent.
- Can also isolate the diver from the elasmobranchs with cages, netting, etc.
- Grasp smaller sharks with one hand over top of the body and gripped in the region of the pectoral girdle, posterior to gills and anterior to pectoral fins. Can also hold around or behind the pelvic girdle for additional support.
- Do not hold around the abdomen or coelom.
- Handling electric rays – Keep all parts of body away from water in which rays are maintained, handle with fabricated tools made from electrically insulated materials i.e. wood, plastic. Wear thick rubber gloves with long cuffs.
List several agents used in immersion anesthesia of elasmobranchs. What is typically used?
What injectable anesthetics have been used? What ones are most reliable? What is the route of administration?
- Chemical Restraint:
- Immersion – Disadvantage is drug volume needed. Not usually practical.
- Benzocaine is similar to MS-222 with high potency, quick onset, high margin of safety, low cost, may cause bradycardia and increased resistance to circulatory flow.
- Etomidate and metomidate – Rapid induction and recovery.
- Halothane/O2/NO – Bubbled into water, human exposure hazard.
- O2 narcosis – Short procedures, 100% O2. Sedation likely due to CO2 elevations due to respiratory depression. Prolonged exposure results in hypercapnia and potentially life-threatening acidemia. Gas bubble disease does not occur since not administered under pressure.
- Divers can put MS222 in a spray bottle/syringes and apply directly to gills, use food coloring.
- MS222 75-90 mg/L most spp. Buffer in FW systems. And small SW systems.
- Injectable – IV most reliable, rapid induction and short duration. IM dorsal saddle.
- Ventral coccygeal vein. Spinal needle in large animals to avoid cartilage plug.
- IM injections – Differences between red and white muscle. Erratic/delayed.
- Alfaxalone – Highly variable.
- Azaperone – Reduces response to environment without sedation.
- Carfentanil – No effect even with massive doses.
- Detomidine – Little effect. Reversal split IV and IM smooths recovery.
- Ketamine – Seizure-like muscle spasms occasionally seen. Only used in combos.
- Metomidine – Combo with ketamine.
- Propofol – Works well, IV.
- Sodium pentobarbital – Has been used, may result in death.
- Tiletamine/Zolazepam – Irritability, rapid swimming, unrestrained biting.
- Combos: Xylazine/ketamine, medetomidine/ketamine. Erratic.
- Doxapram causes dramatic arousal in anesthetized elasmobranchs.
- Concentrated midazolam solutions have been used in large elasmos i.e. mantas and whale sharks.
- Immersion – Disadvantage is drug volume needed. Not usually practical.
What are common sites of venipuncture in elasmobranchs?
Describe the techniques?
What anticoagulants can be used with elasmobranch blood?
How quickly does hemocytometer count need to be performed? If it can’t be performed quickly, how can cell morphology be preserved?
- Diagnostics
Venipuncture sites – Dorsal sinus, ventral coccygeal vein most common.
- Ventral coccygeal vein preferred because blood in the dorsal sinus pools rather than actively circulates.
- Ventral coccygeal vein – Insert needle at 90 deg angle directly on midline, may have to advance through cartilage before reaching the vessel; spinal needles may be used.
- Dorsal sinus – Insert needle on midline at 45 degree angle.
- Sampling – For sharks, heparin or EDTA can be used. ONLY heparin for stingray spp (EDTA causes rapid hemolysis in stingray spp). EDTA may also lower the concentration of calcium and other divalent ions.
Hemocytometer count should be performed immediately after collection to prevent thrombocyte and WBC aggregation. Otherwise, preserve in 10% formalin for later evaluation.
- Formalin can maintain cell morphology and prevent thrombocyte aggregation.
Venipuncture sites – Dorsal sinus, ventral coccygeal vein most common.
Describe typical clinicopathologic findings in elasmobranchs.
What are normal BUN ranges? What are differentials for decreased BUN?
What is a typical differential count for healthy elasmobranch hematology?
How do whale sharks differ in their biochemistry in managed care?
- Important clin path info:
- Marine elasmobranchs retain and reabsorb urea and other solutes so that plasma remains hyperosmotic to sea water.
Normal BUN should range from 1000-1300 mg/dL.
- Low values may indicate loss form renal dz or decreased production due to hepatic disease.
- Salt excretion occurs in kidney and rectal gland, compensates for influx of Na and Cl from the environment.
- Na and Cl tend to be higher than in mammals.
Normal BUN should range from 1000-1300 mg/dL.
- Differential counts generally should be 50-75% lymphocytes, 10-30% heterophils, 0-10% eos, 0-1% basos, 0-3% monos.
- Whale sharks – In captivity have higher cholesterol and triglycerides vs wild conspecifics. EHM2.
- Marine elasmobranchs retain and reabsorb urea and other solutes so that plasma remains hyperosmotic to sea water.
Describe the body conditioning of elasmobranchs.
What findings on examination, ultrasonography, and clinical pathology are used to make these evaluations?
- Body condition assessment –
- Epaxial muscles and muscles over pelvic girdle should be rounded and firm
- Coelomic contours should be flat to slightly convex.
- US can be used to evaluate liver size and echogenicity. Should be large, lipid-laden. Can calculate a liver-to-coelom ratio.
- Urea and total proteins decrease with inappetance in some studies.
- Glucose and electrolytes are generally well regulated during prolonged fasting.
Describe the development of goiter in elasmobranchs.
What life support elements or water quality parameters may interfere with iodine uptake?
Describe the gross and histologic findings of goiter.
- Iodine deficiency captive and free ranging animals
- Causes: ozone (converts iodide to iodate), high nitrates can inhibit uptake by thyroid, spitting out oral supplements
- Ozone reduces the amount of environmental iodine available, which is critical for thyroid hormone synthesis.
- Thyroid enlargement - may appear as mass ventral midline caudal to mouth, grossly thickened or rounded, pale orange
- Histo: diffuse hyperplastic goiter, diffuse colloid goiter, multinodular colloid goiter
- Note not all deficient animals will show gross or histologic evidence deficiency
- Thyroid iodine content is reliable indicator of thyroid status and can be used to assess efficacy of iodine supplementation
- Oversupplementation can cause iodine toxicity and gland enlargement; retinal necrosis
- Causes: ozone (converts iodide to iodate), high nitrates can inhibit uptake by thyroid, spitting out oral supplements
Describe soft tissue mineralization in cownose rays.
What are some potential etiologies?
What are the gross and histologic features of this condition?
- Soft tissue mineralization - common in captive cownose rays
- Progressive -> weight loss, death
- May be related to inappropriate calcium supplementation in water or prey
- Renal disease
- Lesions (domed or flat and ulcerated) - skin (distal pectoral fins, ventral torso), dorsal midline, tail; may have chalky white deposits on skin and internally in various organs
- Histo: basophilic mineral deposits in connective tissue, smooth muscle, myocardium, basement membrane; surrounded by granulomatous inflammation and fibroplasia (von Kossa stain can confirm presence of mineral)
What are some findings on necropsy that may indicate hypoxia in elasmobranchs?
How do species differ in their susceptibility?
- Hypoxia
- Causes: low DO secondary to equipment failure or high bioload or chronic gill damage
- Species variation with susceptibility - epaulette sharks and sleeper sharks can survive in hypoxic environments
- Buccal pumping: compensate with decreased activity and increased resp rate
- Obligate ram ventilators (lamnid sharks): increase swim speed and mouth gape
- Acute hypoxia: good condition, no gross lesions or nonspecific congestion, histologic lesions may include acute necrosis in viscera (gill lamellae, renal tubules)
Describe some of the metabolic consequences of restraint in elasmobranchs?
Are there certain species that are more suceptible?
Are there any obvious lesions on necropsy?
- Stress (metabolic consequences) associated with capture and handling
- Catecholamine release and inhibition of respiration
- Decreased pH and increased lactate of blood (metabolic acidosis); some sharks - concurrent respiratory acidosis, hyperglycemia
- No gross or histo lesions
- May also develop exertional rhabdomyolysis in skeletal and cardiac muscle
- Dogfish and tiger sharks less susceptible vs Atlantic sharpnose and blacktip sharks more susceptible
Describe the lesions associated with the following toxins in elasmobranchs:
Heavy Metal Toxicity (what metals?)
Paint Fumes
Algal Toxins
- Ozone toxicosis
- Oxidizing agent - toxic to gill epithelium and erythrocytes -> membrane peroxidation -> formation of methemoglobin -> death by hypoxia
- No specific gross lesions, congestion
- Histo: gill epithelium may show acute necrosis +/- gill congestion and lamellar atrophy
- Gas bubble disease
- Heavy metal toxicity (copper, tin)
- Sublethal copper exposure - decreased erythrocytes and HCT, decreased plasma urea, increased lactate and acidosis in dogfish
- Tin (tributyltin oxide in marine paint) - gill epithelial necrosis from peroxidation in yellow stingrays
Fenbendazole toxicity
- Lethargy, inappetence, increased respiratory rate, leukopenia, anemia
- Gross: ventral erythema and necrotic tips of tail or pectoral fins
- Histo: necrosis of hematopoietic tissues - epigonal organ, gi mucosa basal cells
- Die from sepsis from necrotic gi mucosa
- Volatile organic chemicals - paint fumes
- Acute mortality in sand tiger sharks (southern stingrays survived)
- Gross: gill congestion
- Histo: acute gill necrosis with thrombosis, laminar collapse and congestion
- Red tide (Karenia brevis)
- Mortality in blacktip sharks and Atlantic sharpnose sharks reported with bloom in FL
- High brevetoxin concentration in liver, gill and skeletal muscle
- Naturally bioaccumulate toxin, so diagnosis can be difficult
- Sharks appear to be resistant to domoic acid toxicity
What cardiac lesions are common in elasmobranchs?
What age groups are most commonly affected?
What are the gross and histologic lesions?
- Coronary arteriosclerosis (captive and free-ranging)
- Correlates with larger size and may be age-related
- Histo: loss of internal elastic lamina and proliferation of connective tissue and smooth muscle of the intima, reduction of vascular lumen; more common at branch points
- Arteriosclerosis also seen in meningeal and ocular choroidal vessels
- Histo: dense collagenous connective tissue within and around vessels
- Cardiac valvular proliferative lesions and myocardial fibrosis
- Geriatric animals may contribute to stress and mortality
- Gross: white fronds around valve leaflets of conus arteriosus
- Histo: papillary projections are mildly hyperplastic endothelium over collagenous or mucinous stroma. Fibrosis occurs specifically at the junction of the inner and outer myocardium of the ventricle