First World War Flashcards
Weaponry of WW1 1914
Hand grenades
Machine Guns
Cavalry had no part to play on battlefield
Aircraft seen as new cavalry ‘knights of the sky’
The Naval Arms Race
Usually stopped wars not cause them
Dreadnoughts race after 1906 British Dreadnought
Building ships get out of control
The Alliance System
Nations with common aims/interests
Triple Enténte= Britain, Russiaz France
Tripped Alliance= Germany,Italy(switch), Turkey, Austria
The Balkans
War in the Balkans- little states
War prior to this
Nationalism in Austrian Empire
Decline of Ottoman, Austro-Hungary Empires
Austro-Hungary Empire declared war on Serbia
Serbian nationalist assassinate heir to Austrian throne- Declared war
German Imperialism
Unification 1871- victory of Franko Prussian War
50 years industrialised for Germany comparatively to Britain
Kaiser Wilhelm II aggressive- navy to rival Britain
Army biggest in Europe =more powerful
Battle of Mons 23 August 1914
BEF (British Expeditionary Force) engage German army- Battle of Frontiers
BEF lost 1,638 casualties forced to retreat
Stopped Shleiffen Plan
War of movement= no trenches
Double German casualties
Germany too strong in this battle
Leader of BEF Sir John French
Outnumbered by Germany
Britain retreated to Ypres (prime homebase for British for war)
Battle of Marne 6-12 September 1914
Mint British involvement more supporting French
Halted Shleiffen Plan
Known as ‘Miracle of Marne’ allied victory
Trenches hastily dug to lockdown territorial position
Schliefflen Plan details
Surrounded by enemies- overreact
Attack France first, defeat them, Britain won’t fight without France.
90% geared to France, 10% on Eastern Front
Take Russia after, would take them 6 weeks to mobilise get France in this time
However, wrong Russia only took 10 days to mobilise
Schlieffen died and Moltke took over reduced percentages 75% France, 25% Eastern Front= fail
Reasons Schlieffen Plan failed
- ) Reduced percentages 75% France, 25% Eastern Front
- ) Russia mobilised quicker than estimated only took 10 days
- ) Novody expected quick British involvement- occured due to Germany breaking Belgiums neutrality
Railways in Schlieffen Plan
Railways key in war= Industrialised war. Shleiffen Plan built around railways
Belgium invaded by Germany ended neutrality and stopped Shleiffen Plan as Britain had to declare war