First to Third Weeks of Development Flashcards
Oocyte (23 chromosomes)
Spermatozoon (23 chromosomes)
Oocyte + Spermatozoon = Zygote (46 chromosomes)
Cleavage of the Zygote
30 hours following fertilization
Sequence of mitotic cell divisions of the zygote - gives rise to blastomeres
Takes place while zygote travels in uterine tube to get to the uterine cavity
At 12-32 cell stage –> called a morula
Formation of Blastocyst
Morula enters the uterine cavity (4 days after fertilization)
Blastocystic Cavity - fluid filled inside the morula
Fluid causes blastomeres to divide into inner cell mass (embryoblast) and outer cell layer (trophoblast)
Blastocyst consists of
Blastocystic Cavity
Zona Pellucida
Implantation of the Blastocyst
6 days after fertilization
Embryonic pole implants in endometrial lining
Tophoblast surrounds blastocyst and when touches endometrial lining it gives rise to 2 layers - Cytotrophoblast (inner) and Syncytiotrophoblast (outer)
Formation of hypoblast
Appears around day 7
early stage of primary endoderm
2 embryonic layers in week 2
Bilaminar embryonis disc gives rise to
Epiblast - floor of amniotic cavity
Hypoblast - roof of exocoelomic cavity
2 cavities in week 2
Amniotic cavity - new cavity
Blastocystic cavity - now called the exocoelomic cavity
Exocoelomic membrane gives rise to primary and secondary umbilical vesicles
2 Trophoblast layers in week 2
Cytotrophoblast = inner layer Syncytiotrophoblast = outer mass - secretes hCG (basis of positive pregnancy tests)
Embryonic disc and amniotic sac and secondary umbilical vesicle are suspended in the…
Chorionic cavity by the connecting stalk
Week 2
Implantation of Conceptus - Week 2
Blastocyst becomes completely implanted in the endometrial lining
Implantation occurs day 7-10
Closing plug - blood clot that forms days 11-12
Decidual reaction - Glycogen and lipids are accumulated to prevent fighting foreign paternal DNA
Endometrial cells are now decidual cells
3 Germ Layers of Week 3
Epiblast of the bilaminar embryonic disc undergoes gastrulation to form 3 germ layers
Trilaminar embryonic disc is now known as the gastrula
3 New structures
Primitive Streak
Neural Tube
3 Cavities
Amniotic cavity
2nd umbilical vesicle
Extraembryonic Coelom
Primitive Streak
Intense mitotic activity in epiblast causes elevation to form in the midline and this is the primitive streak
Its cranial end is rounded - primitive node
Dimple in primitive node - primitive pit
Primitive groove - narrow groove in the primitive streak