First Semester Flashcards
What is self-awareness?
introspection & observation of one’s behaviour and character and conscious awareness of these traits Understanding values, beliefs, attitudes, culture, biases, judgments- the impact they may have on others
Why is self-awareness important?
part of becoming a nurse do not want biases/prejudices to impact client care when you understand yourself, you are better able to understand clients identify strengths and areas needed for improvement
How to be self-aware?
introspection (journal writing), feedback from others, self-sharing
Stages of reflective process
3: awareness of uncomfortable feelings and thoughts, critical analysis of feelings and knowledge, new perspective
What are the 4 ‘panes’ of Johari’s window?
Open (known to self & others), Blind (uknown to self & known to others), Hidden (Known to self & unknown to others), Unknown (unknown to self or others)
3 interrelated facets of self-awareness
cognitive (thinking), affective (feeling), behavioural (acting)
How does culture affect one’s understanding of the relevance of self-awareness?
Western conception of self: egocentric, focused on individualism & autonomy, valuing objective & rational thought non-Western people: may be confused when exposed to strategies for self-awareness, tend not to be preoccupied with self, instead valuing communality & connectedness to others (pg. 302 Ekroth-Bucher article)
What is the WHO definition of health?
A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
What is health?
-people with functional disabilities, chronic diseases etc. may view themselves as healthy -a resource for everyday living, not the objective of living -consequence of interdependens b/w indiv & family, community, culture, and physical & social environs -ability to lead a socially & economically productive life
What is health according to the Population Health Approach?
Health is the capacity of people to adapt to, respond to, or control life’s challenges and changes
Individual factors re: health
personal history, biology, previous events e.g. illness/inury, nutritional status, stressors
Human rights link to health
Improving human rights improves health e.g. gender equality, rights to education, information, water, housing Health policies/programmes can violate or promote human rights The right to health is a progessive realization of health for all
What are the underlying determinants of health re: right to health?
water, sanitation, food, nutrition, housing, healthy occupational & environmental conditions, education, information
Priniciples re: health & human rights
accountability, equality & non-discrimination, Indivisibility, Interdependence & interrelatedness, participation & inclusion, Universality
What is Health Promotion?
process of enabling people to increase control over, and improve, their health. embraces action directed toward changing social, environmental & economic conditions so as to alleviate their impact on public and individual health
prevention, upstream thinking
w/in context of ottawa charter, what is enabling?
signals empowerment, taking action with clients to empower them to gain control over their health & environ w/ goal of improving health
What is the nursing process?
assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation
What is disease?
abnormal alterations in the structure or functioning of body that fit within the medical model, disease follows an identifiable progression -disease course
What is illness?
personal experience of, perception of, & reaction to a disease whereby he/she is unable to function at desired “usual” level Chronic illness-particular trajectory-expected courses-illness trajectory- clt’s adapt differently to chronic illness
What is the primary level of disease & injury prevention?
prevent occurrence of disease
What is the secondary level of disease & injury prevention?
detect & stop disease from developing in those at risk
What is the tertiary level of disease & injury prevention?
reduce negative effects once disease is established