First Peoples - Populating the Planet Flashcards
What are “Hunter-Gatherers?”
Nomadic foragers/hunters.
How many people live on Earth today?
About 7 billion.
When did Homo sapiens first start to migrate from Africa?
About 100,000 years ago.
When did Homo sapiens first emerge?
About 250,000 years ago.
When and what happened during the migration to Eurasia?
It occurred about 45,000 years ago. Humans had to adapt to cold weather for the first time and signs show that the first long-term settlements were made here.
When and what happened during the migration to Australia?
It is believed that people migrated to Australia about 65,000 years ago; and it is believed that the first boats were made here.
When and what happened during the migration to the Americas?
It is believed that people first migrated here with the Bering Strait between 30,000 and 12,000 years ago. Hunting and gathering was very prominent for a long time here.
When and what happened during the migration to the Pacific?
It is believed that people colonized this part of the world only 3,500 years ago. The people here used boats and they greatly relied on the waters. And, because of their water travels, they had very widely-used languages.
What was different about man-woman relationships in hunter-gatherer communities?
They were actually treated equally, since women were tasked as gatherers and they brought in a lot of food.
What sexist idea formed in Europe?
The idea that men are much better and more important than women.
Where did Hunter-gatherer societies usually live?
By bodies of water; because of the abundance of food and other things.
What important technologies were developed in early Europe?
Weaving, nets, baskets, pottery, and bone needles (which led to clothing).
What changes in the environment did humans cause?
Humans have caused many animal species to go extinct and they have caused some plants to become more resilient or change altogether.
What did some people use to find enjoyment and to try to reach the spirits/Gods?
Psychoactive drugs.
What things give us ideas of what culture was like back then?
Art pieces such as the Venus of Willendorf, cave paintings, and old tools/items.
What huge settlement transition happened and why?
People started to live in permanent shelters; and they did so because of the need to stay still with agriculture. Permanent settlements also allow production of more food and the ability to store more things.
What climate change encouraged Agriculture?
After the last Ice Age, there was tons of global warming and the ice melted so everything was wetter and thus more fertile.
Who were the San people?
A Southern African group that lived in the area including Angola, Namibia, and Botswana.
What group displaced the San and other similar groups?
The Bantu.
What was San language like?
They used distinct clicking noises to quickly communicate messages. Many believe that they used clicks to not scare away animals while hunting.
What was diet like during San times?
It was about 30% protein and about 70% vegetables, which is very balanced and healthy.
In what way is the Hunting and Gathering lifestyle better than the lives of today?
It required much less overall work to feed yourself, so people were very laid back and there was much more family time and free time.
What is “Insulting the Meat?”
The idea of speaking negatively about an animal killed by a hunter for food (saying it isn’t thick enough or something like that).
Who are the Chumash?
A group that lived in the Southern California area. (They famously invented the Tomol canoe.) They lived by the coast and heavily relied on the Ocean and other such waters.
What were Chumash houses like?
They lived in round, permanent, substantial houses; often covered by grass or reeds. Some were up to 50 feet in diameter and were able to hold about 70 people.
What change in thought do we have now towards Paleolithic peoples compared to a couple decades ago?
We now appreciate them more and we don’t see them as much as “primitive” or “superstitious.” It is what these old peoples did that led us to how we are now.
What was the order of Migration?
Africa, the Middle East, Eurasia, Australia, the Americas, the Pacific.