First Aid: Psychotherapies Flashcards
The unconscious involves what type of thinking?
primary process thinking (primitive, pleasure-seeking urgers)
Who typically has primary process thinking?
What is involved in the preconscious?
memories that are easy to bring into awareness
What is involved in the conscious?
current thoughts and secondary process thinking (logical, mature and can delay gratification)
What is the unconscious that involves instinctual sexual/aggressive urges and primary process thinking>
When is the id present?
at birth
What is the mediator between the id and the external environment (seeks to develop satisfying interpersonal relationships)?
What does the ego use to control instinctual urges?
defense mechanisms
What does the ego use to distinguish fantasy from reality?
reality testing
Who has problems with reality testing?
What is the superego?
moral conscious
When does the superego develop?
present by age 6
True or false: defense mechanisms are normal and healthy in moderation
True or false: defense mechanisms are conscious processes
FALSE (unconscious)
What types of defenses are encountered in OCD patients, hysterical patients and adults under stress?
What are the most primitive defense mechanisms seen in children, adolescents, etc.?
Performing acts that benefit others in order to vicariously experience pleasure
Expressing feelings through comedy without causing discomfort to self or others
Satisfying socially objectionable impulses in an acceptable manner (channel them rather than prevent them)
Purposely ignoring an unacceptable impulse or emotion in order to diminish discomfort and accomplish a task
Altruism, humor, sublimation and suppression are all examples of what?
mature defenses
Regulating situations and events of external environment to relieve anxiety
Shifting emotions from an undesirable situation to one that is personally tolerable
Avoiding negative feelings by excessive use of intellectual functions and by focusing on irrelevant details or inanimate objects
Unconsciously limiting the experience of feelings or emotions associated with a stressful life event in order to avoid anxiety
isolation of affect
Creating explanations of an event in order to justify outcomes or behaviors and to make them acceptable
Doing the opposite of an unacceptable impulse
Reaction formation
Preventing a thought or feeling from entering consciousness
What is the difference between repression and suppression?
Repression is UNconscious
Suppression is a conscious act
Controlling, displacement, intellectualizaiton, isolation of affect, rationalization, reaction formation and repression are all examples of what
neurotic defenses
Giving in to an impulse, even if socially inappropriate in order to avoid the anxiety of suppressing that impulse
acting out
Not accepting reality that is too painful
Performing behaviors from an earlier stage of development in order to avoid tension associated with current phase of development
Attributing objectionable thoughts or emotions to others
What are acting out, denial, regression and projection examples of
immature defenses
Attempting to reverse a situation by adopting a new behavior
What is the insight oriented therapy that has a goal of resolving unconscious conflicts?
How often must patients get psychoanalysis to get a result?
4-5 times a week for multiple years
What is the technique when a pt is asked to say whatever comes to mind?
free association
What is the goal of free association?
bring forth thoughts and feelings from unconscious so that therapiest may interpret them
Why might a therapist want to interpret a dream?
dreams represent conflict between urges and fears
What is the word for the bond between the therapist and the patient who work together for a goal?
therapeutic alliance
What is the projection of unconscious feelings about the important figures in the patient’s life onto the therapist?
What is the projection of unconscious feelings about important figures in the therapist’s life onto the patient?
How do psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy and brief dynamic psychotherapy differ from psychoanalysis?
- Briefer (weekly for 6-18 months)
- Face-to-face with therapist (no couch)
What is the goal of interpersonal therapy?
Improve interpersonal relationships (focus on development of social skills)
What is the goal for supportive psychotherapy?
- Make pt feel safe during a difficult time
- Empathy, understanding and education
What is the goal of behavioral therapy?
- Help patients change behaviors that contribute to symtpoms
- Extinguish maladaptive behaviors by replacing them with healthy alternatives
Theory where behaviors can be learned by conditioning and similarly unlearned by deconditioning
learning theory
What type of conditioning is when a stimulus can eventually evoke a conditioned response
What type of conditioning is when a behavior is learned when followed with positive or negative reinforcement?
What type of behavioral therapy is commonly used to treat phobias and involves relaxation techniques with gradual exposure to increasing doses of a stimulus?
systemic desensitization
What behavioral therapy is commonly used to treat phobias that involves confrontation with stimulus and not allowing withdrawal until pt is calm and in control?
flooding (real) and implosion (imagined)
What type of therapy is used to treat addicts and paraphilias and involves pairing specific behavior with negative stimulus?
aversion therapy
What behavioral therapy uses rewards after specific behaviors to positively reinforce them (used with mentally retarded or disorganized individuals)?
token economy
What type of therapy involves giving physiological data to a pt as they try to mentally control physiological states?
What type of therapy seeks to correct faulty assumptions and negative feelings that exacerbate psychiatric symptoms?
cognitive therapy
What type of marital therapy do you see the couple separately?
What type of therapy may help sexual problems?
four-way therapy (with 2 therapists)
What is the specific treatment for borderline personality disorder?
dialectical behavioral therapy
How long does dialectical behavioral therapy take?
1-2 year commitment (treatment 2-3 times per week)