firecrack feb 1 Flashcards
goal FiO2
less than 60% (need to minimze oxygen radicals)
tidal volume =
8-10ml/kg of ideal body wt
how to change patient’s arterial pco2
by modifying TV or RR
high resp rates use to
blow off excess pco2
ex severe metabolic acidosis
low resp rates use to
increase pco2
resp alkalosis
how to change pts arterial po2
modify fio2 or peep
most common complication of mechanical ventilation
risk increase with PEEP
alveolar pressure above atomspheric pressure found in lung at end of expiration
keeps alveoli from collpasing on expiration
complications of peep
increased intracranial pressure
inrecased risk of barotrauma
hypotension from diminished venous return
classic presentation of pheo
htn, tachycardia
diaphoresis, headaches, palpitations
long standing undiganosed pheo causes
catecholamine cardiomyopathy
radiology for pheo
CT scans - adrenal adenoma
MIBG scans, pheo not on adrenal gland
pheo crisis
adrenergic hypertensive crisis leads to multiple system organ faliure
conditions that can induce pheo crisis
anesthesia induction agents
emotional stress
iv urographic contrast
pheo treatment - first choice
surgical resection
pheo medical management
alpha blocker: phenoxybenzamine
CML mutation
constiutively active tyrosine kinase
median age of onset for CML
CML presents with
nonspecific - fatigue, fever, wt loss
early satiety (enlarged spleen)
LUQ pain - spleen infarction or spleenomegaly
low leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
tyrosine kinase inhibitors - imatinib
CML with blast crisis
need hematopoietic stem cell transplant
CML can conver to
ALL or AML in a blast crisis
myeloid/lymphoid blasts proliferate
usually fatal
How is genetic sideroblastic anemia treated?
iron levels managed by transfusions, chelation, phlebotomy
What metabolic defect causes sideroblastic anemia?
defective heme synthesis
iron can’t combine with heme
unused iron accumulates in mitochondria and around nucleus
hat is a potential long-term complication of acquired, irreversible sideroblastic anemia?
myelodysplastic syndrome
acute leukemia
What vitamin can treat sideroblastic anemia?
vit b6 (pyridoxine)
What stain is used to diagnose sideroblastic anemia?
Prussian Blue of bone marrow
basophilic inclusions
what is a ringed sideroblast?
unused iron encircling nucleus
How is molluscum contagiosum diagnosed?
What histological findings are associated with molluscum contagiosum?
giemsa or wright stains - inclusion bodies
What treatment options are available for patients with molluscum contagiosum?
topical trichloroacetic acid
What are five reversible causes of sideroblastic anemia?
lead, zinc, alcohol tox copper def isonizaid chloramphenicol hypothermia
diagnosis of CMV infection
culture buffy coat WBC
PCR or serology
What effect can CMV infection have on the adrenal glands?
addison’s dz (primary adrenal insuff)
What is the classic description of microscopy findings in CMV infection?
large intranuclear basophilic inclusion surrounded by a halo and small intracytoplasmic basophilic inclusion
What are the most significant adverse effects of ganciclovir?
hematologic - neutropenia, etc
What are the signs/symptoms of congenital CMV?
microcephaly MR Deafness Intracranial Califications Seizures (MRDICS)
What s/sx of CMV may be present at birth, but resolve within the first few weeks of life?
thrombocytopenia purpura - blueberry muffin rash (also in rubella)
HSM, jaundice
What medication is used to treat ganciclovir-resistant CMV?
Why is congenital CMV important?
- # 1 congenital infection in the developed world
- # 1 viral cause of mental retardation in the U.S.
- # 1 cause of sensorineural hearing loss
How does CMV infection manifest in immunocompetent vs immunocompromised hosts?
asymptomatic, mono vs
GI,pulm,renal,adrenal dz
What are the GI sequelae of CMV infection?
esophagitis (AIDs, painful swallowing)
hepatitis (granulmatous0
What infection does CMV cause in the lung?
interstitial/atypical pneumonia
How does CMV affect the kidneys?
progressive renal failure
will see intranuclear inclusions
Why does presence of HbS result in vaso-occlusive phenomena?
HbS - poorly soluble when deoxygenated
polymerize within RBCs, impaired RBC deformability - vaso occlusions
Sickle Cell Disease Lab Findings
elevated reticulocyte index 3-15%
indirect hyperbilirubenimia
elevated LDH, decrease haptoglobin
sickle cells, polychormasis, howell-jolly bodies
Why do children with sickle cell disease experience delayed growth and development?
primary hypogonadism, hypopituitarism, hypothalamic insuff
sickle cell bacteremia
s pneumo
sickle cell meningitis
s pneumo
sickle cell pneumonia
mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella
What screening test regimens should sickle cell patients begin?
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound for evaluation of cerebral blood flow, starting at age 2 and repeated every 1-2 years until age 16
Retinal evaluation should start at age 10 and repeated routinely
How is sickle cell disease diagnosed in the prenatal period? How is it diagnosed after birth?
prenatal: dna pcr testing
newborn: electrophoresis (HbF, HbS but no HbA)
What antimicrobial prophylaxis is recommended for sickle cell patients?
vaccianations: s pneumo/h flu/mengitis
hep b
3 months - 5 years: penicillin or erythromycin
What medication & supplements can be provided for patients with symptomatic sickle cell disease?
folic acid supplementation
What are 6 common neurological complications of sickle cell disease?
TIA, ischemic stroke intracerebral hemorrhage vestibular dysfxn sensory hearing loss retinopathy
What are 3 common skeletal complications of sickle cell disease?
What cardiac complication are sickle cell patients at risk for?
increased cardiac output to compensate for anemia
What type of gallstones are typically seen in patients with sickle cell disease?
acute chest syndrome
appearance of new infiltrate on CXR along with pulm symptoms
can be due to infarction or infection
What are the most common causes of malignant solitary pulmonary nodules?
primary lung cancer
carcinoid tumor
Following an episode of pharyngitis, a 7-year-old child develops periorbital edema and hematuria. Explain the pathophysiology of this patient’s condition.
type III hypersensitivity
Infections of what organ systems can result in PSGN (post streptococcal glomerulonephritis)?
skin or URI
What is the confirmatory test for PSGN?
kidney biopsy
igg and c3 positive bumpy deposits on renal basement membrane
What are symptoms of PSGN (post streptococcal glomerulonephritis) aside from the classic triad?
brown urine, renal failure
What lab findings are common in PSGN (post streptococcal glomerulonephritis) other than hematuria and proteinuria
aso titer
increase bun,cr
postivie anti-dnase b titer
What is the classical clinical presentation of post-strep glomerulonephritis?
edema, esp periorbital
What levels of hematuria and proteinuria are found in PSGN (post streptococcal glomerulonephritis)?
4+ blood on urine dipstick
<3.5g protein/day
treatment for psgn
self limited
only for complications (diuretics, acei)
What is the most common anatomic location for a carcinoid tumor?
bronchopulm tree
In addition to octreotide, what therapies are indicated for the treatment of metastatic carcinoid disease?
chemoembolization of hepatic artery
What is a carcinoid tumor?
neuroendocrine origin
derived from primitive stem cells in gut wall
What are some potential complications of a carcinoid tumor?
carcinoid syndrome and carcinoid crisis
bowel obstruction
carcinoid heart disease
metastasis, recurrence
Describe the constellation of symptoms seen in a patient with carcinoid syndrome.
tricuspid/pulm valvular dz
What is the best screening method for carcinoid tumor?
urine 5 HIAA
serum serotonin
What parameters are associated with a poor prognosis in a patient with a carcinoid tumor?
tumors greater than 2 cm in size
positive lymph nodes
What substance secreted by carcinoid tumors is responsible for the symptoms seen in carcinoid syndrome?
Carcinoid tumors are most likely to be found in what patient population?
rare in kids
Under what conditions can a carcinoid tumor cause carcinoid syndrome?
GI tumor metastasizes to liver
primary tumor outside of GI system
In a patient with carcinoid syndrome, what abnormalities may be present on cardiopulmonary exam?
rs heart murmur
What is the standard treatment for a localized carcinoid tumor?
What pharmacologic agent may be administered for symptomatic relief in a patient with carcinoid syndrome?
kidney biopsy for iga nephropathy
increased prolif of mesangial cells
iga nephropathy classic presentation
flank pain
low grade fever
What is the basic pathophysiology of IgA nephropathy?
igA immune complexes deposit in mesangial cells of kidneys, cause damage to glomeruli
diseases iga nephropathy is associated with
celiac disease
inflamm disorders - sarcoidosis, IBD
What is the most common cause of glomerular hematuria world-wide?
iga nephropathy
What will the urine dipstick show for IgA nephropathy?
pos for blood and protein
RBC and RBC casts can be present
What is seen on light microscopy in IgA nephropathy?
normal-appearing glomeruli or mesangial widening due to mesangial proliferation
What are the medical treatment options for IgA nephropathy?
acei/arb with statins
When are steroids indicated for treating IgA nephropathy?
nephrotic range proteinuria
What are some features that distinguish IgA nephropathy from Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis?
iga within one week of URI, psgn several weeks latera
normal complement in iga nephropathy
positive throat culture in PSGN
cell that accumulates in CLL
functionally incompetent, but mature appearing lymphocytes
Rai staging system
stage 0 - lymphocytosis
I, II, LAD, organomegaly
III, IV: anemia, thrombocytopenia
median survival for CLL pts
10 years
very variable
mite sarcoptes scabiei
pruritic lesions
populations affected by CLL
caucasions, male, elderly (70)
next step in treatment of localized CLL
two staging systems for CLL
Rai and Binet
most common PE findings for CLL
CLL complications
infection, anemia, thrombocytopenia
tumor lysis syndrome
Binet staging system
a: fewer than 3 LN
b: 3 or more LN
c: anemia or thrombocytopenia
CLL pts that should receive chemo
advanced, symptomatic
scabies presents with
worse at night and after a hot bath
presenting symptoms of CLL
b symptoms
leukemia cutis
plum-colored purpur
manifestaton of leukemia
scabies treatment
topical permethrin cream or oral ivermectin
graves dz highest risk
women, age 20-40
RA spares
DIP joints
Graves disease cellular infiltrate
lymphocytic infiltrate, germinal centers
RA first line DMARDS
NSAIDS/glucticorticoids in RA
adjuntive antiinflamm agents
RA clinical diagnosis, next step
x ray imaging:
joint erosion
joint space narrowing
drugs for prinzmetals
dihydropyridine CCB
amlodipine, nifedipine
joint space aspiration in RA
decreased complement
increased leukocyte count
RA lab findings
increase ESR, CRP
+ RF
prinzmetal complication that occurs with coronary relaxation
severe life threatening arrhythmias (v fib, vtach, etc)
prinzmetal contraindicated drug