Fire Survival Guidance Calls PN 790 Flashcards
What is a FSG?
A call received by control where the caller believes they are unable to leave the premises due to a fire and where the controller remains on the line providing advice.
Who determines if a FSG is taking place?
How will control pass the FSG information to the fire ground?
They will contact the ICP by main-scheme radio for each separate FSG. Names must not be communicated over the radio.
Where should all the information be written down by control and by the ICP initially?
On the Control Information Form
What is the minimum role of a FSG coordinator?
What additional resources will be mobilised for a FSG?
For the persons reported portion - 1 x CU, 1 x SM, 1 x FIU
PLUS exclusive use for FSG - 1 x CU, 1 x SM, 1 x PL (with WM)
Where can you find casualty information poster?
On the Command unit and on the Forward Recording Information board for use at the bridgehead.