Fire inspector part 3 Flashcards
Fire service elevators are tested _______
Firefighting foams are well suited for use against fires involving __________
flammable liquids
Footings are generally required to rest on ________
undisturbed earth
Forms used in the shaping of ribbed and waffle type concrete floors and roofs are called __________
Gravity pressure tanks are required to be _______ full at ____ PSI
2/3rds full; 75 PSI
Heavy timber is generally considered to be structural members of ______ inches minimum nominal dimensions.
Hoselines connected to yard hydrants that are part of private protection systems are intended to be used by the ________
private fire brigade
How often are pumps tested and ran for stand pipes?
If a dispute arises about the construction methods or materials used, who has the final decision?
The architect
In general, all dry and wet chemical systems should be tested at least ________
In high pressure storage, liquid CO2 is stored in 50-100lb. metal cylinders at ____ PSI at ____ F.
850 PSI; 70F
In the residential areas, hydrant supply mains should be at least _____ and not less than ____ diameter
8 inches and 6 inches
information on “Fire Department Operations in Properties Protected by Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems” may be found in ________
NFPA 13e
Invisible products of combustion detectors are commonly called ______ detectors
Most bimetallic detectors are considered to be _________
most wood-frame construction done today is called ________ construction
Western-frame or platform-frame
Name the two types of dry-pipe valves that are in use today.
Mechanical and Differential
One or more siamese connections through which a fire department pumper can supply water into the system is not required on which system?
Class II
Regular protein foams as well as most other foams are marketed to be mixed in ___ or ___ percent solutions.
3 or 6
Residential stair risers are commonly between ___ and ___ inches high
7 and 7 1/2
Sections and various other small drawings found in a complete set of working drawings are called _______
Sheets nailed to studs protecting the building from the weather is called a _________
Structural drawings are usually arranged with the schedules placed in the ______ corner
upper-right hand
The alarm test valve in a sprinkler system is located on a pipe which connects the supply side of the alarm check valve to the ________
retard chamber
The first thing to do when reading the “specs” is to read the ___________
table of contents
The minimum water supply for a Class II standpipe service must be sufficient to provide ____ GPM for at least ___ minutes
100 GPM, 30 minutes
The Radiant Flux test is used for testing ______.
The required air pressure for a dry-pipe sprinkler system usually ranges from ___ to ___ PSI
15 to 50 PSI
The simplest type of alarm system is the _____ system
The term protected noncombustible construction when bearing walls exterior and interior are of noncombustible construction with a fire resistance rating of ___ hours
2 hours
The term protected ordinary construction has a fire resistance rating of ___ hour.
1 hour
The _____ sprinkler system is ordinarily equipped with open sprinkler heads and a deluge valve.
The _____ course is the course of brick or masonry with the ends exposed to bond the masonry to a subwall.
The _______ is the central nervous system of the local alarm system.
control panel
Views of a building project in vertical planes are known as ______ views
Water pouring from a fire department connection on a sprinkler system would most likely indicate that the ______ is not working properly
check valve
What distance is required between explosives and an unpacking area?
50 feet
What is the maximum travel distance to an exit in a fully-sprinklered nursing home?
150 feet
What type of wall can be utilized as either a load bearing or non-load bearing wall?
Partition wall
When inspecting the post indicator valve on a sprinkler system it is important that the operating stem be backed off ______ turn from the fully open position
quarter turn
When the fuel supply and the heat source are brought together by some hazardous act t his is a ________.
fire cause
Where the pressure at the standpipe outlet is greater than ____ PSI an appropriate warning sign should be installed.
150 PSI
Which type of sprinkler head hangs down?
Written specifications serve ________ general purposes
__________ inches per person for grandstand and bleacher seating is required
18 inches
__________ are plywood or metal plates used to strengthen joints of a truss
________ is that portion of the means of egress that is separated from all other spaces in the building or structure by construction or equipment to provide a protected way of travel to the exit discharge
_____ is the portion of the means of egress which leads to an exit.
Exit access
_________ are barriers to air passage when closed, where a duct passes a partition.
Fire dampers
____________ are units installed in air conditioning systems where smoke detectors are used.
Smoke dampers
________ projections accurately represent three-dimensional objects graphically on paper
_______ is that portion of the means of egress between the termination of an exit and the public way
Exit discharge
TRUE or FALSE? A compression force is considered a crushing force?
TRUE or FALSE? An inspector is not held liable for the manner in which decisions are carried out.
TRUE or FALSE? Brannigan’s definition of fire load is: potential fuel available in a building
TRUE or FALSE? Exhausters release air to the outside atmosphere
TRUE or FALSE? FD support of automatic sprinkler systems through the FDC is such importance that the first and second arriving pumper must hook up to these connections.
TRUE or FALSE? Fire load is available fuel
TRUE or FALSE? Fixed temperature detection devices are considered to be extremely reliable detectors but their sensitivity is considered very low
TRUE or FALSE? Hazmat in bulk shipment requires a 4-digit ID number
TRUE or FALSE? If the code is too vague, remove the vagueness
TRUE or FALSE? In reinforced concrete, the concrete has a high compressive and a low tensile strength
TRUE or FALSE? One of the innovations in the field of private fire protection has been the installation of residential sprinkler systems
TRUE or FALSE? The amount of gas in CO2 storage cylinders is checked by weighing them.
TRUE or FALSE? The definition of a square rectangle is one having 4 equal sides and 4 right angels
TRUE or FALSE? The elevations on a typical set of working drawings may show interior and exterior views, finished floor levels, and special equipment “built-ins” or trim
TRUE or FALSE? The four main detectable products of combustion are heat, smoke, light and invisible products (ionized gasses)
TRUE or FALSE? The primary purpose of an inspection is to prevent fires from starting and the secondary purpose is to provide a reasonable means for extinguishment.
TRUE or FALSE? When inspecting a sprinkler system the inspector is most concerned with valves, piping and heads.
A balcony or mezzanine with occupant loads greater than ____ shall have 2 exits/means of egress provided.
A dormitory is a building or space in a building in which group sleeping accommodations are provided for more than ___ persons who are not members of the same family
A fire department pumper can effectively supply around ____ feet in a high rise building depending on hydrant pressure and other factors.
A fire lane is ____ feet wide, minimum 13.6 clearance
A full flow trip test of a dry pipe system is recommended every ____ years
A public way is a street, alley or similar parcel with a width and height of at least ____ feet.
A U-shaped member with squared corners is called a ______
A _____ is two or more connectors carrying electricity from the source to an electrical device and returning
A ______ should be installed in the bathroom
A _______ detector operates with two different types of metal that have different heat expansion ratios
An ______ is a self-contained device that is automatically controlled.
unit heater
An assembly greater than ____ shall have an alarm and sprinkler system.
Assembly occupancies having occupant loads exceeding 1000 shall have trained crowd managers at a ratio of 1 manager for every _____ occupants
Bimetallic detectors are activated by which of the following principles of physics
CO multiplies how many times in a confined space?
50 times
Dry chemical agents are difficult to clean due to what characteristic?
Water repellant
Dry chemical extinguishers less than 150 lbs are hydrostatically tested every ___ years. Dry chemical extinguishers more than 150lb _________________________
12; have no hydrostatic test requirements
Egress from sleeping areas in health care occupancies is ______ inches.
Every Class A assembly occupancy shall have at least _____ separate means of egress
Exit illumination is not less than ____ foot candle
Explosives must be packed at least ____ feet from the magazine
Exposed supports for above ground tanks must be protected by fire resistant materials with ratings of ____ hours or more
Fires in an approved burn container should not be within ___ feet of a structure
Hazardous materials are identified by several marking systems including bulk, non-bulk and _________
If a college dorm has a sprinkler system installed, sprinkler heads may be omitted from the closets if they do not exceed _____ sq ft.
If a sprinkler, standpipe or alarm system is shut down for ____ days, the AHJ can require the system to be tested and inspected
If fusible vents are used they must be designed to operate at a temperature not exceeding ___ F
In existing health care occupancies any required aisle, corridor or ramp serving as a means of egress from patient sleeping rooms shall be ___ inches
Modular drawings are in increments of ____
NFPA 13D requires only ___ GPM for any sprinkler
No projections below ______ are allowed
6ft 8inches
Open burning fires should not be allowed with ____ feet of a structure
Rack storage requires sprinklers within all racks exceeding ___ feet. Rack storage greater than ___ feet may require sprinklers.
25; 12
Radiant heat providing energy for continued vaporization is called ________
Radiant feedback
Sections of wood placed into a wall in between wood study for the purpose of reducing air flow are called?
Fire stops
Sprinkler piping serving not more than ____ sprinklers for any isolated hazardous area shall be permitted to be connected directly to the domestic water supply system.
The extra high sprinkler head (red) is rated _______
The interior wall and ceiling finish not in excess of ____% of the wall and ceiling areas of any room or space shall be permitted to be Class C materials in occupancies where interior wall and ceiling finish of the Class A or Class B is required. Known as incidental trim in NFPA 101
The low differential valve has a differential air to water ratio of ________
The metric scale most closely representing the 1/4 scale is the _______
The minimum distance off the floor for a fire extinguisher is ____ inches.
The occupancy limit in a men’s clothing store on the second floor is 1 person per ____ sq ft.
The occupant load served by alternating tread devices shall not exceed ______.
The placard color for explosive is _____________
orange and black
The Steiner Tunnel tests flame spread ratings. _____ = Asbestos cement board ______ = Red Oak Wood
0; 100
The upper part of a truss is a ________
The __________ is the length of a line running between two points on the circle and passing through the center
Total flooding halon systems are NOT effective on:
self-oxidizing fuels
What is the process of listing the materials used to construct a wall, floor system or ceiling/roof assembly?
Calling up
What is the temperature range and classification for an orange color coded sprinkler head?
500 to 575 degrees
When a chase or passageway is present in masonry walls this:
Weakens the wall
When evaluating the storage of flammable liquids the least important factor is the __________
size of the container
When liquid propane gas is stored in the same areas as flammable or combustible liquid the containers must be at least _____ feet apart
Where the discharge pressure at a hose outlet exceeds ____ PSI NFPA 14 requires a pressure regulating device to limit the pressure to _____ PSI
100; 100
Which type of detector almost exclusively relies on the expansion characteristic of heat for activation:
Rate of rise
_________ plans are sectional views taken on a horizontal plane
_______ defines drawing limits and separates various portions of the drawings such as the title block, notes, and the revision block.
Border lines
________ prevents wall collapse during fire conditions, this is an angular cut
Fire cut
__________ are a measurement of electrical resistance
_____ is a measurement of current
________ is the ability to maintain its physical integrity when exposed to hose streams and to prevent the passage of flame on the unexposed surface of the stop.
__________ is an original drawing made of transparent paper
________ only improves the appearance of a building and is non-load bearing
_______ differs from flashover because only the gasses are burning and not the contents of the room
________ is known elevation on a plot plan
________ use counter balanced doors that open from the center
Freight elevators
______ is fine line work usually angular, giving a tone to sectioned surfaces.
Section lining
_______ are lists of details by the architect
True or False: Concrete takes 28 days to cure through hydration to obtain its design strength
True or False: Jack rafters are rafters that do not extend to the ridge board. Hip jacks extend from the top plate to the hip rafter. Valley jacks extend from the tip plate to a valley rafter.
True or False: Plot plan shows set backs, bearing and length of property lines, location of utilities, elevations at various locations, trees and shrubs to be retained.
True or False: Elongation of 100 feet of steel @ 1000 degrees is 9 1/2 inches. Also, 1.4 inches of elongation for 20 feet of steel at 1000 degrees
True or False: The purpose of the Life Safety Code is life and safety from fire and similar emergencies
True or False: Three types of safety glass include: tempered, laminated and wired glass
True or False: You are inspecting a Dentist office that is 45x20. The occupant load factor is 100. The occupant load would be 9 people
A building where the floor of an occupiable story is ______ feet describes a “High-Rise”
Greater than 75 feet
A fire department access road shall extend to within ___ feet of at least one exterior door that can be opened from the outside.
An automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13D, with a ___ minute water supply, shall be permitted
Class A roof coverings are effective against a _____ fire exposure
In reference to New Health Care occupancy, what is the maximum size for a non-sleeping suite?
Temporary electrical power and lighting installations shall be permitted for a period not to exceed ___ days for holiday decorative lighting
90 days
The three products of combustion are carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and _______
Which type of load involved motion
Where in a woodworking shop is a fire most likely to occur?
Dust hogger
A live fire watch is needed if the fire alarm is out of service for what length of time?
4 hours or longer
What is a common type of indicating valve?
OS&Y : Outside Stem & Yoke
What is the maximum travel distance to an exit in a sprinkler protected education building?
200 feet
Is plate glass considered safety glass
According to NFPA1, what is a highly volatile liquid?
A liquid with a boiling point of less than 68 degrees
What is fire resistance?
The ability of a structural assembly to maintain its load-bearing ability under fire conditions
What is a beam?
A horizontal structure member used between posts, columns, or walls
The thickness of wood used for fire stopping is what?
No less than 2 inches
What are two types of automatic roof vent designs?
Fusible link type
Drop out panel
What is the maximum travel distance on a landing to reach the stairs?
4 feet
Who has the the ultimate authority to make changes in fire codes?
What are the hazards of dip tank operations?
Fire involving the liquids and explosions involving vapor and air mixtures
What is the hour rating of the roof in a dry cleaning facility?
not less than an hour
What type of heat detectors are least prone to false alarm, but slow to activate?
Fixed temp
A water supply must be able to deliver the required volume of water at a residual pressure of ______ at the highest sprinkler head?
15 PSI
Fire extinguishers less than 40lbs should be mounted no higher than ___ from the floor?
When the inspection is complete you should?
Notify the person in charge of the property
Dry chemical cylinders must be hydrostatically tested every _______
12 years
Permits for temporary power supply for holiday lighting are good for _______
90 days
What are the temperature range for sprinkler heads?
Dry and wet pipe alarms should be tested?
The height limit of a single sprinkler standpipe system is?
Dry chemical extinguishers limitations are?
Leave a messy residue that is hard to clean up
Steiner tunnel test flame spread rating for red oak?
Ordinary combustion produces?
8000 BTU
What type of fire pump does not require a water prime?
Vertical turbine
What type of suppression system is used when it is especially important that water damage be prevented, even if the sprinkler pipes should break accidentally?
Pre-action system
Fire protection engineers have established _____ as a minimum required residual pressure when computing the available water for are flow test results?
20 PSI
A sprinkler system’s air pressure must be maintained at _____ above the trip point?
Which NFPA standard covers commercial cooking equipment?
Alarm test and water flow test on wet pipe sprinkler should be performed ________
Portable containers have a storage capacity of _______
60 gallons or less
How many square feet per person is required in fitness centers
Minimum water supply for a Class 1 or 3 standpipe systems is ______ gpm for 30 minutes
What type of valve has an indicator window?
What should also be checked when reviewing HVAC plans
Heat detector locations
What type of assembly occupancy will handle 101-3,000 people?
Class B
For fire suppression purposes, in a multi-zone standpipe system, what is the maximum effective height that a pumper can supply a standpipe?
A halon system should be tested?
What type of facility is required to practice emergency evacuation drills?
The heating of an organic substance without the addition of external heat?
Suites in new health care facilities are limited to how many square feet?
Plastics when burned produce?
16000 btu
What extinguishing agent is an aqueous solution of potassium carbonate?
wet chemical
The heating of an organic substance without the addition of an external heat source is knows as?
spontaneous combustion
Which of the following describes a beam that spans an opening in a masonry wall?
Which NFPA standard covers extinguishers?
Wood chips glued together to make flat sheets
Particle board
What is the covering that is applied directly to study or framing of a structure?
Sprinkler heads may be omitted from closets if they do not exceed?
24 sq ft
What NFPA standard applies to a private water supply for an industrial buildings
A permit for blasting operations is good for ____ days
What type of fire involves flammable and combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, and propane?
Class B
Testing of a fixed CO2 system should take place?
This type of heat detector is the most reliable, but slow to activate?
Fixed temperature
Bricks laid lengthwise so that the long side is visible is the ______
Stretcher course
A load that is applied slowly and remains constant?
static load
A series of floor openings that connect 2 or more stories, not for use such an elevator shaft, garbage chute, etc is called a(n) ______
Two types of pre-stressing concrete?
Pre-tensioning and post-tensioning
The main common characteristic of ordinary construction is _____
Masonry exterior walls
A pillar equal in width to its height is a ______
Explosives are a _________ hazardous material.
Class I
Storage containers having a capacity over ____ gallons shall be considered fixed tanks?
You can use polar solvent foams on hydrocarbon fire but cannot use hydrocarbon on polar solvent fires
both statements are true
Brick veneer on the outside of a wall for aesthetic purposes has what effect on the wall under fire conditions?
It weakens the wall
What type of storage presents the fewest paths for fire development?
solid piling storage
A 20 ft steel member heated to 1,000 degrees will elongate?
1.7 inches
All things being equal, the strongest load for a structure?
What pertinent information should be listed on a building permit?
Work to be performed
Self-supporting fire walls are most often found in which type of buildings?
Large open industrial facilities
Fire inspectors must ensure that measures are taken to prevent flammable or combustible liquids from accumulating under L.P. gas containers to reduce the risk of:
Accurate record keeping is a crucial function of any fire prevention bureau. These records provide _____ activities in that jurisdiction
historical perspective of fire prevention
How often should a halon system be visually inspected?
Occupancies including warehouses, freight terminals, aircraft hangars, parking garages, and barns classified as :
Storage occupancies
An OS&Y valve is open when the threads are?
The difference between interior and exterior plywood is ________
the adhesive
Three common hazardous gasses that are products of combustion include Carbon Monoxide, Cyanide, and ________
Carbon Dioxide
Wood frame construction is referred to as?
Type V
If entry to a structure is denied, a fire inspector must obtain what document to demand entry?
search warrant
Which of the following is property information that is routinely recorded on an inspection report?
Occupancy type
One of the best ways to impress the importance of inspections upon building owners is through:
a follow-up visit
These plans are shown 42-48 inches above the floor?
Floor plan
residual pressure when computing available water supply in a specific area is _____ PSI
When a fuel gives off enough vapors so that it can be ignited and burn momentarily, it has reached its _________
flash point
A hazard that arises from processes or operations that are related to a specific occupancy defines _____ hazard
Fire department access should be designed with what in mind?
Fire department access should be designed with what in mind?
A minimum ____ min fire proof door is required in smoke proof enclosures