FIRE Flashcards
Sidewall Panel fire! what to do? 7 steps
Move Pax away from affected area
Contact the FD to collect crash axe
if there are no flames, check the surface with the back of your hand
if flames are visible, discharge bcf and crack side panel with crash axe
ask ABA or other crew to assit
monitor area
keep PIC informed
Electrical(oven fire) what to do? 7 steps
contact FD to turn off electrics
pop circuit breakers
move oxygen bottles away
if flames are visible, discharge BCF (spray upwards) 2-3 seconds (small area)
monitor the area
keep PIC informed
galley waste bin fire! what to do? 4 steps
if flames are visible, discharge BCF then douse with water (after smothering)
monitor area (keep toilet locked)
Keep PIC notified
Overhead locker fire! what to do? 6 steps
Determine which overhead locker is on fire
get up on eye level (stand on seat)
use an ABA/CC to assist
( crack the overhead, give firegloves)
insert BCF nozzle and extinguish fire
once fire is smothering, use water/non-flammable liquids to saturate area
lithium battery (device) fire! what to do? 7 steps
remove the power source
relocate PAX/oxygen bottles
Extinguish Fire with the BCF
douse the device with water/non flammable liquids
do not move the device the device until fully cooled down,and put in receptable and lock away in toilet or in cart
do not treat it as class D fire
if someone gets burns, treat it as a chemical fire
monitor area
keep pic informed
Lavatory Fire! what to do? cool to touch 7 steps
open the door carefully
aim BCF at the base of the fire
discharge entire BCF and close door
wait 1 minute, if fire is still present, enter the toilet and discharge 2nd BCF directly on the source
soak with water
monitor area
keep PIC informed
Hot to touch lavatory fire! what to do?
same procedure however the only difference is you insert the BCF
and discharge the whole bottle
then don, fire gloves, PBE and have the 2nd BCF ready
soak area with water/ non flammable liquids
monitor area
Keep PIC informed
Passenger clothing fire? what to do?
smother the clothing fire with a blanket
saturate burnt clothes with cold water or non-flammable liquids
apply first aid
inform PIC for ambulance
Never use BCF on passenger
What is a fire?
how to remove the elemets
oxygen- smother
fuel- starve
Fire tip procdure
Always stay alert
ensure everyone complies with the no smoking rule
carry lavatory check every 20 min
be alert to fire signal
ensure the toilet flap is closed
What are your firefighting equipment?
fire gloves
crash axe
Fire fighting management tips
Remain cool & calm
act quick and decisively
keep a safe distance
never turn your back on a fire
instruct pax to bend low and breath through clothes
should you use drop down oxygen for a fire? give your reason
do not use as it is not effective, (does not filter the smoke)
also it allows more oxygen & adds to the progression
What is the primary role? 4 steps
Establish the location
Alert another CC
collect fire-fighting equipment
fight fire with use appropriate fire drill
What is the Communicator Role? 5 steps
initiate contact with FD
obtain & standby additional equipment
monitor fire & primary fire fighter
manage and oversee
follow up contact with the FD
Communicator Role checklist (initiate contact)
we are going to inform the FD
CC actions
Communicator Role checklist (obtain/standby)
crash axe
Communicator Role checklist (monitor fire and Primary role)
Fit Pbe(if necessary)
be prepared to relieve Primary role
Communicator Role checklist
(manage the situation)
Move away combustable
instruct pax to bend low & breath through their clothes
clam & reassure pax
move pax away to a safe area
Communicator Role checklist (Follow up contact to FD)
tell the PIC status of the situation
Damage caused to the aircraft
number of equipment used
effect on pax & crew
let the pilots know we will continue to observe the area with ABA
What are your Post fire duties?
If there is a potential for for a re-ignition , ensure that the area is well surveillance
A sign ABA to monitor
Debrief with Pilot (at the end)
limit the time your communicating with the pilot, as the priority is to land
What are the PRIORITIES in a fire situation
ANY damage to aircraft
administer first aid
PA made by pilot
What fires are managed by pilots?
APU, Cargo, engine, FD fires
Will CC have to assit a pilot fire?
yes, a device fire.
pilot will through out the device in galley for the cc to fight.
use the entire BCF contents
use 3-5 seconds of BCF
toilet fire precautions
if not hot, you can have a peak
if its hot, grab your equipment before entering
Effects on smoke for pax and crew?
inhalation of smoke, and carbon dioxide and fumes can lead to death