Finishing and Polishing Cast Gold and All ceramic Restorations Flashcards
If a patient has hypersensitivity, what should you do when cementing gold crown?
Postpone perm cementation and cement interim crown with ZOE
What are the 7 clinical steps in order for finishing and polishing gold crowns?
- Proximal contacts
- Internal fit
- Marginal integrity
- (Stability & Retention)
- Occlusion
- External contours
- Surface finish
To adjust proximal contact on gold crown, what do you mark it with and what do you trim with?
Mark w Accufilm; Adjust with abrasive wheel
Adjusting ____;
•Adjust to correct size, shape, and tightness.
•Leave very slightly tight to allow for final polish.
•Evaluate contacts visually, with floss, and with shimstock.
•Place articulating film between casting and adjacent tooth, seat crown.
•Selectively adjust region of binding:
•Inferior portion of mark
•Craytex wheel, Burlew wheel, Shofu Brownie polishing discs
Proximal contacts
____ is used to evaluate internal adaptation of gold crown
Fit checker
\_\_\_\_\_ adjustment procedure: Procedure: binocular microscope or loupes •Identify and remove “positive” contacts •Fit Checker, disclosing wax •Burn through – nodules, internal line and point angles •Selective grinding – #1 round carbide •Remove slight excess •Indiscriminate removal is unacceptable •Repeat steps •Sandblast and steam clean as final step
Internal surface
Should you use white or blue fit checker for all ceramic/zirconia crowns?
SHould you touch the intaglio surface on an all ceramic or zirconia?
No; Adjust your prep (not the margin)
____ adjustment procedure:
Procedure: binocular microscope and/or loupes
“Negative” defect – i.e., short or open margin
•One or two-way catch
•Additional visit for new impression, ….
“Positive” defect - i.e., overextension
•One-way catch
•Stone or rubber wheel – slow speed handpiece
•Steady hands
•If margin damaged – remake
Marginal adaptation
_________ “softened” metal (type III or softer)
•Margin must fit.
•Surface is drawn or moved by rubbing w/ steel point
•Marginal improvement: 30 - 80 microns
•Subgingival (most FGC’s): burnish on die
•Supragingival: burnish & finish (white stone) on tooth__
\_\_\_\_\_\_ adjustment procedure: Procedure: •Mylar articulating film •Mark occlusal contacts •Shimstock •Evaluate the precision •Iwanson gauge •Prevent perforation •Maintain bulk of restoration •Adjust premature contacts •Green stone, white stone, brownie point •Maintain anatomy of cusp or ridge
Occlusal surface
When evaluating centric occlusal contacts, if it shifts to the _______, adjust •Lingual inclines mn buccal cusps / mx lingual cusps
When evaluating centric occlusal contacts, if it shifts to the _______, adjust •B inclines mn lingual cusps / L inclines mx lingual cusps
•B inclines mn buccal cusps / L inclines mx buccal cusps
IF there is a prematurity on ___ side in lateral excursive, adjust •B inclines mn lingual cusps / L inclines mx lingual cusps
•“Group function” contact on working side
IF there is a prematurity on ___ side in lateral excursive, adjust •L inclines mn buccal cusps / L inclines mx lingual cusps
If there are adjustments after checking protrusive movements, the ___ inclines should be ajusted on the mandible
Mesial inclines
If there are adjustments after checking protrusive movements, the ___ inclines should be ajusted on the maxilla
Distal inclines
SHould you adjust occlusion before or after cementation?
Before ideally