Fine Structure of the Chromosome Flashcards
type of DNA found in prokaryotes
closed circular covalently-bonded DNA (cccDNA)
amount of DNA in a haploid genome
C-Value Paradox
Phenomenon where neither total length of DNA nor number of chromosomes correlates strongly with perceived complexity of the organisms; The correlation between complexity and genome size is poor because most of eukaryotic DNA is non-coding.
non-coding sequences
cap ends of linear chromosomes and are needed for successful cell division
where two daughter chromosomes are held together during mitosis
components of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC)
yeast centromere, telomere, and replication origin
end-replication problem of linear DNA
telomeres are shortened after each round of replication
normal human cells divide about 52 times before losing ability to divide again
Hayflick limit
Underwinding results in ____ supercoils
Overwinding results in ____ supercoils
These link sister chromatids after replication
fundamental organizational units of eukaryotic chromatin
also known as one-start helix
solenoid model
also known as two-start helix
zigzag model
Enumerate the levels of compaction of DNA in a eukaryotic chromosome
DNA (2nm) → nucleosome (11nm) → 30nm fiber → extended form of chromosome (300nm) → condensed section of chromosome (700nm) → mitotic chromosome (1,400nm)
serve as points of attachment for microtubules that move chromosomes during cell division
proteins that are important for structural and functional aspects of the centromere and kinetochore
centromere proteins (CENPs)
Human centromeres are composed of _____.
repetitive alpha satellite DNA