Financial Reporting Standards Flashcards
The objective of financial reporting is to _________.
provide financial information that is useful to users in making decisions about providing resources to the reporting entity, where those decisions relate to equity and debt instruments, or loans or other forms of credit, and in influencing management’s
actions that affect the use of the entity’s economic resources
The _________ sets financial reporting standards that have been adopted in many countries.
Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
The US-based ___________has
developed similar financial reporting frameworks.
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
US GAAP, as established by the FASB, is officially recognized as authoritative b
the SEC, however the SEC __________.
retains the authority to establish standards
While technically not a regulatory authority, the ____________ regulate a significant portion of the world’s financial capital
International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
This act specifies the financial and other significant information that investors must receive when securities are
sold, prohibits misrepresentations, and requires initial registration of all public issuances of securities
Securities Act of 1933 (The 1933 Act)
: This act created the SEC,
gave the SEC authority over all aspects of the securities industry, and empowered the SEC to require periodic reporting by companies with publicly traded
This act created the SEC,
gave the SEC authority over all aspects of the securities industry, and empowered the SEC to require periodic reporting by companies with publicly traded
This act created the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) to oversee auditors.
Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002
The 1933 Act requires companies offering securities to file a _______. New issuers as well as previously registered companies that are issuing new securities are required to file these statements.
registration statement
These are forms that companies are required by the SEC to file annually. Form ___ is for US registrants, Form ___ is for certain
Canadian registrants, and Form ____ is for all other non- US registrants.
10-K, 40-F, 20-F
The SEC requires that shareholders of a
company receive a ______ prior to a shareholder meeting.
proxy statement (Form DEF- 14A)
Forms that companies are required to submit for interim periods (quarterly for US companies on _____, semiannually for many non- US companies on _____)
Form 10-Q, Form 6-K
In addition to filing annual and interim reports, SEC registrants must report material corporate events on a more current basis. ________ is the “current report” companies must file with the SEC to announce such major events as acquisitions or disposals of corporate assets, changes in securities and trading markets, matters related to accountants and financial statements, corporate governance and management changes, and
Regulation FD disclosures.
Form 8-K (6-K for non-US registrants)
These forms can be used to examine purchases and sales of securities
by officers, directors, and other affiliates of the company, who collectively are regarded as corporate insiders.
Forms 3, 4, 5 and 144
Two bodies related to securities regulation established by the European Commission are the _____ and the _____. The ______consists of high- level representatives of member states and advises the European Commission on securities policy issues. ______ is an EU cross-border supervisor established to co- ordinate supervision of the EU market. Regulation still rests with the individual member states
European Securities Committee (ESC), European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA)
The IASB _________
sets forth the concepts that underlie the preparation and presentation of financial
statements for external users.
Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
The Conceptual Framework identifies two fundamental qualitative
characteristics that make financial information useful: _______ and _______.
relevance, faithful representation
The Conceptual Framework identifies
four enhancing qualitative characteristics: (4)
comparability, verifiability, timeliness, and
The use of “accrual accounting” assumes that financial statements should _____.
reflect transactions in the period when they actually occur, not necessarily when cash movements occur.
_________ refers to the assumption that the company will continue in
business for the foreseeable future.
“Going concern”
______ means that an item is included in the balance sheet or income statement. ______ occurs if the item meets the definition of an element and satisfies the criteria for ______.
________ is the process of determining the monetary amounts at which the
elements of the financial statements are to be recognized and carried in the balance
sheet and income statement
In reference to assets, ________ is the
amount of cash or cash equivalents that could currently be obtained by selling the asset in an orderly disposal. For liabilities, the equivalent to _________ is called __________ —that is, ___________ is the undiscounted
amount of cash or cash equivalents expected to be paid to satisfy the liabilities
in the normal course of business.
realizable value, “settlement value”
In reference to assets, _______ is the amount of cash or cash
equivalents that would have to be paid to buy the same or an equivalent asset
current cost
The Conceptual Framework does not address the general
contents of the financial statements, which are addressed in ________.
International Accounting
Standard (IAS) No. 1, Presentation of Financial Statements.
The US GAAP is based on _____ and the IFRS are based on _______.
rules, principles
Like the IFRS, the US GAAP permits FIFO and Weighted Average Method of inventory valuation, but also ____.
In the US GAAP, extraordinary items are _______ in the IFRS, they are ______.
Shown below (at the bottom of the income statement), Not segregated in the income statement.
In the US GAAP, development costs are ______, in the IFRS, they are ______.
treated as an expense, capitalized (only if certain
conditions are satisfied)
In the US GAAP, reversal of
inventory is _____, in the IFRS it is ______.
prohibited, permissible (if specified conditions are met)