Financial Reporting Flashcards
Asset Criteria (ASPE)
1) Future Benefit
2) Control the benefit
3) Event caused benefit already occurred
Inventory Valuation (ASPE)
- Value at the lower of:
a) cost
b) NRV (selling price - selling cost)
Inventory Costs valuation (ASPE)
Purchase + conversion + other costs to bring inventory to current location/condition
- Excluded: trade discount, rebates, storage, admin OH, selling costs
Intangible Assets (internally generated; R&D) - what is expensed and what is capitalizable?
IAS 38
Expensed: research costs
Capitalize (6 criteria): development costs
1) Technically feasible
2) Intention to complete
3) Ability to use/sell
4) Adequate resources (technical, financial, and other)to complete
5) Reliably measure expenditures attributed
6) Probable future economic benefits to be generated
Intangible Assets (Goodwill) Amortization methods
If useful life can be determined - amortize over useful life (how to determine this? see below)
a) expected use of the asset
b) expected useful life of related assets
c) contractual, legal, regulatory provisions and other economic factors
Indefinite life - test for impairment
all should be reviewed annually
Impairment of Financial Instruments (ASPE) - how to impair?
If impairment exists, reduce carrying value to the highest of:
a) PV of CF expected from holding asset
b) NRV
c) Amount entity expects to realize from exercising its right to collateral
- *must test at the end of each reporting period**
- *can be reversed if asset recovers values
Revenue recognition criteria: consignment sales (ASPE)
Revenue cannot be recognized until either:
1) goods can no longer be returned OR
2) payments is made
Revenue recognition criteria (ASPE)
1) performance has been achieved (risk and reward transferred // significant act has been performed)
2) considerations can be reliably measured
3) collection is reasonably assured
ASPE 3400.04-.06
Revenue recognition - collectability criteria (ASPE)
Met - reasonable assurance ultimate collection will occur, even if cash receipt is deferred
Not met - if there’s uncertainty to the ultimate collection, revenue should not be recognized until cash is received
Revenue recognition - performance criteria (ASPE)
Met if….
- persuasive evidence an arrangement exists
- delivery occurred
- service rendered
- price to buyer is fixed or determinable
Lease (ASPE)
Operating vs. Capital
If one of the criteria is satisfied, it will be Capital lease:
1) Title transfer or bargain purchase
2) Lease term is major part of the asset’s economic life (>75%)
3) PV of minimum lease payment (>90%) of FV of asset
Lease - differences between ASPE vs. IFRS
ASPE - if one of the criteria met, deemed capital lease (terminology - operating & capital)
IFRS - suggests factors (similar to ASPE’s factors) to consider in deciding whether the lease as finance lease vs. operating lease. (terminology - operating & finance)
Lease - explain title transfer and bargain purchase
Title Transfer: reasonable assurance title of asset will transfer to lessee at the end of term
Bargain Purchase: purchase of asset likely to occur, where purchase price is below FMV at the end of the lease
Cash Flow - Indirect Method - how does it work?
Net income
+/- non cash expenses
(ie. amortization, gain/loss on sale of assets)
+/- Δ in working capital
(ie. AR, inventory, AP, taxes)
Cash Flow - what are the components of cash flow from investing activities?
Financial Investment