Finalsss Flashcards
An eminent characteristic
or ruling passion so
outstanding that it
dominates their lives
So obvious that they
cannot be hidden
Cardinal Traits
5 to 10 most outstanding
characteristics around
which a person’s life
Central Traits
Less conspicuous (visible)
but far greater in number
than central dispositions
Secondary Traits
Intensely experienced dispositions
Initiates actions
Ex. Wearing clothes to keep warm
Motivational dispositions receive its
motivation from basic needs and drives
Motivational Dispositions
LESS intensely experienced dispositions
Guides Action
Ex. Styling a particular fashion on the
clothes you wear
Stylistic Dispositions
Traits possessed in some degree by all
Ex. Intelligence, Extraversion,
Common Traits
Traits possessed by one or a few persons
Ex. Interest on particular field, such as
Sports, History, etc.
Unique Traits
Traits that describe our
skills and how efficiently
we will be able to work
toward our goals
Ex. Intelligence
Ability Traits
Traits that describe our
general behavioral
style in responding to
our environment
Ex. Assertiveness,
Temperament Traits
Traits that describe our
motivations and interests
Driving forces of behavior
Dynamic Traits
Traits that show a correlation but do not
constitute a factor because they are not
determined by a single source
Composed of several elements
Less stable and permanent
Less important in describing personality
Irrational Fear
Surface Traits
Stable and permanent traits that are the
basic factors of personality, derived by
the method of factor analysis
Source Traits
Source traits that depend on our
physiological characteristics
Constitutional Traits
Source traits that are learned from social
and environmental interactions
Environmental –mold Traits
Deductive Method
Self-report Questionnaires
Bipolar Factors Traits
3 personality factors
Types or Super factors
Inductive Method
L-Data, Q-Data, T-Data
(Source Traits, Surface Traits etc)
16 personality factors
Large number of traits
Three Bipolar Factors
Extraversion – Introversion
Neuroticism – Stability
Psychoticism – Superego Function
Calm, even-tempered, self-satisfied, and unemotional
Low on Neuroticism
Anxious, temperamental,
self-pitying, self-conscious, emotional and
vulnerable to stress related disorders
High on Neuroticism
Reserved, quiet, loners,
passive, and lacking the
ability to express strong
Low on Extraversion
Affectionate, jovial,
talkative, joiners, and fun-loving
High on Extraversion
Conventional, down-to-earth, conservative, and
lack in curiosity
Low on Openness
Creative, imaginative,
curious, liberal, and have a
preference for variety
High on Openness
Suspicious, stingy,
unfriendly, irritable, and
critical of other people
Low on Agreeableness
Trusting, generous,
yielding, acceptant, and
High on Agreeablenes
Disorganized, negligent,
lazy, and aimless
Low on Conscientiousness
Hardworking, punctual,
and persevering
High on Conscientiousness
Observation allows people to learn without performing any behavior
Observational Learning
The core of observational learning
unintended meeting of persons unfamiliar to each other
Chance Encounter
environmental experience that is unexpected and
Fortuitous Event
People are self-regulating, proactive, self-reflective, and self-organizing and that they have the power to influence their own actions to produce desired consequences
Human Agency
To acts a person performs intentionally/purposely
To set goals, to anticipate likely outcomes of their actions, and to select behaviors that will produce desired outcomes and avoid undesirable ones
Process of motivating and regulating own actions
Think about and evaluate motivations, values and the meanings of their life goals
Beliefs of capability to perform actions that will produce a desire effect