FINALS: Thalassemia Flashcards
Group of inherited disorders causing decreased rate of synthesis of a structurally normal globin chain (quantitative defect); characterized by microcytic/hypochromic RBCs and target cells.
Classified according to the ________ affected
globin chain
Characterised by having severe anemia; either no alpha or no beta chains produced.
Thalassemia major
Characterised by having mild anemia; sufficient alpha and beta chains produced to make normal hemoglobins A, A2 and F, but maybe in abnormal amounts.
Thalassemia minor/trait
Beta- thalassemia Major/homozygous aka
Cooley anemia
Markedly decreased rate of synthesis or absence of both beta chains results in an excess of alpha chains, no Hgb A can be produced; compensate with up to 90% Hgb F
Beta- Thelassemia Major/homozygous
In major/homozygous, sxcess alpha chains precipitate on the RBC membrane, form __________, and cause rigidity; destroyed in the bone marrow or removed by the spleen.
Heinz bodies
In major/homozygous beta- thalassemia, severe _______ anemia, target cells, teardrops, many nRBCs, basophilic stippling, Howell-Jolly bodies, Pappenheimer bodies, Heinz bodies; increased serum iron and increased bilirubin reflect the hemolysis.
Decreased rate of synthesis of one of the beta chains; other beta chain normal
In minor Beta-thalassemia, mild _____ anemia, with a normal or slightly elevated RBC count; target cells, basophilic stippling.
All four alpha genes are deleted; no normal hemoglobins are produced.
Major (hydrops fetalis) Alpha-Thalassemia
In Major (hydrops fetalis) Alpha-Thalassemia, ________ is produced; cannot carry oxygen; incompatible with life; die in utero or shortly after birth.
hemoglobin Bart’s (Y4)
Three alpha genes are deleted. Decrease in alpha chains leads to beta chain excess.
Hgb H disease
In Hgb H disease, ________, an unstable haemoglobin, is produced.
hemoglobin H (B4)
Two alpha genes are deleted. Patients are usually asymptomatic and discovered accidentally. Up to 6% Hgb Bart’s in newborns maybe helpful in diagnosis; absent by 3 months of age.
Minor/trait thalassemia
Mild _______ anemia often with a high RBC count and target cells happens in minor/trait thalassemia
One alpha gene is deleted. Patients are asymptomatic and are often not diagnosed unless gene analysis is done
Silent Carrier