Finals Study Guide Flashcards
Identify a positive and negative of the Black Death
Positive- Better Standard of living, higher pay for survivors
Where did the Black Death originate?
Mongolia’s Gobi Desert China/Asia, spread from trading routes
Describe two ways how people during the Black Death tried to prevent the spread of the plague?
1) Pomanders- people who saught med. remidies like oranges with cloves 2) Flagellants- people who publicly wipped themselves in an effort tot gain God’s forgiveness
Describe how the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade was an example of mercantilism.
Raw Materials from Americas→ Europe→ Manufactured Goods→ Africa→ Slaves→New world benefited
How could some explorers like Cortes, Pizzaro, and Coumbus be view as enthonectric?
They viewed the lands and people that they encountered as land for their country with little or no disreguard for the people already there.
What was similar about the colonization of Latin America in the 1400’s and Africa in 1800’s?
The conqureing nations divided up the asreas with no reguards for the natives.
How rude.
What impact did diseases rought to the New World have on the Native populations?
Native population decreased dramativly since there was no immunity… 90% of pop. died
What made it possible for explorers to travel to other areas of the world?
Maps, set where things were, money from country to explore.
whats the 3 G’s that motivated European explorers in the 15th and 16th centuries?
Gold (Economical reason)
Glory (Political Reason)
God (Social reason)
What long term effects did Columbus’s travels have on the cultural exchange between Europe and the Americas?
After Columbus “discovered” america- opened new operturnites 4 Europeans to spread their culture; moved to America and brought religon,& language with them and spread it to the Natives and changed American culture.
list 3 examples of the impact that Europeans had on Native Americans in the New World
- Natives were slaves
- Forced to convert to chrisitianity
- A lot of natives died
describe the trans atlantic slave trade voyage (Middle Passage) that Africans took to the Americas
Forced to trade american goods in the Triangle-Trade. Forced slaves into labor. (Encomidia System)
What was the purpose of the 5 Relationships in Confucianism?
Society as a whole would be punished and harmonious,
What role did karama play in the reincarnation in Hiduism?
Karma governs food & bad deeds
What were the 5 pillars of faith in Islam?
- Faith in 1 god
- Pray 5 x’s daily
- Almsgiving to the needy
- Fasting during Ramadan
- Pilgrimage to Mecca one time in your life( Hajj)
- Jihad- a minority of Sunni MUslims believe in a 6th pillar; means to struggle in the way of god. Some use it to justify warfare against non-muslims in their attempt to defend Islam
Catholic Counter Reformation
THe reconstrution of the Catholic church
How could some of the European explorers (ie. Cortes, Pizzarro, Columbus) be viewed as ethnocentric?
They viewed the lands and people that they encountered as lanf for their country with little or no reguard for the people already there
How did Italy’s location make it a good place for a cultural rebirth?
Geographically located between Asia and Europe, water ways/ports to trade goods and ideas
What did Niccolo MAchiavelli believe about the role of a leader?
Better to be feared than to be loved. A person who is feared is a person who is respected.