A legal arrangement in which a trustee manages property for the benefit of a beneficiary.
A tax on the transfer of the estate of a deceased person.
Estate Tax
The person for whose benefit a trust is created.
The person who establishes a trust
Trustor / Grantor
A person or corporation that holds in trust an estate for another person.
A trust that can be altered or revoked by the grantor.
Revocable Trust
The income received by an estate or trust, similar to that of individuals.
Gross Income
The arrangement created when income from an estate is shared by co-owners not under judicial settlement.
Income held in trust for an unborn or unascertained beneficiary.
Income Accumulated in Trust
A trust that cannot be changed or canceled, both as to corpus and income.
Irrevocable Trust
A partnership formed by professionals to practice their common profession, not involved in any trade or business
General Professional Partnership (GPP)
The optional deduction that a GPP can claim, up to 40% of gross income, instead of itemized deductions
Optional Standard Deduction (OSD)
The tax classification of partnerships that operate as corporations, with partners regarded as stockholders
General Co-Partnership (Compania Colectiva)
A legal relationship where partners contribute money, property, or industry to divide profits.
Income classification for the share received by partners in GPP, taxed at the individual level.
Distributive Share
Partners’ deduction method limited to either itemized deductions or OSD, based on the practice of profession.
Tax Deduction Choice
A shared ownership that is not subject to income tax unless used for profit-generating activities.
Document required by GPPs to report income, deductions, and partners’ distributive shares.
Annual Information Return
The deduction choice that cannot be further claimed once distributive shares in GPP income are received
Itemized Deduction or OSD
Tax classification applied to partnerships involved in profit-based activities, resulting in corporate tax treatment.
The total compensation received for services performed under an employer-employee relationship
Compensation Income
Income derived from the exercise of a profession or trade.
Gross Income from Trade or Business