Finals: Developing a Questionnaire for ER Flashcards
Is a research tool used to collect data from participants in a structured manner.
Measure variables in experimental research.
Collect data to test hypotheses.
2 Types of Data:
: Numeric, measurable (e.g., Likert scales).
Descriptive, open-ended (e.g., free text responses).
Importance: Research questions guide questionnaire design.
Step 1. Defining The Research Questions
“How does stress affect performance?”
Broad Question
“How often do you feel stressed during exams?” and “How do you manage stress?”
: Abstract concepts that are measured using specific questions.
Examples: Job satisfaction, stress, anxiety, resilience.
: Defining how to measure constructs.
Example: For anxiety, you could use the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7).:
Closed-ended: Yes/No, multiple-choice, Likert scale.
Example: “Do you often feel anxious before exams? (Yes/No)”
Open-ended: Free-text answers for qualitative insights.
Example: “Describe a situation where you felt anxious before an exam.”
Mixed: Combining both types for depth and breadth.
Step 3: Choosing Question Types
this is a type of questionrafeee where its focus on Yes/No, multiple-choice, Likert scale.
Example: “Do you often feel anxious before exams? (Yes/No)”
Closed-ended Questions
it is a find of questionnaies. Free-text answers for qualitative insights.
Example: “Describe a situation where you felt anxious before an exam.”
: Combining both types for depth and breadth.
Mixed Questions
Definition: A scale used to measure attitudes or feelings across a range of values.
“I feel anxious before exams.”
Response options: Strongly Disagree (1) to Strongly Agree (5).
Why Use It?: Offers a nuanced understanding of the intensity of feelings or attitudes.
Likert Scale Example
Purpose: Pilot testing helps identify issues with question clarity, length, or flow.
Step 4: Pilot Testing the Questionnaire
For more complex or longer questionnaires, a larger sample (around 20-30 participants) can provide more comprehensive feedback on issues like wording, structure, and time to complete.
Complexity of the Questionnaire
The participants in the pilot test should resemble the actual sample population. If your study targets a specific demographic (e.g., students, employees), ensure your pilot sample mirrors this group in terms of characteristics such as age, education, or professional background.
Target Population
Pilot testing isn’t just about statistical analysis—it’s about gathering qualitative feedback from participants to improve question clarity and relevance. Even a smaller group (10-15 participants) can be sufficient for detecting most problems related to question interpretation.
Qualitative Feedback
If your experimental study will involve a larger sample (e.g., several hundred participants), conducting a pilot test with a larger group (20-30 participants) can help ensure that the questionnaire works well on a broader scale.
Sample Size in Main Study
Checklist for Finalizing:
Clear and concise wording.
No double-barreled questions.
No leading or biased questions.
Logical question order and flow.
Step 5: Finalizing the Questionnaire
Checklist for Finalizing:
Clear and concise wording.
No double-barreled questions.
No leading or biased questions.
Logical question order and flow.
Step 5: Finalizing the Questionnaire
: The degree to which the questionnaire measures what it is intended to measure.
Ensuring Validity
Does the questionnaire cover all relevant aspects of the construct?
Content Validity:
Do the questions truly reflect the theoretical constructs?
Construct Validity:
: The consistency of the questionnaire over time.
Ensuring Reliability
Stability of responses when administered multiple times.
Test-retest Reliability:
The degree to which items measuring the same construct correlate (Cronbach’s alpha).
Internal Consistency:
Ensure participants understand the purpose and scope of the study.
Informed Consent
: Protect participant data.
: Respondents should be free to withdraw at any time.
Voluntary Participation
: Administer a motivation questionnaire before the intervention.
: Administer the same questionnaire after the intervention to measure changes.