FInal TQ Flashcards
What is not a part of the epithalamus? A. Reticular Nucleus B. Pineal Gland C. Stria Medullaris Thalmi D. Habenula
How many functional components are in the brainstem?
Parallel fibers come from which of the following? A. Inferior Olivary Neurons B. Purkinje Cells C. Precerebellar Nuclei D. Granule Cells
What is the most rostral part of the CNS?
Which transmitter influences movement?
Which bundle of nerve fibers contains the central branches of the primary sensory neurons that provide for general sensation (not taste) from the posterior third of the tongue?
Spinal Trigeminal Tract
The Parasympathetic Preganglionic neurons to the heart are located in which nucleus?
Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
Which cerebellar pathway has fibers that cross?
Anterior Spinocerebellar
A receptor that monitors events within the body is called an ___
Where are the cell bodies of the neurons whose axons form the olfactory nerve?
A. In various nuclear groups within the anterior perforated substance
B. In the olfactory Bulb
C. In the olfactory epithelium
D. None of the above
Which nucleus is in the midline?
Where are descending upper motor fibers found? A. Cerebral peduncle B. Pyramid C. Internal Capsule D. All of the above
Why are the neurons of the olfactory epithelium unique?
A. They are the only neurons that continue to be produced and are regularly replaced throughout adult
B. They are the only primary sensory neurons to have axons that end in the cns
C. Their axons have the fastest known conduction velocities
D. They generate impulses in response to tactile stimulation of the skin and nose
Which CN carries taste sensations from the back of the throat, including the epiglottis?
Which functional component do the trochlear, oculomotor, and hypoglossal nerves have in common?
The pelvic splanchnic nerve are composed of ___ __ fibers
preganglionic Parasympathetic
Which fiber is stimulated by stretching the muscle spindle?
How much CSF is flowing through the ventricles, subarachnoid space and cisterns at any given time?
150 mL
Which pair of nerves innervate the tensor tympani and stapedius muscles? A. Chorda Tympani and Tympanic N. B. Auditory and glossopharyngeal C. Trigeminal and Facial D. Vagus and Accessory
Where is the spiral organ (of Corti) located? A. Scala Vestibuli B. helicotrema C. Cochlear Duct D. Scala Tympani
If a dye, which is a very large molecule, is administered intravenously, it will stain the neurons in what location? A. Circumventricular Organs B. Amygdala C. Paraventricular Nucleus D. Corpus Striatum
The vestibular system is connected ipsilaterally with which part of the cerebellum? A. paravermal area B. Flocculonodular lobe C. Neocerebellum D. Vermis
Which are derivitives of neural crest cells? A. Glial cells of CNS B. Cerebral Cortex C. Motor neurons D. Sensory Neurons
The cerebral aqueduct is located in the ___
Which dermatome is located on the upper limb? A. C7 B. T10 C. L3 D. T4
Some mitral cell axons cross at the \_\_\_ A. Hippocampal Commissure B. Posterior Commissure C. Anterior Commissure D. Corpus Callosum
Where are the lower motor neurons that innervate the hand located? A. Central Nucleus B. Retrodorsal Nucleus C. Intermediolateral nucleus D. Ventromedial Nucleus
The post. spinocerebellar tract originates from which nucleus? A. Accessory Cuneate B. Dorsal Thoracic (Clarke's) C. Lumbosacral D. Phrenic
Ascending Fibers of the medial longitudinal fasciculus end in the \_\_ A. cochlear nuclei B. Vestibular Nuclei C. Occulomotor nuclei D. Superior Olivary Nuclei
What lobe contains the auditory cortex?
The cause of the most common basal ganglia disorder is..
A. Lesion in the caudate nucleus
B Lesion of the claustrum
C. Dopamine depletion in the substantia nigra
D. Lesion in the subthalamus
The purkinje cells of the pontocerebellum (neocerebellum) projects fibers mainly to the ___ nucleus
Which thalamic nucleus is a relay for somatosensory pathways? A. Pulvinar B. Ventral Lateral C. Ventral Posterior D. Medial Geniculate
What is the most common type of glial cell?
Where are alpha motor neurons found? A. tegmentum of brainstem B. White matter of telencephalon C. Anterior surface of brainstem D. Grey matter of spinal cord
What is a CNS spinal tract?
A. A tube containing CSF
B. A bundle of nerve fibers with the same fxn
C. Long narrow column of neuronal cell bodies
D. Principal cytoplasmic process of a neuron
What sulcus/fissure splits the cerebral henispheres?
Which artery passes over the corpus callosum?
-Anterior Cerebral
Which artery supplies most of the lateral cerebrum?
Middle Cerebral
Where are the third order neurons of a somatosensory pathway located?
Which statement is true?
A. All ascending central axons in the auditory pathway cross the midline in the medulla
B. Crossing of the ascending fibers at more than one level provides exclusive representation of the contralateral cochlea in the primary auditory cortex
C. There are both crossed and uncrossed ascending auditory fibers in the pons and midbrain
D. No ascending central axons in the auditory pathway cross at the midline at any level
Normally, both pupils respond with constriction when a light is shone into either eye. Identify a lesion, in which, when a light is shone onto the right retina, the left pupil responds but the right doesn't A. Transection of right oculomotor N B. Transection of left oculomotor N C. Transection of right Optic Tract D. Transection of Left Optic Tract
What kind of receptor is a muscle spindle?
What are the functional units of the CNS?
The principal output neurons of the cerebral cortex are ___ cells
The lamina of Rexed (spinal lamina of the grey matter) that collectively form the posterior horn of the spinal cord are: A. I-IV B. I, II C. I-V D. II-VII
The sacral elements of the spinal cord may be crushed by a fx of which vertebrae? A. L5 B. L3 C. S1 D. L1
What part of the internal capsule lies between the thalamus and putamen? A. Genu B. Retrolenticular Area C. Anterior Limb D. Anterior Limb
In “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”, the characters run away from a big scary bunny. In this instance, their ____ was being used
Sympathetic NS
Which sulcus separates the primary motor cortex from the somatosensory cortex? A. Calcarine B. Lateral C. Central D. Marginal