Final Study Guide Flashcards
WBC count
5,000 – 10,000
Platelet Count
150,000 – 400,000
Na normal value and function
Affects brain and nervous system
= changes in LOC/ seizures
Mg normal value and function
Affects deep tendon reflexes
and smooth muscle
K normal value and function
Affects heart
Ca normal value and function
Affects nerves and muscles
ABG values
Ph: 7.35-7.45
PCO2: 35-45
HCO3: 22-26
PaO2: 80-100
SaO2: >95%
Blood sugar value
70- 130 mg/dL
Average Heart rate
Blood pressure
Heart rate: 60-100
Blood pressure: 120/80
Resp: 12-18
Pulse: 60-100
PT tests for
Clotting time test
PTT test for
INR is used to detect affects of
BNP is used to look for
Heart failure
BUN test is used to detect
normal range <20
test for kidney damage
Troponin test is used to detect
myocardial infarction
CK/MB is used to detect
myocardial infarction
What does an elevated neutrophil count indicate
An acute (bacterial) infection
SIRS is initiated by what
a triggering event
All of the following are signs of systemic inflammation except:
Temperature above 101
elevated CRP level
Redness and edema at the injured site
WBC lab results of 17,000
Redness and edema at the injured site (SHARP: acute)
ABG value for Asthma Pt
Respiratory acidosis
ABG value for rapid breathing Pt
Respiratory alkalosis
ABG value for vomiting Pt
metabolic alkalosis
ABG value for diarrhea Pt
metabolic acidosis
ABG value for renal failure Pt
metabolic acidosis
S/S for PUD
Erosion of the stomach lining caused by H.Pylori
-epigastric or chest pain that starts about 2 hours after eating or in the middle of the night after the stomach lining is emptied.
-Pain relieved by eating
-Either heal themselves or get worse to the point of internal bleeding
Dangers of peptic ulcers: anemia, profuse bleeding, and stomach cancer
All are true about Coumadin except:
“avoid garlic, ginger, or ginseng they cause bleeding”
“Don’t take aspirin or ibuprofen for pain”
“You will need to have your blood drawn for a PTT test”
“Epistaxis and petechiae are signs that coumadin levels are too high”
“you will need to have your blood drawn for PTT test”
PTT test for heparin
All of the following are s/s of myxedema crisis except:
swelling of soft tissue
mental confusion
bulging eyeballs (exophthalmos)
low blood levels of thyroid hormones
bulging eyeballs (exophthalmos)
Myxedema is a sign of hypothyrodisim, exophthalmos is a sign of hyperthyroidism
What does bright red streaking of blood in the stool indicate
usually caused by hemorrhoid or anal fissure
3 Things to know about DIC
Occurs in 3 stages: Triggering, Clotting, and Hemorrhaging
Is life-threatening
s/s: bleeding from 3 unrelated spots
tests: low platelet count, and d-dimer test
Does FAS extend throughout pregnancy
(fetal alcohol syndrome)
Yes, it does
What is a hypertonic solution used for
Used for rapid fluid replacement, and for when tissue is over-hydrated
ex: 3% saline, 6% saline
What does an elevated lymphocyte count indicate
A chronic (viral) infection
What indicates an:
partially compensated
ABG value
Uncompensated: PH is out of wack and one other value is also out of wack
compensated: PH is normal and the others are out of wack
partially compensated: all are out of wack
What would you expect your HCT and sodium to be if you’re dehydrated?
would expect them to be high, dehydration = low plasma level = high concentration of HCT and Na
Characteristics of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
-Presence of Reed-Sternberg cells
-Highly curable
s/s: painless swollen lymph nodes, weight loss, bone marrow damage
Radiation therapy - localized
Chemotherapy – generalized
Immunotherapy (MAB drugs)
Bone marrow [stem cell] transplant
Complications of too many NSAIDS
they interfere with normal blood clotting
can lead to bleeding s/s
What does low Hgb count indicate
If a Dr. is asking for MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW what is he asking for
He is testing for anemia
is pernicious anemia a cause of a low WBC count
no it is a lack of intrinsic factor = lack of B12 absorption = B12 helps make RBC
Immunity for varicella zoster (chicken pox) can be acquired how
Either naturally or artificially
Example of type 3 hypersensitivity
Immuno complex reaction
-rheumatoid arthritis
What PPE would be used for the following:
Multidrug-resistant wound infection
Chicken Pox (varicella zoster)
Difference between host and vector
Host: incubates and is where the agent reproduces
Vector: how the agent transmits/ Infects others
What is not correct in a myocardial infarction
“You will have permanent EKG changes due to scar tissue in your heart muscle”
“Your CRP levels will be monitored to assess for cardiac inflammation”
“Troponin levels are the first to raise in your blood after a heart attack”
“Elevated BNP indicates you have a prior attack”
Elevated BNP indicates you have a prior attack. BNP indicates heart failure not MI
S/s of left-sided heart failure
Left = lung
respiratory distress
* Exertional and nocturnal dyspnea
* Hemoptysis (blood-tinged sputum)
* Orthopnea
* Cough
* Cyanosis
Verapamil drug family
Calcium-channel blocker
s/s of arterial thrombus
5 P’s
pulse low or absent
no edema
pale or mottled color
cool to cold temp
sharp or numb pain
What is the highest nursing priority with septic shock