Final Study Flashcards
What are the 4 parts of balanced scorecard?
What are your 7 stages for cases?
1) Trigger Words & Read
2) 3C
3) Issue ID and Prioritize
4) Analysis
5) Alternatives
6) Recommendation
7) Implementation
What is the transfer price general principle?
TP = Outlay Cost + Opportunity Cost
What are the two rules for transfer price (with(out) intermediate market)
If inter market: TP = market price
If no inter market: TP = Outlay costs (usually the variable costs)
What are the few points that’s need to be remembered for the case?
1) Risks & Mitigation
2) Bullet points
3) Key Takeaways
4) Headings
What is the price variance formula?
Variance = (AP - SP) x AQ
What is the efficiency variance formula?
Variance = (AQ - SQ) x SP
For deciding between suppliers how should supplier failure be calculated?
Include a cost for lost deliveries (for example) in the cost of the product. Figure this out from a probability of supplier failure.
What are the 4 typical types of customers?
PNAP Passive Niche Aggressive Price-Sensitive
What is the internal view of quality?
Conform to specifications
What is the external view of quality?
Meets or exceeds expectations of customers
What are prevention costs? Examples?
Costs to prevent defects (inspection, training, process control)
What are appraisal costs? Examples?
Detection costs (sampling, testing)
What are conformance costs?
Prevention and appraisal costs
What are non-conformance costs?
Internal and external failure