Final? Study? Flashcards
Three Bodies of the Buddha
manifest body, dharma body, reward body
C: practiced to still the mind, corpse meditations are an example of this
D: calming meditations
S: if you master some of these you lead to DHYANA
C: explains how nirvana and samsara are the SAME, talks badly of Hinayana Buddhists selfishness
D: Mahayana Buddhist sutra written about him
D: Mind Only; “Absolute Truth is the truth that all truth is contingent”
This is 1/3 sects of Mahayana tradition
There is a MIDDLE WAY between existing and not existing, Nagarjuna!
C: you should not turn to this for access into the pure land
own being
idea only mind only conscious only
a practice/ way of thinking
C: mahayana idea, from the 70s, chan buddhism idea
D: everyone is an innate Buddha but can’t realize it themselves, allows you to switch from unconditioned to conditioned
S: you turn to the buddha and teachers to help you realize this
Buddha nature
C: What you must master
D: generosity, patience, virtue, energy, concentration, wisdom
6 perfections
Han Dynasty is what years
C: dynasty where public lost faith in the Daoist (beomes neo daoism) ways and started to be less rigid and believe MYSTICAL values, golden age
S: meditation in Buddhism was popularized
Han Dynasty
C: after the han dynasty
D: rich dynasty, had hundreds of Buddhist sutras translated by then
S: Dynasty where Buddhism spread
ruled by ____ people
what years if the Tang dynasty
C: Chinese ideal for many years, maintains the order of the cosmos
D: paying respects and honoring elders to restore the natural balance of the universe
S: how buddhism spread to reverse the mindset of
ancestor worship
C: placed inside stupas,
D: relic of the Buddha’s physical body, a way to communicate with ancestors
S: these are made to legitimize the buddha, this fuses the idea of a body and a dharma body
oracle bones
C: A mahayana idea: an interpretation of what Buddha saw under the bodhi tree
D: everything is empty, there is nothing to be attached to
S: the realization of this is the absolute goal of Buddhist practitioners.
ultimate truth
C: Mahayana interpretation
D: the truths that are agreed upon by everyone, the way we see it
S: these are used to teach followers how to realize the ultimate truth
conventional truth
C: introduced by the mahayana tradition
D: a representation of an advanced Bodhisattva’s karma
reward body
C: this is the way to find harmony, this is the way things are
D: a path, a way, “to speak”
C: Axial Age (800-200BC) old tradition
D: major systems of philosophy, two main founders Zhuangzi and Laozi
S: in China bedore Buddhism
C: 5th century he went west to india to wipe out their population by convincing them to not have kids
D: was a buddha, wrote the dao de jing, “old master”
S: One of the two main Daoist influences in china
When was the Platform Sutra written
8th century
What sect is the Platform Sutra from?
Chan Buddhism
Who wrote the Platform Sutra
Huineng’s Disciple wrote his teaching
C: it creates no distinction between inside and outside or samsara and nirvana
D: embodies the bodhisattva path through ritual; emptiness
S: the truth that there is no truth is transmitted
Chan/Zen Buddhism
Bodhisattva definition
a being motivated by compassion who progresses along the path of enlightenment for the benefit of others
C: 5th century in the Han period
D: believed there are messages that cannot be delivered using words, had the butterfly dream, “where there is birth there is death” “no-attributes to show what is an attribute”
S: One of the two main philosophers of Daoism
Confucius’s disciples wrote his words down in the
C: Everyone can become a Buddha,
D: Sect where you realize Buddha Nature; STOP THINKING; Roshi runs the temple
S: Believes the transmission of the Buddhahood is through the mind; Huineng,
Chan/Zen Buddhism
C: Japan In Zen buddhism
D: Written by Shinran and Yuienbo; calling the name and trusting in it above all else (above self power)
S: “letting go” having faith in someone else to bring you
C: found in Chan Buddhism
D: public case, legal precedent
S: can be used in court, the master has to see if it is exemplary, the abbot does a dharma talk
C: important figure of Mahayana buddhism
D: Buddhist follower who received the transmission; smiled at the lotus
S: basis for mind-only consciousness??
C: After Buddha dies
D: man who brought Buddhism to china from India
S: Founded Chan and sitting branch of mahayana
C: his story was told by a disciple
D: 6th patriarch of Chan buddhism
S: may not be the real patriarch, example of sudden awakening (after hearing diamond sutra)
C: from the yogacara school of mahayana, this solves the binding problem (which is connecting what we perceive to what is real and how we dont mistake it)
D: skandas, 6 main ones, 7th and 8th regard storehouse
defiled mental consciousness
C: 1/3 mahayana schools, made buddhism more accessible to peasant farmers
D: amita buddha will guide you to this place after death
Pure Land
C: the third period where buddhist teachings have become corrupt
D: the realm of the world we are in that is chaotic and defiled
S: in order to brave this we need to trust in others to bring us to awakening
the other power, this is the most helpful thing to rely on to reach pure land
self power, this is an ineffective way to reach pure land, but we are too corrupt as humans to correctly practice Buddhism and reach pure land ourselves
C: 1133-1212 part of the pure land school (broke off from tendai school)
D: he made the teachings from Tendai more accessible to anyone
S: popularized the nembutsu and only trusting in the Vow to gain awakening
C: 1173-1263 true pure land school, he gets married which is radical
D: disciple of Honen,
S: precedent for monks to get married, his words are in the tanisho
Tannisho date
13th century AD
teachings passed from teacher to disciple and tantric practices (hindu inspired ones)
C: in Japan before buddhism; “the way of the gods”
D: focused on nature and everything having an Kami (which must be worshipped), Nature Worship,
S: must keep the order of the cosmos by worshipping gods (kamis)
C: made buddhism more accessible to everyday people
D: nichiren, soto zen, nenbutsu became newest schools allows one to practice individually without a teacher
Kamakura one practice movements
C: a man and name of a sect coming from Kamakura one practice mvmt
D: reciting the name of the lotus sutra
D: just sitting bc you are already inherently awakened
soto zen
C: 1/3 of Zen Buddhism
D: reciting the Vow and amitda buddha will guide you to Pure Land
nembutsu/ Pure Land
What years was Confucius alive
500 BC
C: rooted in India, higher form of meditation
D: insight meditations, focuses on ones sensations
S: leads to LIBERATION
what are the three realms in chinese philosophy?
heaven, earth, and humankind
C: has several disciples who lives with them
D: teacher in tibetan buddhism, either reincarnate or earned the title
S: leader of the monastery, and can be political leader
lama/ guru
c: reincarnation of succeding lamas
d: “ocean of wisdom”; Gelug tradition
dalai lama
C: second to the dalai lama
d: the reincarnate of the amithaba “buddha of boundless light”
s: helps choose the next reincarnate
panchen lama
C: related to the lotus sutra
D: signals that everyone has a buddhahood, chanted effortlessly in tibetan meditation
S: brings compassion and wisdom
six syllable mantra
C: begins in Lhasa, writing system then first monastery in 779, 9th century translation project
early spread of Buddhism
C: 9th -10th century
D: empire collapse monasteries decline
S: introduce Vajrayana (object focused) Buddhism
period of fragmentation
C: 11th century - present
D: 4 schools developed, Gelug is most popular
later spread of buddhism
C: trying to apply science to buddhist ideas
D: not a religion, a rational way of thinking, mainly just meditation, D. T. Suzuki
S: institutional and not ritual
buddhist modernism
D: the idea that the mind and our senses are filtered by the body
S: drugs are seen as a way to take off the filter and
filter theory
D: the idea that there is a shared set of universal truths between all religions
S: “universal truth” is common to this and Buddhism