Final: Short Answers Flashcards
By 1939, only two major European powers remained democratic. Name them and the importance of this statement.
France and Great Britain; important because they are the main targets of Axis powers in WWII and because France has been historically controlled by monarchs or absolutists
Define totalitarianism, list two types of it, and list three main ideologies that are used in a totalitarian state.
- Definition: Radical dictatorships that greatly extend the functions and power of the central state.
- Fascism and Communism.
- All used modern propaganda to conquer hearts and minds of their subjects
- Led by a single leader and a single party
- Police controls (Nazi SS, Soviet secret police)
According to lecture, what were Hitler’s four biggest mistakes, the significance of these mistakes, and when they took place?
- Evacuation of Dunkirk, 1940
- Hitler did not crush the British Army when he had the opportunity
- Operation Barbarossa, June 1941
- Hitler attempts to invade the Soviet Union, went back on the alliance he made in 1939
- Declares war on the U.S., December 11, 1941
- Woke up a “sleeping giant” unnecessarily
- No Retreat/ The Scorched Earth Policy, 1944
- Once the Germans would finally retreat, they would have burned everything in their path, and left nothing for them to hide behind except burnt landscape; if followed, it would have “sent Germany back to the middle ages”; the No Retreat policy was counterproductive to the war effort
How did Stalin come to power in the Soviet Union? Hitler in Germany? Tell the significance of both.
- Stalin joined the Bolshevik party and gained support of the Communist party; received power through force; crushed Trotsky through this forceful power
- Hitler took control of Germany through democratic, legal, non-violent means; he used his economic rhetoric to appeal to the middle classes, and won the vote through the Nazi party in 1932
- The significance is that both Hitler and Stalin initially came to power through natural ways, i.e. democratic election and popular vote.
Why did the Germans and the Italians want to control North Africa? Be specific.
- Britain controlled the Suez Canal. This was a vital strategic link to Britain’s colonies in the Far East and India, as well as a channel for food supplies from Australia and New Zealand.
- The oil fields in Northern Africa were important because of the shortage of supplies that was brought on by World War II machinery.
- Control of North Africa would give the Allies a springboard for invasion and aerial attack on the European mainland.
Why was the world-wide depression the most severe from 1929-1933? Give the two examples I spoke of in class where conditions were the worst.
- The output of goods fell 38%
- Unemployment rates skyrocketed around the world
- In 1932, 1 in 4 British workers were unemployed
- In Germany, 40 percent of the labor force could not find jobs in 1932
What was the first “Hot” war of the Cold War and when did it start and end?
The Korean War (1950-1953)
What was the “domino theory” and what country did we fight a war in to prevent this theory from happening?
Korea or Vietnam; the theory was that if Communism was able to take a foothold in any more countries, then the subsequent “domino” effect would be uncontainable as it spread to more and more countries
Who is the cutest?