Final: Quiz Questions Flashcards
The Treaty of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years’ War
ended a period in European history in which religion was the primary basis for a
nation’s foreign policy
Which of the following is not a characteristic of an absolute state?
sovereignty held, in part, by a representative assembly
Louis XIV claimed he had the authority to rule France because of
the concept of “Divine Right” which stated that God had chosen him to be the
king of France.
All of the following aided in the development of French absolutism except
. the king’s ability to rule directly over the internal administration of the kingdom.
As a result of the Glorious Revolution England became
a constitutional monarchy
This absolutist ruled Russia during the late 17th and early 18th centuries.
Peter the Great
This class of slaves recruits in the Ottoman Empire who rose to secure permanent military and administrative positions was the
Which of the following was not a factor in the decline of the Ottoman Empire?
The radical expansion of the Shi’ite ulama within the Empire
The Safavid Empire was based in which one of the following geographic areas of today?
An important aspect of Akbar the Great’s policy was
religious toleration
Which of the following was not a factor in the decline of the Mughal Empire?
Its defeat at the Battle of Vienna
The Chinese educational system
gave Chinese society cohesion and stability.
The Chinese civil service exam, a dominate characteristic of the Ming Dynasty, tested
Confucian classics
The Chinese civil service exam created all the following except:
the expansion of scientific thought throughout China
The restrictive form of trade between Europe and Ming/Qing China was known as the:
Canton system
The name of the Chinese dynasty established by the Manchu’s was the _________ dynasty?
The Enlightenment
was dominated by the upper classes
This phase of the French Revolution aimed to eliminate all anti-revolutionaries throughout
. the Reign of Terror
Which of the following was not a main cause of the French Revolution?
the death of Louis XVI
The French Jacobins, radical leaders of the French Revolution, were headed by
This country’s brutal winter and stubborn army finally stopped Napoleon and his army in their
march through Europe.
At the Congress of Vienna, the victorious allies
restored the balance of power in Europe after the Napoleonic Era
By aiming at establishing legitimacy and a traditional balance of power in European political
affairs, Metternich and his associates at the Congress of Vienna were advocates of the ideology
known as
The demands of classical liberalism of 19th century Europe included all of the following
social welfare reform.
Nationalist movements resulted in unification for these two European countries during the
decade of the 1870s.
Germany and Italy
As the Prime Minister of Prussia, he led the effort to unify all the German states.
Otto Van Bismark
During the Industrial Revolution in Europe the bourgeoisie were
composed of increasingly wealthy individuals who wanted political status and
During the Industrial Revolution in Europe the proletariat was
. the new industrial working class
Karl Marx believed that the key to understanding history is
class struggle
Social Darwinist theory said that
the laws of natural selection and survival of the fittest also applied to societies as
well as organisms
In the nineteenth century, European nations imperialized areas of Asia and Africa for the
following except
manufactured goods to be sent from Asia to Europe
The ________ Conference of 1884-85 was brought on by Europe’s competition for African
Colonies. This conference laid down the basic rules for European imperialism.
Cape Town and Cape Colony were originally settled by the
In 1853 the U.S. navy under Commodore Matthew Perry entered Tokyo by and
demanded that ports be opened to American traders
Western influence on Japan during the 19th Century resulted in
modernized country that eventually began to practice its own form of
This war, fought between the British and China, led to the opening of five Chinese ports for
international trade
The First Opium War
Which of the following characterizes the attitude of Chinese society toward Western society
and influence during the era of imperialism?
Considerable disinterest and later opposition to in Europe influence
The Sepoy Mutiny in India led to
direct rule of India by the British government
Which of the following factors was not a cause of World War I?
The Russian Revolution
At the outset of World War I, Germany:
invaded France by way of Belgium
Which of the following was an accomplishment of the peace conference at Versailles after
The establishment of the principle of German reparations payments
The new concept of the “mandate,” created at the Paris Peace Conference,
actually expanded Western imperialism in former Ottoman areas.
This man led the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
Vladimir Lenin
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 expressed British commitment to
a Jewish homeland in Palestine
The Muslim League demanded the creation of a Muslim nation in British India called the
“land of the pure” or
Gandhi advocated
nonviolent action protesting British rule
Prior to WWII, Hitler was able to consolidate his power by all of following except
. appealing to minority groups like the Jews and the Poles
Which of the following was not an underlying cause for World War II?
the failure of international diplomacy under NATO
With whom did Hitler sign a non-aggression pact with in 1939, which declared that each
nation would remain neutral in the event of the other waging war?
The Soviet Union
Hitler’s aggressive foreign policy was exemplified by all of the following except the
invasion of Ethiopia.