Don’t know which group you are in and which intervention you receive until the trial is over
Neither you nor the investigator know which group you are in and what type of intervention you receive
double blind
what activities may not require an IRB review?
Case report or studies with less than 3 subjects, quality improvement projects, quality assessment projects, public health practice
Reviews biomedical and behavioral research involving human subjects
What are the 3 parts of the Belmont report?
Respect for persons, beneficence, justice
autonomy, informed consent, protection for the vulnerable
Respect for persons
Maximize possible benefits, minimize risks
Fair distribution of research burdens vs benefits
use baseline information collected at some point in the past and follow the cohort to another point in the past or to the present
retrospective cohort
collected baseline data about exposures and outcomes in the present and follow the cohort to some point in the future
Prospective cohort study
recruit participants based on their membership in a well defined source population, then follow in time
longitudinal cohort study
absolute difference in the incident rate between the exposed and unexposed
attributable risk
proportion of incident cases among the exposed that are due to the exposure
attributable risk percent
ratio of the incidence rate among the exposed to the incidence rate of the unexposed
rate ratio
ratio of the odds of exposure in cases to the odds of exposure in controls
odds ratio
used in discovering what problems exist in a social scene and how persons handle them; involves formulation,testing, and redevelopment of propositions until a theory is developed
grounded theory
focuses on the sociology of meaning through close field observation of sociocultural phenomena; ex: study abroad
way members of the culture envision their world
outsiders interpretation of the experiences of the culture
study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view