Final Neuro Flashcards
Afferent neurons
Efferent neuron
Brain coverings
Bony skill
Dura mater
Arachnoid membrane
Pia mater
(Need to know order)
Brain Cushioning
Subdural space
Subarachnoid space (contains CSF)
Cerebral Spinal Fluid
Serves as cushion
Baths brain with nutrients
Made in choroid plexus
Descending pathway
Brain to body
From motor cortex
Produces motor movement
Ascending pathway
Body to brain
To the sensory cortex
Produces sensation
Peripheral nerves
8 cervical
12 thoracic
5 lumbar
1 coccygeal
Cervical nerve roots
Named for the lower segment
Ex: C6 nerve root is at the C5-C6 nerve junction
Lumbar Nerve roots
Named for the upper segment
Ex: the L4 nerve root is located at the L4-L5 nerve junction
Autonomic Nervous System
Made up of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems
Anterolateral Afferent/Sensory Tract
Meant to be pleasurable
Controls pain, temp, crude vs light tough, itch, tickle, sexual sensation
Posterior Afferent/Sensory Tract
Meant to keep you alive
Controls position sense, discriminative touch, vibration sense, stereognosis, graphesthesia
Anatomy of anterolateral sensory tract
Small caliber axons
Unmyelinated or lightly myelinated -> slow conduction
Cell bodies in contraleral dorsal horn (crosses over and goes up/down cord)
Anatomy of posterior sensory tract
Large caliber axons
Heavily myelinated -> fast conduction
Cell bodies in ipsilateral dorsal horn (goes up same side that they enter/exit)
Efferent/Motor Tracts anatomy
Cell bodies in contralateral motor cortex
Fibers cross in pyramidal decussation (medulla)
Synapses with ipsilateral interneurons
Influences the activity of the lower motor neurons
Voluntary control of muscle movements
Cranial Nerve I
Olfactory nerve (S)
Cranial Nerve II
Optic nerve (S)
Cranial Nerve III
Oculomotor Nerve (M)
Upward, downward, medial eye movement, lid elevation and pupil constriction
Cranial Nerve IV
Trochlear Nerve (M)
Downward, medial eye movement
Cranial Nerve V
Trigeminal Nerve (S M)
Face, scalp, nasal mucosa, baccalaureate mucosa, (S)
Haw muscle, master muscle, temporal, digastric muscle (M)
Cranial Nerve VI
Abducens (M)
Lateral eye movement
Cranial Nerve VII
Facial nerve (S M)
External ear, taste front 2/3 tongue (S)
Facial movement, scalp, salivation, lacrimation (M)
Cranial Nerve VIII
Acoustic nerve (S)
Cochlear hearing
Cranial Nerve IX
Glossopharyngeal (S M)
External ear, back 1/3 tongue taste, carotid reflexes, sinus, baro and chemoreceptors (S)
Gag, swallow, salivation (M)
Cranial Nerve X
Vagus (S M)
External ear, pharynx (S)
Swallow, pronation, bronchoconstriction, gastric secretion, peristalsis (M)
Cranial Nerve XI
Accessory (M)
Swallow, pharyngeal muscles, head turn, shoulder rise
Cranial Nerve XII
Hypoglossal (M)
Tongue muscle, hypoglossus
Mechanisms of injury
Hypoxic or ischemic injury
Injury from excitatory AAs
Increased volume and pressure
Brain herniation
Cerebral edema
Deprivation of oxygen with maintained blood flow > depressant effects on the brain > euphoria, listlessness, drowsiness, impaired problem solving
Causes of hypoxia
Reduced atmospheric pressure
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Severe anemia
Failure to oxygenate blood
Reduced or interrupted blood flow
Focal ischemia
When blood flow is inadequate to meet the metabolic demands of a part of the brain
Global ischemia
When blood flow is inadequate to meet the metabolic demands of the entire brain
Needs immediate intervention
Cardiac arrest or circulatory shock
Process of global ischemia
O2 is consumed in 10 seconds
Glucose sources exhausted in 2-4 min
Cellular ATP stores depleted in 4-5 min
Excessive influx of sodium and calcium and efflux of potassium
Sodium and Calcium in Global Ischemia
Influx of sodium > neuronal and interstitial edema (carries water into the cells with it)
Influx of calcium > “calcium cascade” release of intracellular and nuclear enzymes that cause cell destruction
Watershed zones
Global ischemic injuries occur here
Blood vessels that supply two major regions
Concentrated in anatomically vulnerable border zones between overlapping territories supplied by major cerebral arteries (middle, anterior, posterior)
Laminar necrosis
Global ischemic injury
Occurs in areas supplied by the penetrating arteries - grey matter of the cerebral cortex
Necrosis that develops in laminar (along a parallel plane or layer) and is most severe in the deeper layers of the cortex
Post Ischemic Hypoperfusion
Damage to blood vessels and changes in blood flow
Prevents the return of adequate tissue perfusion despite reestablishment of circulation
Mechanisms involved in Post-Ischemic Hypoperfusion
Desaturation of venous blood
Capillary and venous clotting
Slugging of blood -> ^ blood viscosity -> ^ resistance to blood flow
Immediate vasomotor paralysis d/t extracellular acidosis -> ischemic vasoconstriction
Hypermetabolism d/t circulating catecholamines -> ^ cerebral metabolic rate and ^ need for energy producing substrates (now brain is in ^ demand of O2 and glucose AND isn’t perfusing well)
Treatment for global ischemia
Aimed at providing oxygen and decreasing metabolic needs during non-flow state
Methods of treatment for global ischemia
Decrease brain temp
Normovolemic hemodilution to overcome slugging during reperfusion (give IV)
Control of blood glucose 100-200 mg/mL
Overstimulation of receptors for specific AAs that act as excitatory neurotransmitters (glutamate and aspartate)
Principle excitatory neurotransmitter in brain
Activity is coupled with receptor-operated calcium ion channels -> calcium cascade
Glutamate role in injury
Injury > accumulation of extracellular glutamine > glutamate toxicity > initially (w/in minutes) neuronal swelling d/t sodium influx and later (w/in hours) effects f calcium cascade d/t calcium influx
Accounts for long term effects of brain injury
Normal intracranial pressure (ICP)
5-15 mmHg
Confined Cavity Makeup
Blood volume (10%) + Brain tissue (80%) + CSF (10%)
Monroe-Kellie Hypothesis and Reciprocal Compensation
CSF and BV are the most able to compensate for changes in ICP
If one increases another must decrease to make room for it
Causes of increased amounts of CSF
Excess production
Decreased absorption
Obstructed circulation
Causes of decreased amounts of CSF
Translocation to the spinal subarachnoid space or increased resorption
Causes of increased amounts of BV (Blood volume)
Vasodilation of cerebral blood vessels or obstruction of venous outflow
Causes of decreased amount of BV
Low pressure venous system has limited volume buffering capacity and blood flow controlled by autoregulatory mechanisms
Excessive intracranial pressure (ICP)
Obstructs cerebral blood flow
Destroys brain cells (kills brain tissue)
Displaces brain tissue (herniation)
Cerebral compliance
How much give you have in the fixed vault
Compliance = change in volume / change in pressure
Pressure-Volume curve
Once compensatory mechanisms have been exceeded. Even small changes in volume result in dramatic increases in pressure
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
Normal = 70-100 mmHg
CPP = MABP (mean arterial BP) - ICP (intercranial pressure)
Inadequate tissue perfusion, cellular hypoxia, neuronal death
Stage 1 of Intracranial Hypertension
^ volume in one compartment -> decrease in one or both of other volumes
Intracranial pressure remains near normal
Stage 2 of Intracranial Hypertension
Increase ICP
Brain responds by constricting cerebral arteries to reduce pressure but results in hypoxia and hypercarbia and deterioration of brain function
Stage 3 of Intracranial Hypertension
Cerebral arteries respond with reflex dilation -> ^ blood volume -> further increased ICP
*small changes in intracranial volume result in large changes in pressure
Stage 4 of Intracranial Hypertension
Herniation or Loss of CPP
Swelling and pressure -> herniation (only way brain can go is down into the brain stem)
ICP = MABP -> no cerebral perfusion
Best sign of increased ICP
A decreased level if consciousness is the earliest and most reliable
Cushing reflex
CNS ischemic response triggered by ischemia of vasomotor center in brain
- increased MABP
- widening pulse pressure
- reflex slowing of heart rate
important by LATE indicator of increased intracranial pressure
“Last ditch” effort to maintain cerebral circulation
Cerebral edema
Brain swelling
- ^ tissue volume d/t abnormal accumulation
- may or may not increase ICP
Impact depends on the brain’s compensatory mechanisms and extent of swelling
Types of cerebral edema
Interstitial Edema
Associated with an increase in sodium and water content of the peri-ventricular white matter
Involves movement of CSF across ventricular wall
Water and sodium pass into peri-ventricular white matter
CONDITION: non communicating hydrocephalus
Vasogenic edema
Results from an increase in the ECF (extracellular fluid) that surrounds brain cells
Brain injury > blood brain barrier disrupted > increased permeability and free diffusion across capillaries
Can displace cerebral hemisphere and cause herniation
Where does Vasogenic edema occur
Occurs primarily in white matter b/c it is more compliant and offers less resistance to fluid accumulation than gray matter
Manifestation of Vasogenic edema
Focal neurologic deficits
Disturbances in consciousness
Severe intracranial HTN
Conditions that cause Vasogenic Edema
Prolonged ischemia
Brain injury
Infectious processes that impair function of the blood brain barrier and allow transfer of water and protein into the interstitial space
Cytotoxic edema causes
Decreased blood flow > cellular hypoxia > decreased ATP production > decreased energy stores > decreased function of ion pumps > water entry and cellular swelling
Decreased blood flow > cellular hypoxia > anaerobic metabolism > lactic acid and extracellular acidosis > water entry and cellular swelling
How cytotoxic edema causes death
Pre-synaptic hypo-polarization > opens voltage-gated calcium ion channels > increases levels free intracellular calcium > release of neurotransmitters > membrane potential to threshold > electrical hyperactivity (seizure) until exhaustion > electrical silence (death)