Final - Intensive Repeated Measurement in Naturalistic Settings (IRM-NS) (Moskowitz et al.) Flashcards
What are 3 strengths and 2 weaknesses of one occasion self-report measures?
- standardization of stimuli
- ease of use
- capacity for sampling domain
- reconstructive memory process can introduce error
- impression management/social desirability
What are 2 strengths and 3 weaknesses of behavioral observation measures?
- no memory problems
- impression management less of an issue
- resource intensive
- hard to do in naturalistic settings
- lab settings might not be valid
(T/F) IRM-NS always relies on self report
FALSE, main but not only method (ex smart watch for HR)
What are the 4 designs for collecting IRM-NS?
- time-contingent recording (fixed time interval sampling)
- signal-contingent recording (random time interval sampling)
- event-contingent recording (event sampling)
- burst design (periods of measurement interspersed w periods of no measurement; mix of 3 other methods)
Which method of IRM-NS is most often used for developmental research?
- burst designs
What are 5 benefits of IRM-NS?
- less reliance on participant retrospective memories
- less reliance on P to integrate info ab self
- can provide contextual info
- aggregation of multiple assessments increases reliability and validity
- can use to characterize fluctuations and stability in indiv
The social behavior inventory is an example of what method of measurement for IRM-NS? How does it work?
- event-contingent recording method
- forms to report interpersonal behaviors for 20d
- recording instigated by social interaction event
- typically report 6-7 events per day
What are the dimensions of interpersonal behavior on the interpersonal circle?
- quarrelsome
- agreeable
- dominant
- submissive
what scale development approach was used for the social behavior inventory?
- construct approach
- interpersonal circle model used to define constructs
- gathered items from questionnaires and interviews
- judges rated items
- study to assess reliability and validity
What is the stability across days for the social behavior inventory?
- high!
- avg of all inter-day correlations above .93 for all dimensions
What does stability of behavior across different numbers of days suggest about the social behavior inventory?
- similarly reliable @ 12d vs 20d so could shorten if needed!
What is the internal consistency of behavior scales in the social behavior inventory?
- corr btw items within each domain
- low ish (mostly around .5)
- not unsurprising bc domains are broad and few items per domain
Do patterns of relations among social behavior inventory scales match the theoretical model?
generally yes!
(T/F) there is not much convergent validity of social behavior inventory with existing one-occasion questionnaires
FALSE, mostly good convergent validity
What are the 2 measures of intraindividual variabilityin IRM-NS?
- flux: fluctuations in each dimension
- spin: fluctuations in angular rotation around the person’s mean angular rotation
What is flux?
- measure of intraindividual variability
- basically SD in scores (how dramatically do scores fluctuate across days)
What is spin?
- measure of intraindividual variability
- SD of all angular displacements
What does it mean when a vector for behavior is further from the center of the behavior circle?
- further from the center is more extreme
What is the stability across weeks of spin and flux for the social behavior inventory?
- pretty high for all!
Social Behavior Inventory using ECR has:
- ____ stability
- ____ internal consistency
- ____ convergent and discriminant validity
- HIGH stability
- MODERATE internal consistency
- GOOD convergent and discriminant validity
What are 2 concerns w ECR w Social Behavior Inventory?
- difficult to interpret meaning of indivs scores (no norms!)
- target individuals might not comply