Final- Homeopathy III Flashcards
has been put down, hx of abuse or alcoholism in parents, beaten down and hardened state, anger suppressed
ailments from anticipation, excitement, fright, mortification; anxiety about health, childish behavior, –> company, > company, oppositional behavior, confusion after coffee
argentum nitricum
dreamy, peaceful state, spaciness, losing track of time, fear and panic in some, ‘freaked-out’ people, anxiety attacks, tremendous fears
cannabis indica
maliciousness, sneaky so not seen, lewd, lascivious, awkward movements (stamping things, strange gestures, have to break things, touch things), malicious gossiping, put others down, grimaces, haughty, desire to hide
may be brought on by financial loss, loss of property, long-standing anxiety, responsibility, grief, disappointed love, forsaken feeling, ailments from abuse, fright, anger, contradiction, mortification, cannot stand humiliation, weary of life, condemn themselves, quarrelsome, irritable, angry, excited, restless, feel remorse, can’t stand contradiction, sensitive to everything (pain and cold), may use drugs or EtOH to handle the pain or meditation/prayer to deal w/problems but b/c so driven to succeed may become addicted
aurum metallicum
depression and loathing of life, feel they have a high intrinsic value, want to excel in EVERYTHING, real perfectionists, have an internal gold standard, very intelligent, very serious people, not fluffy or light, solemn, spiritual seekers w/an intense drive to find God, enlightenment to transcend their pain
aurum metallicum
emphasis on what is right/wrong, mind rules the emotions, usu complaint is that they are heading for a breakdown, strong mental control, fear of losing control, weep when telling sxs, strong sense of duty, sensitive to starting and touch, cannot BEAR to be touched, talk to themselves,
kali carbonicum
needed after any type of vaccination, if hx (past or present) of GC, suppression of warts, abuse, closed to the point of being deceptive, secretive, mistrustful, deliberately withhold info (esp what they think is unpleasant about themselves), skeptical, reserved, observe everything, no deep communication, hold themselves back; hard, practical, materialistic people though some may be sweet and nice
thuja occidentalis
used for acute conditions esp diarrhea and vomiting w/extreme prostration and coldness, acute collapse w/copious secretions, manic conditions, hyperactivity in children, extreme exhaustion, prostration, faintness, seeing black spots before eyes, unconsciousness, cold everywhere, extreme sinking sensation and weakness w/coldness
veratrum album
voracious thirst for ice cold drinks, ice cubes, sweat on forehead, cold sweat, clammy, cold breath, face pale, bluish, shriveled, sunken features, weak voice- can barely talk, very chilly but sweats profusely, chronic bronchitis in elderly, can’t get enough air, loss of bodily fluids = profound weakness, d/cs drain the tissues which exhaust the vitality and lead to vertigo, fainting and collapse
veratrum album
arises by when children try to express themselves sexually they are suppressed and punished so they learn to control themselves or to not get caught, feel like an outcast, strange and different than others, may act properly eventually, acting is an important life skill for them, may act or play a role b/c not sure what their role is, shape themselves to their surroundings (do w/o being aware), deep lack of self-esteem, vagueness, sentences dwindle off in a mumble, quite forgetful, dullness, despondency w/dissatisfaction
thuja occidentalis
surprising inability to stand up for themselves, irritable if they are attacked esp if unjustly accused but cannot stand up for themselves, feel miserable and hurt but can’t fight back, irritable, full of imaginary fear,
kali carbonicum
refined ppl, slightly arrogant in a subtle way, aloof, sensitive, ambitious, conditions which affect the heart, syphilitic (also sycotic) causing bone and tissue destruction, severe depression, suicidal depression, self-depression, HTN, malignancies, yet hide all their suffering, suicidal thoughts when in a high place w/desire to jump, some fear high places or may desire to swerve car into a wall or concrete embankment when driving, depression comes after grief or disappointed love, WILL commit suicide
aurum metallicum
puffy, pale face, catarrhal states of nose, throat, chest; dry membranes, asthma rocking, pneumonia, tendency to TB, sensitiveness of epigastrium, stomach distended, sensitive from excessive flatulence, feels it would burst, aspiration of food easily, whooping cough, lg painful bleeding hemorrhoids, constipation, insufficient labor pains w/violent backache, wants back rubbed, heart arrhythmia and palpitations
kali carbonicum
loquacious in class, talk about sexual things, make off-colored jokes, can be annoying, show off physically, dress scandalously, like to be observed- not in a refined way, done in a strange way; indiscretion toward others, jealously, suspiciousness makes them hate others, violent, jealous, can kill them; aversion to light (b/c can do sneaky things easier at night); fear someone will kill them, fear of water, even drinking it (plus they like dark things);
theorizing, imagination stimulated, ideas are impractical and bizarre, humorous quality, gentle people,, forgetful, spaciness, poor concentration, loquacity, exhilaration, restlessness, anxiety, fear, panic; psychotic breaks, schizophrenic episodes w/delusions, out of reality, episodes of great fear
cannabis indica
confusion, > motion, presentiment of death, delusions: brain is softening, houses falling on him, deserted, despised, about to die, neglected; despair, eccentricity,
argentum nitricum
hard to accept kindness, anger suppressed, sense of worthlessness, jealousy, envy, black sheep of family, outcast, anger eventually comes out; fights, separation from their feelings, lack of moral feeling, behavior problems, malicious, confusion, poor memory, feel like a failure, nightmares, sex drive can be high, sado-masochistic fantasies, > eating, rectal tenesmus, plug sensation, band sensation, feel separated from the world, delusion her child is not hers, hatred, forsaken feeling, mistakes in time
delusions: cannot succeed, committed a crime, is double, does nothing right, people beside him; two trains of thought, feels as if has two wills, fears insanity, feels as if in a dream, behavior inconsistent w/beliefs; using LSD, hatred and cursing, divided personality, religious ppl w/desire to curse, want of religious feeling, irresolution, L sided, tries to prove themselves, fastidious, unfeeling, sudden loss of memory, no reality, R–> L sxs, sxs disappear while eating, come back some hours afterwards, eczema w/excessive itching external application of water as hot as possible amel
- lack of self-confidence, wants to prove themselves
- unfeeling, hatred, cursing, malicious
- sensation of plug or band
- amel by eating
- itching eczema amel by water as hot as can be borne
indolence, aversion to work, irresolution, impulse to jump, loquacity, weak memory, changeable mood, obstinate, restless, sensitive to noise, prostration of mind (mental exhaustion), restlessness- compelling rapid walking, speech childish, impulses to do strange things, suicidal disposition, superstitious, desire to talk, thinking of complaints aggravates, undertakes nothing for fear of failure, weeping, loss of will
argentum nitricum
self-medicating, to feel better or for excitement or sedation, drug addiction, lose concentration, exuberance can take over, lapses of consciousness, inhibitions may be lowered, panic d/os, feel they’ll lose control and go crazy, anything can trigger panic, heavily sycotic, feel like a vibration in the body, a hum, passivity, trying to organize their lives to succeed but can’t start
cannabis indica
malicious w/desire to kill, restlessness at night, mania to ridicule, laugh at others or tell their secretes; mind, roving about naked, wrapped in fur for the summer (does things to be seen); sadness, despondency, melancholy, (from smell of flowers), singing obscene songs, desire to spit in others faces, speech is hasty, irrational, talks to themselves, say they are well when they are very sick
makes you cautious upon meeting, they are slow to trust others, do not actually portray who they are, secretive, ‘ugly’ insides, deceitful, tries to trick you, show they are smarter, manipulative, can also be very nice, something is not right, feel unlovable, feel worthless, unworthy of love, these feelings are usu dt a cruel upbrining, bad self-image, feel isolated, separated, distant, neutral, have learned to hide, copy others who are successful
thuja occidenatlis
industrious, hard working, conscientious, > occupation, proper, honest, fair, responsible, successful, serious, not prone to laughter or lightness, closed, deepest depression state of any remedy, may be mixed w/anger,
aurum metallicum
stitching, wandering pains, profuse d/cs, chilly, sensitive to cold,
kali carbonicum
cold, calculating, manipulative, scheming, rarely feel confident in prescribing for them, fixed ideas: “my legs are made of glass; something alive in my abd; someone is walking besides me;” may be fastidious about cleaning and their clothing; introverted, closed, get the feeling they’re not telling you something, conscientious about trifles, birth anomalies such as midline deformities: cleft palate, spina bifida, etc; perversion inside, don’t know what’s normal, sexual perversions, fixed ideas, feels delicate like they’re made of glass, delusion is PG, feels movement in abd, thinks body and soul are separated
thuja occidentalis
blueness, coldness, low BP, syncope, cyanosis, delirium intense and violent, can become furious, tears clothing, cursing and shouting; constant activity, sensation of cold water flowing through veins, burning in stomach, intestines feel tied in knots, fainting remedy: from emotions, exertion, stool, vomiting; stomach sxs: increased appetite, big hunger for cold food, ice, ice water, ice cream, also crave salt, fruit (sour), acidic things but fruit may agg
veratrum album
gastroenteritis that produces violent vomiting w/profuse diarrhea, stool may be green, gushing w/colic and cramps, intestines feel tied up like knots, prostrating, rice-water stool (cholera remedy), profuse secretions therefore complain of dryness, neuralgic remedy (severe pains), dysmenorrhea, neuralgias, migraines, cramps, convulsions, twitching sweat, fainting, prostration
veratrum album
lack of confidence, compensate w/violence (can be submissive at first), don’t start w/violence, become rebellious first, will is suppressed by others, fearful or curious of insects but some fear, take anger out on animals and insects, violent ideas (may or may not act on), when humiliated will leave a scar and will then resort to violence, Hell’s Angels, have to show their strength, feel joy in violent actions/things
> cold, windows have to be open,
argentum nitricum
- neurologic: clumsiness, ataxia and vertigo
- mental weakness, poor memory
- GI system: gas and burping
- psychological: mental weakness, impulses, fears, anxiety about health, character d/o
argentum nitricum
- altered reality
- delusion that he is the greatest, really knows what is real everyone else is wrong, “poor saps”
- time: many thoughts in a short period of time
- distortion and lack of control, not aware of what their body does
- theoretical side: schizophrenic, make you laugh, crazy, giggle inappropriately
- difficulty w/concentration and memory
cannabis indica
convulsions, problems w/eyes even blindness, diplopia w/convulsions, sparks in vision, ringing in ears before convulsion, convulsions from EVERYTHING, riding in wagon or carriage aggravates when in open sun or open space, ill after head injuries, brain damage or after inflam of brain or after stroke, wants to hide their true self in public, with EtOH or drugs will touch inappropriately, don’t edit their actions, worse lying, suffocated cough