Final- from Homeopathy II Flashcards
sad, depressed, loathing of life
aurum metallicum
compulsive, ritualistic, superstitious, extreme irritability on waking
slow or delayed development on the physical, mental or emotional level
baryta carbonica
2 that can be sensitive & romantic
tuberculinum or carcinosin
overstimulated, seeking an outlet, great passion, jealousy, narcissism, intense love affairs
goes to excess & extremes, physically strong but mentally weak
debility, weakness, sluggishness & oversensitivity
weakness, lacks stamina, quickly tired, failure to thrive in infants, open fontanelles that don’t close
fright that is severe & sudden, infections of the nervous system, high fevers, meningitis & injury to the brain can bring on this state
worse cold room, at beginning of motion or with exertion or with damp weather, a draft, mental excitement, pressure of a waistband, before a storm, music or with standing
shy, meeks, mild, sweet, may sit in a corner & play alone b/c too shy to interact w/others, will hide their face in an interview if a child
bryta carbonica
family hx of CA, DM, alcoholism, TB
HTN, pulsations throughout the body, hemorrhage, menopausal flushing & d/c’s, something intense has to come out
extreme jealousy, cruel in their passion, charming, powerful, full of charisma, easily distracted, loves excitement, thrills, adventure, flirting, sexual encounters, spontaneity
very chilly remedy, pts aggravated from the least cold or draft by also easily aggravated by the least heat
detail oriented (painfully so), weak sense of self, know what they want but hard to put it out there, appear un-opinionated but really just don’t want to rock the boat b/c they hate discord or conflict
one of the MOST violent remedies in the materia medica, onset of sxs are sudden, act wildly, irrationally with threatening and impulse to kill
want to excel in everything, be top student, perfectionists, have a calling which they must fulfill, serious people, industrious, hard-working & conscientious, occupation ameliorates but worse from mental work
aurum metallicum
most depressed remedy, will commit suicide, but others don’t really know they are depressed, hide their suffering well
aurum metallicum
adults who love to play with children, childish talk in adulthood, elderly= 2nd childhood, alzheimer’s, brain problem/mental problem w/offensive odor/perspiration of feet
baryta carbonica
friendly, sociable, cheerful, hurt easily but won’t show it, suppresses pain, hold everything inside, can be passionate and romantic
volcano inside, strong vitality, extremely attached to family & loved ones leads to jealousy, passionate
sensitive to pain, fear of dark & murky water, delusions that someone’s hands is on them, feels hurried, bites their nails, ailments from suppression is a keynote
drenching perspiration which does not ameliorate (aggravates), excessive salivation, trembling of hands or other body parts, chorea, paralysis agitates, twitching, weakness of memory, poor concentration, dullness & confusion maybe also anxiety & anguish
constipation in form of the rectum, full time job to make sure they aren’t constipated, early osteoporosis, lack stamina, avoid weight bearing exercise, generally thin
night terrors, don’t recognize those around them, sardonic laughter if they hurt someone or if they are being reprimanded, quality of evil in the way that they seem to not care
proper, honest, fair, responsible, successful in their fields, closed people, don’t talk about their depression, not prone to laughter or lightheartedness
aurum metallicum
worse closed room, at beginning of motion, exertion, cold, damp weather, draft, mental excitement, pressure of a waistband, before music, standing
better with cool wind, open air, walking fast, continued motion
sexually may be taken advantage of, may not understand why they got pregnant, forgetfullness, sluggish, dull, see more in children & at the end of life
baryta carbonica
children will be well controlled & good mannered, mild & sensitive, hx of strict upbringing, heavily controlled, lots of responsibility at a young age
averse to consolation, offended easily, friendly, sociable, cheerful people, hurt easily but won’t show it, suppress pain, hold everything in
important remedy for the circulatory system, useful in DIC, dilating blood vessels
ailments from suppression, asthma & rheumatic complaints, affects GU organs, sour odors in kids, fishy odors
drenching perspiration which does not relieve, aggravated at night, lying on R side, trembling of hands or other parts of body, gradual wasting, tendency to form pus
depression may be mixed with anger, aversion to company, despair with pains, suicidal from pain, periodical despair, committed to spiritual growth or particular spiritual discipline
aurum metallicum
no fear of death, desires death , can’t stand contradiction, sensitive to everything esp pain & cold, may use drugs & EtOH, meditation or prayer to deal
aurum metallicum
fight a constant battle against boredom, romantic longing, never find inner contentment, unfulfilled, unbearable sense of, need for change, stimulating experiences, frequently changing everything
compulsiveness, ritualistic, superstitious, extreme irritability on waking, fear of dogs & esp cats, optimistic & hopeful
eyes wide open & dilated pupils, sweat profusely, can stutter and stammer, wildness in their behaviors so others don’t want to play with them, other kids are afraid of them
seek protection, comfort of others, anxiety & worry, can’t worry about the big things in the world b/c it’s too much so focus on the smaller things they can control, restlessness with cracking, fissuring, d/c’s & perspiration
violent impulses, deep suspicion, paranoid, delusions they have committed a crime, suicidal tendency to kill others, sudden, impulsive, violent behavior
night is the best time for them, energized with night, when they are the most creative, when they can study the best, when they feel alive
can’t keep a secret, egotistical, terrible temper, hateful, violent & abusive towards family, malicious, intolerant of contradiction, sarcastic, feeling of self doubt, feel something is wrong inside of them
averse to consolation, offended easily, can be passionate and romantic, loves music, dance, poetry, painting & animals, dancing ameliorates
lack of self-confidence, irresolution, great sensitivity to cold air & catching colds, chilly people, worse with feet becoming cold, orgasm of blood when lying on L side
baryta carbonica
desires eggs, butter, fat, salt, chocolate, milk, soup & coffee, lots of moles & cafe au lait spots, hx of mono & childhood dz. like measles, mumps & chickenpox, high fevers
sleep into their aggravation, L sided or L –> R, sleep on L b/c R side impossible, intolerant to heat, oversensitivity to pain, hearing, touch, odors
delusion they have committed a crime, sudden tendencies to violent behavior, trembling of hands or other body parts
rigidity and hardness in a conversation, won’t change their mind, h/a if they overexert, aggravation from milk or dairy products or heavy foods
excess energy, like a volcano, sexually aware at a young age, M:F 3:1, mania, great fear and violence, violent mental state, agitated, destructive, fearful, malicious, violence towards other children, animals or adults
precocious children, aggravated before a storm, cold, damp weather, at seashore, strong craving for smoked things, fat and cold milk, ravenous hunger at night that drives them out of bed
imagine’s he’s neglected his duty, has sinner or is evil or guilty, acute pain with suicidal thoughts, music camel, sensitive to music and loves classical music
aurum metallicum
aversion to fruit, weakness after eating, numbness of upper 1/2 of body, offensive foot sweat, can be extremely intelligent
baryta carbonica
warm blooded, chronic insomnia, sweet person, state may come on after abuse, children who have little reaction, haughty towards parents but sweet to everyone else, kleptomania in children
better from flow or d/c, worse from any form of suppression, aggravated from rest, inaction, warmth, sleep, spring, cold, wet weather, better from activity, fresh cool air, sexual activity, talking essentially anything that increases circulation
> by the sea, swimming at the sea, generally warm, hot feet which they uncover in bed but worse becoming cold, worse in cold, wet weather, sleep in knee to chest position and lying on abd ameliorates
h/a like a band around their head, severe, bursting, worse at night and worse in a draft, moist eruptions on the scalp that itch and cause hair to fall out, strong mouth sxs like foul, offensive breath and profuse saliva, gums that bleed easily and weak teeth, metallic taste in mouth and extremely thirsty for cold drinks
cradle cap in babies, plugged ducts, recurrent sties, any kind of ear infection, excessive earwax, problems with their teeth, aggravation from milk or dairy products or heavy foods, women can bleed too much or not have a menses b/c not enough energy
nasty streak, but can have more of a timid, shy side, can be autistic, in adults they say they feel dead inside, throwing, biting torturing, not often premeditate, gut response, impulsive, hyperactive kids
profuse sweat at night from slight exertion, tendency to respiratory ailments, grinds teeth during sleep, has had multiple other remedies that haven’t worked, periodic h/a’s, bright red lips, brown finger tips, skin tans easily, dark hair along spine of children
worse sunrise to sunset, worse at nights but may be amel of depression at night, desires sunshine, cloudy weather is unbearable, oversensitive to all pain, pain is boring, tearing or a bruised bone pain in extremities, boring pain at the root of the nose
aurum metallicum
worse company, may mistake for calc carb, delusions he walks on his knees and that hands are cut off, low self-esteem, low confidence, feeling of inferiority, anxiety in company, suppression of perspiration of feet can produce this state
baryta carbonica
angry when incorrect, blue sclera at 2 yo, intelligent, precocious in an artistic way or in feelings, refined, nice, plays and enjoys music at an early age, sympathetic, feels emotions of others and reacts, antennae for other’s feelings, keen, sharp
better from activity, fresh, cool air, sexual activity, talking, and pressure, relieved by anything that increases circulation or is an outlet for pent up emotions, often indicated in alcoholics
desires sour fruit, oranges, lemon, sweet, salt, EtOH, fat, spicy, eats ice chips, aversion to beans, peas, slimy, eggplant
chronic ear infections w/thick green or yellow, very offensive, d/c from the ears, d/c may be bloody, chest may fill with mucous, coughing that is aggravated at night from lying on R side, lungs esp affected
weakness, chilliness, inflammation, seizures, rigid, perfectionism, restlessness, can look like calc carb, will say “whatever,” clear sense of right and wrong but won’t express it, memory excellent until it falls apart from exhaustion, very intelligent or mentally challenged and unconscious, do every little thing to be prepared for any scenario
fears dogs, dark, showers, head under water, supernatural beings, being injured by others, abandonment, forsaken feeling, problems with concentrating and comprehension, don’t do well in school, if asked to draw pictures will draw pictures of death and destruction
rolling head to get to sleep, strikes head against bed, lactation before and b/w menses, allergy to milk, aversion to meat, acids, cheese, smell of coffee, eggs, cold milk, pineapple and wine, desires delicacies, smoked meats, EtOH, bacon, fat, cold milk, cold food, salty, refreshing things, bananas, cold food and drink, ice cream, potatoes, salami and warm drinks
main remedy for mastoiditis, has an effect on ALL glands of the body, CA of all glands (esp ovaries and testes), children are serious, introverted, high ideals, hard workers, easily hurt, refined, need affection and love but hard to give love, desire to hid, act like little adults
aurum metallicum
children that live with one foot in the adult world, parents may tell them their problems= early responsibility and too great of an emotional load for a child, withdraw to avoid suffering and judgment, are doers, not lazy, busy and like to be busy, restless, bite their nails, tics
mind is quick, cutting, suspicious, jealous, increased mental activity, hurry, restlessness, ecstasy, talks rapidly and jumps from subject to subject, egocentricity, self-centered,conceit, hatred, envy, jealousy, suspicion, anger, censorious, fault-finding, quarrelsome, spiteful
worse from warm drinks, causes choking, intolerant to clothing, better with pressure
worse touch, trembling and weakness esp after stool, weakness from walking, edema of ankles, excesses, go to extremes in desires, feelings, behavior and expression, what they want the want, what they don’t want they HATE, always too much
children: ailments from birth or soon after, JIA, diaper rashes, lots of d/c’s, born with eczema, asthma, rhinitis, red and fiery eruptions around perineum, unmanageable, bossy, throws tantrums, loves scary movies and violence
produces/cure abd sxs such as diarrhea, dysentery and colitis, aggravation after passing stool, milk in breast during menses and mastitis during lactation, may be anxiety and restlessness during menses, slow healing, amel from lying down, destruction and decomp of bones and mucous membranes
hallucinations and delusions abound, remedy for delirium, delusions thinks he is double, very tall, cut in half, may see ghosts, talks with spirit, hears voices, sees animals, black dogs, snakes, insects, feels as if he’s committed a terrible sin, possessed by the devil
desire for change, romantic longing, violent when need for change or frustrated, constantly changing sxs, recurrent respiratory troubles, desire for open air, aggravated by a closed room or cold, damp weather, craves smoked meats, sweets and cold milk, easy perspiration at night
hatred of those who have offended them, want revenge, malicious, frequently needed in teenagers b/c high risk group for depression and suicide, very steadfast in thoughts, can get into EtOH or drugs, great fear of failure
aurum metallicum
down’s syndrome, genetic problems, CA, DM hx, schizophrenia b/c too sensitive, paranoid, many unusual health problems not usu in children, deformities, may be autistic, sleeps in knee to elbow position or on back w/hands under head, face in pillow, thin and seldom obese
very vital, very sexy, captivating, charismatic people, jealousy is strong, egotism, prepared from the d/c of a penis w/gonococcus bacteria epi cells, pus and PMNs, find it difficult to commit to anything, profusion, fits of passion and temper, wildness may be manifested in sexual behavior
remorse, confusion, lacks ability to adapt or change, withdrawn and introverted, flirtation and strong sexual feelings, irritable, aggressive, dresses conservatively, joins conservative political parties
religious insanity, praying, beseeching, entreating, may continually think of death and weep copiously, loquacity, talk incessantly, babble, prattle, laugh, sing, dance wilding in a raving mania or cursing or desperately praying
malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite, night sweats, mild cough, dyspnea, fever in afternoon, wasting, consumption, “burning one’s candle at both ends,” frantic feeling that something is missing, will seek that thing out, feels life is too short, will find and break the thing you love and feel no remorse
painlessness of complaints that should be painful, indifferent to suffering, jerking, twitching, spasms, hiccoughing, chilliness, dryness, fevers, comas, convulsions, starting and jerking, spine is sensitive, worse alone, better company and with light and warmth
passive, weak willed, fear of diseases, death, darkness, cemeteries, heights and ghosts, panic attacks, panic d/o’s, PTSD, compulsive behaviors
many like to drink, go to bars, dance, pick someone up, want all sorts of sexual experiences, hurriedness, rushed, not enough time, anxiety, working, acting fitfully, time passes too slowly, can be introverted or extroverted, aggression, harbor hatred or aggressive thoughts, may be cruel to people or animals
changeable, moveable sxs, by the seaside and from motion, desires ice cream, smoked foods and fats, dislikes cold, wet surroundings, cold cellars, cold churches, likes stormy weather- NEEDS IT- sympathetic, sensitive, weakness, vulnerable, anxious, fastidious, anticipation, fear of judgment, desire to be praised, desire to be useful
sycotic, syphilitic and tubercular miasms are all present, will only show grief to best friend, only able to cry around them, many fears, desire for protection and to be taken care of but then become suppressed and resentment starts then break out or d/c’s appear which leads to a weakened state and then fears kick back in
aggression, harbors hatred or aggressive thoughts, in late stage forgetful and remorse about their past, may become religious fanatics, publicly religious but just more for show, fear someone is following them, the dark and claustrophobia, fixed internal ideas, learning disabilities, warm blooded
emotional and passionate w/strong desires, fastidious with need for control in their lives, restlessness, discontent and desire for travel, sympathetic, works hard and plays hard, sex desire is high from an early age but this is not the center of gravity
great desire for suicide, dwells on it, problems nose and root of the nose, endocarditis, heart problems and fear of heart problems
aurum metallicum