Final- from Homeopathy I Flashcards
wounds and scars is the psychological essence, this remedy is capable of healing deep, emotional injuries that have persisted a lifetime, wounded which is then followed by shock and if shock is too great then suppression of memories, block it out but eventually it just plays out and they get over it
primarily a female remedy, stasis is a theme, hormonal stasis which produces a state of apathy, indifference or deadening of emotions, loses the ability to love, be warm or affectionate towards those they should be, tend toward depression, gloominess, anxiousness
“sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face,” easily moved to laughter or tears, affectionate, mild, timid, gentle, yielding, “pregnant state,” changeable, wandering pains in joints, hemorrhages stop and return, stools change color constantly, one set of sxs disappear to be replaced by another, contradicting sxs
most frequently prescribed of all remedies! esp for conditions brought on by today’s pressured and hectic lifestyle, spasms, sensitiveness, chilliness and drugging, excitable state, ailments from anger, use of drugs and stimulants, can use this remedy to “clear the case,” essence is anger coupled w/ambition, work-oriented, independent, highly competitive w/a strong desire to succeed, most competitive people in the repertory
nux vomica
affected alimentary tract, GU tract, genitals, liver, mucous membranes, skin and lungs, many infants born into this temperament, wrinkled appearance, colicky, constipated, anxious and fearful, wakes irritable and demands to be fed immediately upon waking, infant that cares all day and sleeps all night, onset is insidious, usu aren’t athletic, ailments from fright, mortification and anger
can be brought on by stressful and emotionally chaotic and frantic lifestyles, mental sxs predominate, refined, sensitive, conscientious, well-educated, artistic, high-strung and excitable, idealistic and romantic, fixed ideas of how the world should be and disappointed when it doesn’t turn out that way, changeable moods, ill humor, quarrelsome, particular and impossible to please
ignatia amara
main remedy for MS injuries, arthritis, h/a’s, flus, colds, abd complaints and much more, joint pathology present, slow onset normally but if dt injury it will be quick, aggravation by motion, first remedy to consider in pleurisy, appendicitis, flu, stomach problems and h/a’s, dryness runs throughout: dry lips, dry mouth, cracked lips, cough is dry, hard and painful w/little expectoration, holds their chest when they cough to prevent motion
bryonia alba
poison, main remedy in treating acutes, at their core they are insecure, vulnerable, they view the world as a dangerous, hostile, threatening place so in response they try to self-preserve by protecting their health and body, life is an unhappy event, a struggle, filled with paranoia and fear, anxiety about getting a disease and despair of getting well, restless, and weak
arsenicum album
fear dz, esp CA, suffering, robbers, dark, poverty, starvation, feel as if someone is out to get them, trying to kill them, suicidal, fear they may take their own life by stabbing themselves in the heart or setting themselves on fire, impulse to murder, fear on seeing a knife b/c of what they may do with it, life is full of “shoulds,” dogmatic, conservative, prissy, proper, well-dressed and groomed, very neat, selfish, self-indulgent, like themselves and the life they have, avarice and greed
arsenicum album
excessive thirst for large quantities usu at long intervals, urine scanty, tend towards constipation, dry and hard stool, during fever perspire profusely, sharp, stitching pains esp in serous membranes and joints, affinity for synovium of joints and richly enervated tissues, joints red and swollen, stiff w/stitching pain from least motion, chilly but dislikes a warm room, feels better in cold/cool
bryonia alba
changeable moods, ill humor, quarrelsome, particular and impossible to please, take things to heart and brood silent over them, easily hurt and disappointed, AF grief, mortification, disappointed love, criticism, punishment, rejection, excitement, worry, fear, bad news, suppressed mental and emotional suffering, great remedy of contradictions, will not cry in public, silently grieves, frequent sighing, cannot eat rich foods and simple foods disagree too
ignatia amara
AF fright, mortification, anger, physical appearance is wrinkled, sallow, emaciated face, large head, wrinkles on forehead, frown is characteristic, emaciated from top down, “pear shaped,”, premature graying of hair, premature balding, intellectuals and professionals, lack self-confidence, avoid taking responsibility, “holier than thou” attitude, crave power but cowardly, conscientious and orderly but can’t stand being corrected, opposed or contradicted, easily offened
irritable, easily angered, even infants, hard, sulky, can strike their mother or you, very sensitive to sensory impression, mb upset over little sensory annoyances, like to be carried but only on their own terms, can’t stand contradiction, get angry, freely contradict others though, outspoken and opinionated, strong sexual nature, experiment at an early age, as adults are industrious, self-reliant, efficient and ambitious, excel in their work, outspoken and blunt not sensitive to other’s feelings or issues, workaholics, type A personality
nux vomica
generally warm yet dissipation to chilliness but also extreme aversion to heat (2 pm aggravation), slow, phlegmatic temperaments, acts on vascular system causing swelling and hemorrhoids and varicose veins along with congestion and edema, hate tight clothing, ears, eyes, stomach, mucous membranes, genitalia and joints strongly affected, worse warmth in any form, better open cold air, cold room, eating or drinking cold things, cold applications, also better uncovering, undressing, loose clothing, barefoot
only feels irritability and anger, ready to explode, wants to scream or strike the kids or scold them, afterwards she may feel guilty for yelling at them, extremely fault finding, lacks compassion, has a sharp tongue which she inflicts on others, spiteful, permits not opposition to her opinions, never satisfied unless she’s annoying someone relating her grievance, sarcastic and critical, insulting
remedy for wounds that don’t heal properly, angry wound that is inflamed, not healing, “scarred for life,” humiliation and mortification, injury to ego, ailments from being abused physically, emotionally or sexually, AF being dominated and not being allowed to express their nature, often guilt and shame involved, anger can remain hidden, humiliation from being judged, if their honor is intact they are good, most are modest, humble and serve others before themselves
strong emotional nature but easily suppressed, esp hard to process anger, sensitive to rudeness, reprimand, contradictions and conflict- can’t bear them; have suppressed anger so long they are afraid of what might happen if they let it out
major PMS remedy, hormonal stasis tends towards spontaneous abortion, low sexual interest, frigidity, painful coition, aversion to sex and the opposite sex, laxness of CT, mind and emotions; indifferent to life, esp to family, children, partner or husband, want to do what they want, may leave family to do this
leading remedy during pregnancy and with dread of labor, will have very emotional labor with weeping, will seek support and depend on others but if support unavailable she will find inner strength, aggravation at twilight and 2 pm, worse in the evening, worse touch, all sxs worse w/sun, before thunderstorms, hot food, changes of weather, getting wet and better with rubbing, pressure and gentle motion
tend to neglect their family, quick to respond to ?’s, w/in 1st 5 mins of interview start talking about work, revved up and feel driven, easily irritated by interruptions b/c they have a lot to do, neat, rarely can become violent and develop suicidal thoughts, fear of marriage but actively seek sexual relationships, extremely independent
nux vomica
apprehensive after an ordeal, hate and dread public speaking b/c deep, well hidden fear of failing, “unknowing selfishness,” step on other’s toes unknowingly, relationships mb superficial, avoid responsibility of fear and intimacy, lack of commitment in a relationship, hx of infidelity possibly, men may get sudden sexual thoughts about a random woman and boast about conquests, women may be unable to let go and achieve orgasm
sore throat relieved by swallowing solids, thirst only during stage of chill, not during fever, face red during chill, desires to be covered during fever but not during chill, very sensitive to pain, congestive h/a which is better by stooping or leaning forward, main remedy for acute grief, grieving is deep and continuous and brings insomnia, deep and long-drawn, sighing, silent brooding, weeps alone and despondency
pressure amel pain, also most complaints better by tight bandaging and lying on painful side, sensitive to touch and a jar, aggravated at 9 pm, infections and fevers are hurry and hard, R sided remedy, h/a worse stooping and movement, pt wants to lie still w/eyes closed and to be undisturbed
bryonia alba
dogmatic, conservative, prissy, proper, well-dressed and groomed, selfish, self-indulgent, like themselves and the life they have, can be demanding and dictatorial but subtle about it, wealth for security, control lost during sleep so they get nightmares, fastidious, can’t rest when things aren’t in their proper place dependent on family and docs (doc shopping), get angry when you speak of complete recovery
arsenicum album
anxiety about losing health or money, sensitive to touch,s mell, sound, surroundings, suspicious and mistrustful of others, critical, contemptuous, easily offended, jesting, malicious, cruel, cheerful at misfortune of others, delusions he has offended people, everyone is looking at him, everything they touch is contaminated, that he’s murdered someone
arsenicum album
stomach problems from overeating and possibly w/intense pain and vomiting, thirsty but will vomit water, feel as if they have a stone in their stomach, during conditions tend to be quite irritable, grump, peevish, snappy, don’t appreciate being disturbed, talks about business and money all the time even when sick, can’t afford to miss a day
bryonia alba
disappointment is a main theme, idealistic view of how the world should be which leads to disappointment when it doesn’t play out as they thought it should, moody and unpredictable, laughter to tears quickly, irresolution, overly conscientious, many are overachievers, perfectionists, set high standards for themselves, capable, hard-working, dedicated, disciplined, strive to meet their expectations, successful in treating neuralgias
desires gratification w/o commitment, once married or in a relationship sexual dysfxn is common, desire w/o sexual power, men and women have strong sexual desire, irritability, domineering, dictatorial, can’t tolerate opposition or contradiction, feel inadequate, incapable and weak
suffer from chronic digestive problems and constipation, chilly, sensitive to wind and drafts, cold open air aggravates most complaints while warmth ameliorates, better in the house, brain workers who shun exercise, often better by repose, sitting, resting or lying down, morning is a bad time for them, worse on waking, h/a’s, become very sleepy in the evening
nux vomica
thirstlessness but dry, secretions are bland, yellowish green, timid, lachrymose disposition, tend towards grief and silent peevishness, mild and yielding, needs attention, craves it, can easily get into state of self-pity, loneliness, helplessness, tremendous irresolution, difficulty making decisions, dependent on others, go through life look ing for affection- THEY NEED IT
touchy and easily offended, consolation aggravates, hates sympathy, weeps easily, #1 remedy for weeping w/o reason, easily aggravated by noises, music, odors, company, feels better alone but may dread to be alone, great sadness, no joy in life, knows she should love her children but doesn’t, hysterical and unpredictable moods
nice ppl with sweetness about them, likable w/no hard edges, may say very little, innocent, helpless, no resistance, become easy prey to others with a stronger will, mb bullied or forced to obey, suppress their own ideas and act like others want them to act, “whipping boy,” can’t tolerate criticism
may feel guilty when really feeling angry, consider for battered or sexually abused women, victims that lack strength to stand up to their aggressor or to leave the relationship, speechless w/an argument or confrontation, may tremble when angry, worse from suppression of anger, “angry drunk,” will get angry and throw things and scream and lash out
occasionally strict followers of a spiritual path, suppress desires, sexual instincts, not a true spiritual state though b/c lack compassion, fears ghosts, poverty, insanity, being alone and thunderstorms: some anxiety w/others feeling better during dt d/c of energy that is a stimulus to their flat state, enjoy vigorous dancing or exercise