Final Exam Study Guide - Part 3 of 3 Flashcards
Name the 4 possible sequela or complications that may arise from otitis media?
- Retraction of the Tympanic Membrane
- Cholesteatomas
- Tympanic membrane perforations
- Mastoiditis
Cerumen glads are found in the _________________ auditory canal.
cartilaginous portion of the external
4 characteristics of chronic serous otitis media
- Thick mucous like fluid/effusion is present
- Mild to moderate conductive hearing loss
- Middle ear disease is relatively long standing ( > 3 months)
- Fluid/effusion is “glue like” and may erode the ossicles and structures of the bony labyrinth.
4 possible characteristics of a patient diagnosed with Treacher Collins.
- conductive hearing loss
- hypoplastic maxilla and mandible
- ear canal atresia
- microtia
Total cerumen impaction of the external ear canal can cause:
- sensation of obstruction
- otalgia
- mild conductive hearing loss
- coughing
3 common causes of ear canal traumas:
- Self caused by aggressive use of Q-tips
- Hearing aid impression making procedures
- Earwax removal and cleaning procedures by med. personal.
Otitis media which has a slow onset and persists for 2-3 months or longer is often categorized as ____________ otitis media
The _________ serves to aerate/provide oxygen, equalize pressure, and to drain fluid from the middle ear cavity.
Eustachian tube
Surgery to repair a tympanic membrane perforation is called ____________.
____________ refers to “scar like” calcium formation between layers of the tympanic membrane or in the middle ear, often caused by otitis media with effusion and perforations.
Otitis media with effusion typically results in _________
a conductive hearing loss
In the _________, the patient auto-inflates the ET by increased pressure on forced expiration with the nostrils held shut.
Valsalva maneuver
____________ refers to a surgical incision into the TM, usually to remove fluid from the middle ear cavity.
___________ refers to an operation to remove infection from the mastoid portion of the temporal bone.
________ is a surgical procedure that involves incision of the TM and placement of a pressure equalization or ventilation tube.
Mutations in the gene that codes for Connexin 26 disrupt __________ homeostasis in the cochlea.
potassium (K+)
Pre-auricular fistulae are _______________.
holes near and toward the front of the auricle/pinna
_________ refers to a medical/surgical cosmesis intervention approach for individuals with congenital absence of the outer ear.
Congenital closure or absence of the external auditory canal is called_______.
Between __________ of all adults in the US will be infected by the cytomegalovirus (CMV) by the age of ______.
- 50-80%
- 40
the absence of the external ear.
Atresia of the external ear canal is frequently associated with _______ of the auricle.
severe microtia
The initial source of fluid, in cases of serous otitis media, are _______________ of the middle ear cavity.
cells that make up the mucosal lining
Otitis media that has a sudden onset, short duration )1-21 days), and results in accumulation of sterile effusion is called ______________ otitis media.
acute serous
The prevalence of otitis media is greatest during the first ______ years of life and _________ with increasing age.
- 3
- decreases
In some cases of congenital CMV infection, the hearing loss may be ____________ and may be ___________..
- unilateral or bilateral
- present at birth or delayed in onset
____________ of inheritance accounts for the majority of congenital genetic sensorineural hearing loss.
Automsomal recessive pattern.
_________________ are extra appendages found at or near the auricle.
Auricular Hillocks
Otalgia, odiferous otorrhea, fever, and hearing loss are characteristic symptoms associated with acute otitis media with ___________ effusion.
____________ refers to a total failure of development of an auditory/aural structure.
Aural agenesis
Untreated ______________ can lead to meningitis and sometimes death.
A narrowing of the ear canal is referred to as ____________.
The ____________ maneuver (i.e. whenthe patient closes the jaw/mouth, holds/closes the nose, and swallows is done to accomplish ET opening.