Disorders of the Middle Ear Flashcards
What are two of the most common causes for dysfunction of the eustachian tube?
- Edema: caused by infection or allergy
2. Blockage by hypertrophied adenoids
Negative pressure in Middle Ear causes ____________
Retraction of the tympanic membrane
medical procedure that involves inflating the middle ear by blowing air up the nose during the act of swallowing.
the Valsalva
Forced expiration with the nostrils held shut. Plug your nose and blow.
Toynbee Maneuver
Opening the ET by closing the jaw, plugging your nose, and swallowing.
What is Otitis Media?
Any infection of the mucous-membrane lining of the middle-ear cleft.
Serous otitis media
The collection of fluid in the ME cavity.
Purulent/suppurative Otitis media
The formulation of pus in the ME cavity
Mucoid otitis media
Mucus accumulation in the ME cavity
Otitis media is seen in nearly ___ percent of children born in the US before they are ____ years old.
- 70
- 2
all inflammatory processes of the mastoid air cells of the temporal bone.
ET is closed at rest and is opened by the ____________ and ___________ muscles during the acts of swallowing or yawning.
Signs and symptoms of a ET blockage.
- Feeling of “blockage”
- Otalgia due to tension on the tympanic membrane
- Possible hearing loss and tinnitus
- Possible dizziness/balance problems
Up to ______of all children experience at least one episode of OM prior to age ___
- 80%
- 3
Signs and symptoms of Otitis Media.
• Otalgia • Otorrhea • Fevers • Restless sleep, irritability and temperament disorders • Possible balance and hearing disorders
refers to the escape of fluid into tissue or a cavity
Classification of OM is typically based on DURATION and TYPE OF EFFUSION. What are the stages?
Acute: sudden onset and short duration 1 - 21 days
Subacute: 22 days to 3 months
Chronic: more than 3 months
What is the difference between ACUTE SUPPRURATIVE OM and ACUTE SEROUS OM?
Suppurative means the fluid in the ear is infected TM is red. Serous means the ME is filled with sterile fluid (TM is yellow and retracted).
– The thick, mucous like fluid is present.
– The fluid has a “glue” like consistency.
– Rich in proteins which can eventually erode the ossicles, bony labyrinth, etc.
An infection/inflammation of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone.
In Mastoiditis, the _____ as well as the ______ may be involved in the infection
- membrane lining
- bony structures
Acute and chronic mastoiditis symptoms include feelings of:
- aural fullness
- pain
- edema
- tenderness behind the auricle
Acute Mastoiditis typically shows a ______ due to inadequate drainage of the mastoid mucosa and accumulation of fluid in the tympanum, possible perforation/destruction of the TM, etc.
Chronic Mastoiditis typically shows a sensory component:
Mastoiditis :Associated medical complications include ______________ . It can become life threatening
- meningitis
- brain abscess
- cerebellar abscess
Mastoidectomy is an operation that allows the exposure of_______________, _______ and ______.
- the mastoid air cells
- middle ear space
- ossicles
Mastoidectomies are useful in _________ and the removal of______. This operation is also useful in exposing the _______ and in certain approaches to the ___________.
- eradicating chronic infections of the ear
- cholesteatomas
- facial nerve
- inner ear structures