Final Exam Study Guide II Flashcards
List the blood flow from the cranial/caudal vena cava/great cardiac vein to the aorta.
Cranial/Caudal Vena Cava/Great Cardiac Vein –> Right Atrium –> Right AV Valve –> Pulmonary Semilunar Valve –> Pulmonary Trunk –> Lungs –> Pulmonary Vein –> Left Atrium –> Left AV Valve –> Left Ventricle –> Aortic Semilunar Valve –> Aorta –> Body
What is pleura? What is peritoneum?
Pleura: Thoracic serous membrane
Peritoneum: Abdominal serous membrane
What is pleural space?
Potential space containing a few mL of fluid, keeps strong association with thoracic wall, provides frictionless surface for expansion of lungs.
Fibrous layers are always covered by pleura.
What are the layers that make up the pericardial sac?
Parietal mediastinal pleura (not technically part of pericardial sac, but inseparable)
Fibrous pericardium
Parietal serous pericardium
What is the pericardial cavity?
Visceral serous pericardium/epicardium
List the structures located within the mediastinum.
Thymus Trachea Principal bronchi Lobar bronchi Tracheobronchial lymph nodes Caudal mediastinal lymph nodes (bovine)
What is the plica vena cava?
Special fold of the right pleura through which the vena cava runs (between the diaphragm and the pericardium)
What is the phrenicopericardial ligament? What is it called in the large animal?
Continuation of the fibrous pericardium running between the diaphragm and the pericardial sac. Located in the ventral mediastinum.
Called the sternopericardial ligament in the LA. Attached the sternum and the pericardial sac.
Where does the right coronary artery go after branching off the ascending aorta?
Encircles the right side of the heart in the coronary groove and continues down the subsinuosal interventricular groove.
Where does the left coronary go after branching off the ascending aorta?
immediately terminates into 2 branches:
1) Circumflex Artery - extends caudally in the left part oft he coronary groove and supplies the subsinuosal interventricular branch.
2) Paraconal Interventricular Artery - obliquely crosses the auricular surface of the heart in the groove of the same name.
What branches off of the brachiocephalic trunk after it branches off of the aortic arch?
L Common Carotid Artery
R Common Carotid Artery
R Subclavian Artery –> R Axillary Artery
What are the branches off of the L/R Subclavian Arteries?
Vertebral Artery
Costocervical Trunk
Superficial Cervical Artery
Internal Thoracic Artery
Where do the dorsal and ventral intercostal arteries arise from and where do they go?
Dorsal Intercostal Arteries - branch off aorta between each rib
Ventral Intercostal Arteries - branch off of the internal thoracic artery
**They join together to form the intercostal artery
Where does the bronchoesophogeal artery originate and where does it go?
Leaves the 5th intercostal artery close to its origin and crosses the left face of the esophagus, which it supplies. It terminates shortly afterward in the bronchial arteries, which supply the lung.
Which arteries are the nutritional blood supply for the heart? For the lungs?
Heart: Coronary Arteries
Lungs: Bronchoesophageal Arteries
What is located within the carotid sheath?
Common Carotid Artery, Internal Jugular Vein, Vagosympathetic Trunk
Where does the right azygous vein go?
Runs cranially from the abdomen and goes into either the cranial vena cava or the right atrium directly.
What is the location of the heart in the canine, feline, equine and bovine?
Canine: 3rd-6th rib
Feline: 4th-7th rib
Equine: 2nd-6th rib
Bovine: 2nd-5th rib
What is the diaphragmatic line of pleural reflection?
Point at which peripheral portions of the diaphragm start to attach to the body wall.
What are the costodiaphragmatic recesses?
Spaces between the peripheral diaphragm and costal arch
Where is the cardiac notch located in the dog/horse? Why is it important?
Between 4th and 5th intercostal space. Direct access to the right/left ventricle. Very small in dog on L.
Horse - both sides 3-5 rib (slightly larger on L)
What is the crista terminalis?
Semilunar crest at the entrance to the right auricle from which pectinate muscles radiate into the auricle.
What is the sinus venarum (cavarum)?
Main chamber of the atrium (as opposed to the auricle)
What is the coronary sinus?
Just caudal to the opening of the caudal vena cava as it dumps into the right atrium. Where the great cardiac vein returns nutritional blood from the coronary arteries to the heart.
What is the intervenous tubercle?
Transverse ridge of tissue in the right atrium between the openings for the cranial and caudal vena cava.
What is the fossa ovalis?
Slit-like depression next to the intervenous tubercle. It is the fetal remnant of the foramen ovale (bypass between the right and left atrium)
What is the trabeculae septomarginalis?
Muscular strand passing from the septal wall to the parietal wall of the right ventricle.
What is the ligamentum arteriosum?
Fibrous connection between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta; fetal remnant of the ductus arteriosus (by pass of lungs)
Which ventricle is present at the apex of the heart?
The left ventricle.
Where would you hear the pulmonary valve, aortic valve, Left AV valve, and the right AV valve in the dog?
Pulmonary Valve: At the left 3rd intercostal space
Aortic Valve: Left 4th intercostal space
Left AV Valve (Mitral): Left 5th intercostal space
Right AV Valve: Right 4th intercostal space
Describe the lung lobes present in the canine?
Left Lung: Cranial (Divided) and Caudal
Right Lung: Cranial, Middle, Caudal and Accessory
Describe the lung lobes present in the equine?
Left Lung: Cranial (Divided) and Caudal
Right Lung: Cranial, Caudal and Accessory
Describe the lung lobes present in the bovine?
Left Lung: Cranial (Divided) and Caudal
Right Lung: Cranial (Divided), Middle, Caudal and Accessory
Which species have a tracheal bronchus?
Cows, ruminants, pigs
What is the cupula pleura?
right side of cranial lung lobe extends 3-5cm more cranially than left, most prominent in bovines
What goes through the esophageal hiatus? Where is it located?
More central than the aortic hiatus, in the muscular part of the right crus.
Passageway for the esophagus, ventral/dorsal vagal trunk
What goes through the aortic hiatus? Where is it located?
Most dorsal, between the crura.
Passageway for the aorta, azygous vein, and thoracic duct.
What goes through the caval foramen? Where is it located?
Located at the junction of the muscular periphery and the central tendon on the right side. Passageway for the caudal vena cava.
What is the lumbar/sternal/costal part of the diaphragm, what is the pleura of the diaphragm and what is the cupula of the diaphragm?
Lumbar Part: Attaches to vertebrae
Costal Part: Attaches to ribs
Sternal Part: Attaches to sternum
Crura (R and L): Muscular part of diaphragm as it tapers and attaches to the lumbar vertebrae (R larger than L)
Cupula: Dome shaped part of the diaphragm that extends into the thoracic cavity
Describe the hypogastric nerve.
Sympathetic post-ganglionic nerve that leave the caudal mesenteric ganglion and course caudally near the ureters to the pelvic plexus
Describe the pelvic nerve.
Parasympathetic leaves the last 3 sacral spinal nerves and inserts on the lateral wall of the distal rectum. Supplies the urogenital organs, rectum and descending colon.
Describe the pelvic plecus.
Lies caudal to the plane passing through the pelvic inlet and dorsal to the prostate; contains sympathetic fibers from the hypogastric nerve and parasympathetic fibers form the pelvic nerve; occasionally pelvic ganglia are large enough to be seen in the plexus.
Describe the pudendal nerve.
Arises from all 3 sacral nerves. Lies lateral to the pelvic diaphragm muscles and dorsal to the internal pudendal arteries. Emerges from the medial side of the superficial gluteal muscle and runs toward the pelvic symphysis.
Describe the genitofemoral nerve.
Arises from the 3rd and 4th lumbar nerves, runs with the external pudendal vein medial to the spermatic cord, innervates the cremaster muscle, prepuce (male) and skin in the inguinal region/proximal medial thigh (both sexes)
**Passes through inguinal canal.
What are the cranial nerves involved in the Parasympathetic Innervation?
What is another name for Cranial Nerve X?
Vagus Nerve.
What does the ventral vagal trunk supply? What does the dorsal vagal trunk supply?
Ventral Vagal Trunk: Supplies liver, parietal surface of stomach, and pylorus
Dorsal Vagal Trunk: Supplies the GI tract, gives off celiac branch that passes dorsocaudally and contributes to teh formation of the celiacomesenteric plexus.
What does the R and L recurrent laryngeal nerves wrap around?
L wraps around aortic arch.
R wraps around R subclavian artery.
Left comes off more caudally than right (off of vagus nerve)
When do the right and left vagus nerves divide into dorsal and ventral branches? When do these branches unite to form the dorsal and ventral vagal trunks?
Caudal to the root of the lung R and L vagus nerves split into dorsal and ventral branches.
Branches unite to form the dorsal vagal trunk near the diaphragm (cranial to it) and the ventral vagal trunk near the heart
Describe the vagosympathetic trunk?
Lies in carotid sheath; has a sympathetic portion and a vagal (parasympathetic portion); sympathetic portion carries axons cranially to the head
What are ramus communicans/rami communicantes?
Where the preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system leave the spinal cord and enter the sympathetic trunk.
Describe vertebral nerves.
Paired nerves running with vertebral arteries through transverse foramina. Sympathetic.
Describe splanchnic nerves.
Contain sympathetic neurons that run between the sympathetic trunk and the abdominal ganglia as well as visceral afferent coursing to the spinal cord.
Describe the major splanchnic nerve.
Leaves the sympathetic trunk at the level of the 12th or 13th thoracic sympathetic ganglion, each one curves around each respective crus of the diaphragm.
Describe the minor splanchnic nerve.
Generally 2, usually leaves the last thoracic and first lumbar sympathetic ganglia. Supply nerves to the adrenal gland.
Describe lumbar splanchnic nerves.
Arise from the 2nd to 5th lumbar sympathetic ganglia. Distributed to the aorticorenal, cranial mesenteric and caudal mesenteric ganglia and plexuses.
Describe the cervicothoracic ganglion.
Fusion of the caudal cervical ganglion and the first 2-3 thoracic ganglion medial to the dorsal end of the first intercostal space on the lateral side of the longus colli.
Describe the middle cervicle ganglion.
Lies at the junction of the ansa subclavia and the vagosympathetic trunk cardiac nerves leave here and course to the heart.
Describe the ansa subclavia.
Divisions of the sympathetic trunk (cranial to the cervicothoracic ganglion) which loop around the subclavian artery and join at the middle cervical ganglion.
Describe the celiacomesenteric ganglion and plexus.
Formed from the celiac and cranial mesenteric ganglion (which are in close relation to one another and the separation of the 2 is nearly indistinguishable).
Celiac Ganglion - lies on the right and left surfaces of the celiac artery close to its origin.
Cranial Mesenteric Ganglion - located caudal to the celiac ganglion on the sides and caudal surface of the cranial mesenteric artery
Describe the caudal mesenteric ganglion.
Located ventral to the aorta around the caudal mesenteric artery
Describe the R and L hypogastric nerves.
Sympathetic nerves that leave the caudal mesenteric ganglion and course caudally near the ureters to the pelvic plexus.