FINAL EXAM Review Questions Flashcards
Toenail removal questions***
What do u do after phenol **
Erythasma diagnostic test
Woods lamp - coral red fluorescence
Measles other name
Name the remedy:
Used for insect bites/stings, allergies/anaphylaxis, swelling thats pink or dusky red
Swelling is tight (skin feels like it will rip), warm to the touch
Better cold, worse warm and touch
Apis mellifica (European honeybee)
Name the remedy:
Trauma - physical or emotional, removes effects even years later
In acute phase, person acts like nothing is wrong and refuses help
Rruising, soreness, esp post exercise, exertion, surgery, dental, TBI
Arnica Montana
Name the remedy:
Injuries involving nerves
Post injury, surgery, lacerations, dental work
Pains are sharp and shooting
Areas rich in sensory nerves: toes, fingers, teeth, eye, genitals, spine
Injuries to spine, coccyx
Hypericum perforatum (st johns wort)
Name the remedy:
Cheerful and joking, can get irritable and impatient
Physical and mentally restless, sx better with movement
Worse in cold, damp weather (muscle and joint stiffness), stationary for too long (need to get up and stretch)
Rashes w small vesicles that are very itchy (herpes, shingles, poison oak/ivy, eczema)
Better scalding hot water, MSK sx better hot water
Rhus toxicodendron (poison oak)
Name the remedy:
Salt of the earth, kinesthetic type
Difficulty concentrating and thinking clearly - hard to make decisions
Thickened skin with callouses, skin develops cracks which ooze a thick yellow or honey colored dc that dries into golden crystals on the skin
Name the remedy:
Mostly skin sx - incredibly dry skin no matter how much they moisturize
Worse winter, better summer. Chilly overall, worse cold.
Skin cracks, esp on palms and tips of fingers - cracks are deep and bloody
Ppl who work with petroleum of chemicals, and ppl with motion sickness
Petroleum (crude oil)
Name the remedy:
Irritable, pessimistic; “glass half empty”, very irritable esp in morning or rising
Skin cracks easily in creases of joints, on fingers, where mucus membranes meet skin (corners of mouth and eyes, anus fissures) - very painful, feel like a splinter
Pains are splinter like and stitching
Nitricum acidicum (nitric acid)
Name the remedy:
Low self esteem, lots of energy goes into creating a pleasant image to outside world. Feel like ppl would reject them if they show their true selves
Bad reactions post smallpox vaccination
Prime sycotic miasm remedy - growths such as cysts, polyps, and warts, other skin conditions
Nail and hair are weak and dry, lose their eyebrows
Thuja occidentalis (eastern white cedar)
Name the remedy:
Delicate, refined quality - obstinately hold to their POV due to an inner sense of weakness that makes it hard to stand up for themselves; they lack “grit”
spinal defects, bunions, scoliosis
Fragile nails and hair, skin prone to infections when wounded
Chilly and sensitive to changes in temperature or external influence
Weakness and fatigue with poor assimilation of nutrients
Low potency to help expel foreign material from the body
Silicea (silica, quartz)
Name the remedy:
Serious, responsible, perfectionistic, proper and often have deep unresolved grief
Fears of robbers, people breaking in, nightmares about it
Headaches that start in afternoon, worse in sun
Eczema with indurated or thickened base, which cracks and oozes a clear dc
Cracking and peeling of fingertips, cracked nails and hangnails
Natrum muriaticum (sodium chloride)
Name the remedy:
Primary psoriasis miasm
Affects skin primarily and digestive system
Sx with burning, redness, fullness, itching; worse warmth, worse bathing ,wrose standing
Itching worse at night in warmth of bed and worse a bathing
Intellectual, creating theories and philosophizing. Confident, critical of others. Messy, disorganized.
Disheveled, dont put energy into physical appearance
Averse to working, “lazy”
General aggravation at 11am
Name the remedy:
Psoric skin remedy, GI remedy
Right sided remedies or ones that start on right and move to left
Bloating and distention after eating, better burping or passing gas
“Puff up” ego to accommodate for a deep sense of insecurity; bully those who cannot fight back
Grey prematurely, deep lines on forehead making them look older
Lycopodium clavatum (club moss)