Final Exam review Flashcards
How is the world order able to exist?
-Mutual Gain
-State Interest
What are norms?
Expectations held by national leaders about normal international relations
What is morality?
An element of power
Example of norms and morality?
Traditionally non-intervention is the norm, but international morality allows for intervention
What is the purpose of international organizations and institutions?
to create cooperation and promote reciprocity
What is Krassners definition of regimes?
They are rules, norms, and procedures in a given issue area.
Ex. Human rights & environmental issues
NGO stands for?
Non-governmental organization
IGO stands for?
Inter-governmental organization
Who are the members of IGOs?
Always states
What are some regional IGOs?
What are some issue-based IGOs?
What are some global IGOs?
What is the biggest IGO?
What system did the League of Nations use to prevent wars?
concert system
Who was involved in the concert of Europe?
France, UK, Prussia, Austria-Hungary
The League of Nation led to the end of the ______ and the rise of _______
Concert system, conflict (WWI)
What states were involved in WWI?
Great Britain
What 7 conferences are important to the development of the United Nations?
London declaration
Atlantic Charter
Bretton Woods
Dumbarton Oaks
Mexico City
San Fran
What important structures came out of the conference in Mexico city?
-Budgetary power
-No Sec Gen will come from the perm 5 countries
-UNSC will have all states inevitably on the council for 2 years each
What is important about the Yalta conference?
They voted on the perma members of the UN:
What are the strengths of the UN?
- Political Flexibility
- Universal membership
- Org is created without immediate need for action
- Let diplomacy & negotiation work
- org covers all areas
What do realists think of IGOs?
They do not work and are only there for each states self interest
What do liberals/neo-liberals think of IGOs?
They work, but they are not perfect
What is the United Nations?
An IGO created to maintain peace & security, economic development, and human rights
What happened at the Paris Peace Conference?
The Treaty of Versailles is signed and the League of Nations is created
What was the 14 points speech?
President Willson sets down 14 points as a blueprint for world peace and ending WWI
Why did the USA never join the League?
Isolationism & dislike between leaders
What is collective security?
All states will provide support to countries that are victims to aggression from other nation states
Why did the league fail?
- Too legal
- Too strict
- Memberships were never universal
What countries never joined the League of Nations?
Germany, America, USSR
Where did the League fail? (Countries)
Manchuria/Japanese Invasion
Czech/Nazi-Germany- Appeasement
What are the major organs of the UN?
Gen assembly
Security Council
World Court (ICJ)
UN Programs?
Autonomous agencies?
Affiliated agencies with the UN?
WTO, World Bank, IMF
How does the general assembly work?
1 state = 1 vote
Duties of GA?
- Elect secretary generals
- recommend
- Budget
What is the job of the ICJ?
- World Court
- State to state cases only
What is the job of a secretariat?
to administer & coordinate the activities of the UN
Name all 9 UN secretary generals.
Trygve Lie-Norway
Dag Hammarskjold- Sweden
U-Thant- Burma
Kurt Waldheim- Austria
Javier Perez de Cueller- Peru
Boutros Ghali- Egypt
Kofi Annan- Ghana
Ban ki Moon- Korea
Antonia Guterres- Portugal
Who was fired by the UN and why?
Boutros Ghali, disputes over peacekeeping and reform
What is the power of UNSG?
represent UN & Negotiate
UN security council is not _____ and has _____ members.
Universal, 15
How many vetoes does the perm members of the UN security council have?
5 vetoes
What issues does the UNSC take care of?
all issues relating to the use of force or sanction. ALL issues related to security.
Is peacekeeping in the UN charter?
Where is non-intervention and collective security by Hammarskjold?
Chapter 6 and a half
Who protests the WTO?
human rights groups
-environmental groups
Who is against free trade?
-protectionists—economic nationalists
- environmentalists
Reasons for protectionism?
- political demands from special interest
- infant industries
- National security
- Response to predatory policies
What are some methods for protectionism?
- tariffs
- quotas
- subsidies
- restrictions—red tape—NON-TARIFF BARRIERS
- Dumping
- Economic nationalism (buy American!)
Historically states often start as ____ and then become _____.
Mercantilist, liberal
What is Mercantilist or protectionist theory?
Politics —-» Economics
What is liberal theory?
Economics——» Politics