Final Exam Review Flashcards
What is Critical Thinking?
This process involves thinking carefully and intentionally about a problem or situation.
What does Critical Thinking require?
Ability to ask questions, being curious
Being well informed
Being honest in facing personal biases
Being willing to reconsider and think differently about issues
What are some attitudes for critical thinking?
Requires the nurse be curious, dig deeper, persevere and take responsibility for understanding the patient situation.
How does reflective help with critical thinking?
Reflective practice involves looking back on your experiences, whether they were successful or challenging, and thinking about what went well and what could have been improved
What is critical decision making process?
it’s all about understanding the problem, making a plan to fix it, and adjusting the plan as needed to help the patient.
What is multiculturaism?
A person who maintains his or her culture and interacts peacefully with people of other cultures
What does benefience mean
This means doing good. It’s about helping others and promoting their well-being
What is accountability?
This is about taking responsibility for your actions
What is nonmaflience?
This is the principle of not causing harm. It’s about preventing harm and avoiding actions that might hurt others
What is respect for autonomy
Autonomy means having the freedom to make your own choices.
What is a reserve?
A reserve is like a special piece of land set aside by the government for Indigenous communities to live on
What is Laissez/faire leadership?
This is when a leader doesn’t give much guidance or rules
What is Transformational Leadership?
these leaders motivate employees and teammates and are focused on achieving goals
What is Democratic Leadership?
staff and team members take a more action role or participative role decision making
What is Authoritative leadership?
the leader makes decisions without involving the team members in the decision-making process.