Final Exam Review Flashcards
As part of a large group of protesters, some people start breaking the windows of the banks on a famous street in Vancouver. This is an example of
a) Conformity
b) Obedience
c) Mass hysteria
d) Deindividuation
__________ refers to products and practices that are used along with conventional medicine, whereas _________ refers to health care practices and products used in place of conventional medicine.
a) Complementary; alternative
b) Homeopathic; complementary
c) Alternative; complementary
d) Alternative; homeopathic
You are interested in how human temperament develops over time. If you are collecting data from different age groups at the same time (e.g., 3-year-olds, 12-year-olds, and 23-year-olds), then you are using a _____________ design.
a) Cohort
b) Longitudinal
c) Correlational
d) Cross-sectional
Results of several studies comparing twins that were raised apart or together have concluded that
a) Shared environments play a critical role in accounting for the variance in personalities of twins
b) Environmental influences are stronger determinants of personality than genetics
c) Nonshared environmental influences alter personality as much as shared environmental influences
d) Shared environment plays little or no role in adult personality
Nigel is a contestant on the game show Jeopardy!. In order to accurately answer the numerous trivia questions on the show, Nigel will be utilizing his __________ intelligence.
a) Specific
b) Crystallized
c) Practical
d) Fluid
Jon has an upcoming exam that is stressing him out. He chooses to engage in proactive coping and uses the study guide so that he knows what to expect from the exam questions. What type of control is Jon using to manage his stress?
a) Decisional control
b) Emotional control
c) Behavioural control
d) Informational control
Tommy is a rule-oriented and moral individual who is always ethical. When he takes on a responsibility, he is very conscientious and hard-working. According to Freud, Tommy’s psychological processes are dominated by his
a) Id
b) Ego
c) Super Ego
d) Defense mechanisms
Fear of being in a place or situation from which escape is difficult or impossible if something should go wrong is called
a) Agoraphobia
b) A panic attack
c) Social phobia
d) GAD
Tony is a therapist and one of his main methods for getting to know his clients’ issues is to instruct them to say whatever thoughts come to their minds, no matter how meaningless or nonsensical they might seem. At the end of this process, he interprets and discusses those thoughts with his clients. He is a ______________ therapist.
a) Psychodynamic
b) Humanistic
c) Cognitive-behavioural
d) Behavioural
Robin is completing an online survey and is asked the following questions: (1) How do you feel about property taxes? and (2) Do you think that property taxes should be raised this year? The first question is assessing Robin’s _____________ and the second question is assessing her _____________.
a) Belief; attitude
b) Attitude; belief
c) Schema; stereotype
d) Stereotype; schema
Donald has been diagnosed with a personality disorder, as well as an addictive disorder. What term is used for this dual diagnosis?
a) Categorical
b) Dimensional
c) Comorbid
d) Statistical rarity
Which term refers to the way that language allows an infinite number of unique sentences to be created, by combining components of language in novel ways?
a) Semantics
b) Generativity
c) Syntax
d) Extralinguistic information
It is very easy to hide things from infants because they lack an understanding of
a) Conservation
b) Object permanence
c) Formal operations
d) Egocentrism
What traits are significant predictors of academic achievement, above and beyond IQ scores?
a) Curiosity and grit
b) Wisdom and curiosity
c) Grit and gender
d) Curiosity and openness to experience
If we know that Ashley is 25 years old, outspoken on environmental and human rights issues, and presently on her way to an anti-nuclear weapons demonstration, we might come to the quick conclusion that she is also a feminist, because we associate feminism with other forms of activism. This mental shortcut demonstrates
a) An algorithm
b) The base rate fallacy
c) The availability heuristic
d) The representativeness heuristic
Which of the following disorder types and class of drug is INCORRECTLY matched?
a) Psychotic conditions – neuroleptics
b) Anxiety disorders – anxiolytics
c) Depression – mood stabilizers
d) Attention problems – psychostimulants
Describe the persuasion techniques of foot-in-the-door and door-in-the-face (2 marks). Provide an example that distinguishes between the two techniques (2 marks). What route to persuasion do these techniques use? (1 mark)
Foot-in-the-door: Start with a small request before making a larger one.
Door-in-the-face: Start with a large request before making a smaller one
Oscar and Olivia are going door to door asking for donations for a charity. Their goal is to get a $25 donation from each person. Oscar uses the foot-in-the-door technique and first asks for a $5 donation. Once the person agrees, he asks if they’d like to increase their donation to $25. Olivia uses the door-in-the-face technique and first asks for $60. When the person at the door declines, she then asks for $25.
These techniques both use the peripheral route to persuasion.
Briefly describe the main ideas that lead to the development of personality from the i) Psychodynamic perspective, ii) Behavioural perspective, and iii) Humanistic perspective (3 marks). Which two perspectives propose that personality is deterministic (2 marks)?
Psychodynamic: Unconscious conflicts and early childhood experiences shape our personalities. Personality is determined (i.e., All of our actions are products of pre-existing causal influences) and doesn’t change much after childhood.
Behavioural: Personality comes from our learning histories (i.e., our history of being reinforced or punished for certain things). Our personalities are basically a collection of our habits. Also believe personality is determined (i.e., we don’t have much free will or ability to consciously change our personalities).
Humanistic: All humans have a drive to reach their full potential and human nature is basically good. Where we are on our journey towards self-actualization (reaching our full potential) explains our personality. Rejects the idea that personality is determined and proposes we have free will to consciously change and grow throughout life.
Psychodynamic and Behavioural perspectives propose personality is deterministic.
Which perspective on personality development focused on the concept of the self, and on self-actualization?
a) Trait
b) Psychoanalytic
c) Humanistic
d) Behavioural
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are most often used to treat which of the following psychological disorders?
a) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
b) Schizophrenia
c) Major Depressive Disorder
d) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
We could consider depression as ranging from absent, to mild, to serious, to severe, and then choose treatments that are appropriate for each level of severity. What type of approach is this?
a) Categorical
b) Dimensional
c) Comorbid
d) Subjective
Which of the following options is an example of ‘upward social comparison’?
a) Comparing yourself to an ideal form of yourself
b) Comparing yourself to a role model
c) Comparing your skills now to your skills from five years ago
d) Comparing yourself to someone in a terrible situation
In the Strange Situation, an infant cries when mom leaves the room, is easily soothed and starts exploring, and later welcomes mom when she returns. This infant demonstrates _________ attachment.
a) Insecure-avoidant
b) Insecure-ambivalent
c) Secure
d) Disorganized
The tendency of people to comply with a second, larger request after complying with a small request is called the ______ technique.
a) Foot-in-the-door
b) Door-in-the-face
c) Low-ball
d) ‘But you are free’
Following elections, there are generally a lot of people who claim that it was obvious from the beginning that the winning candidate would be successful. This example illustrates which concept
a) Confirmation bias
b) Hindsight bias
c) Representativeness heuristic
d) Availability heuristic
When stressed, research has found that women tend to cope by using a(n) ______________ strategy more often than men.
a) Fight-or-flight
b) Freeze
c) Avoidance
d) Tend and befriend
According to the triarchic model of intelligence, which type of intelligence is the ability to deal with new and different concepts and to come up with new ways of solving problems?
a) Analytical intelligence
b) Creative intelligence
c) Practical intelligence
d) Exponential intelligence
A small town has hired a research firm to study the development of cancer in residents in the town due to environmental pollution. The researchers will compare data on the same participants at age 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 to see if there are increasing rates of cancer in the town. This type of research study is called a
a) Longitudinal design
b) Cross-sectional design
c) Cohort research design
d) Correlational research design
Which of the following options is true concerning “twin study” research findings?
a) Fraternal twins have more similar IQ scores than identical twins
b) Identical twins and fraternal twins share similarly high IQ correlations
c) Identical twins have more similar IQ scores than fraternal twins
d) Identical twins raised together have less similar scores than identical twins raised apart
Maria is a retired factory worker who lives with anxiety. Due to the fear of having anxiety attacks, she does not leave her house. This makes her feel trapped in her home, which creates distress. Which criterion would be most appropriate in deciding whether Maria’s case represents an example of abnormality?
a) Biological dysfunction
b) Social context
c) Subjective distress
d) Statistical rarity
What category of therapy is most concerned with improving a client’s awareness of the underlying causes of his or her difficulties?
a) Behavioural
b) Insight
c) Cognitive
d) Biological
What is Freud’s term for the unconscious efforts by the ego to deny or distort reality for the purpose of protecting itself when internal conflict becomes too intense?
a) Superego
b) Coping techniques
c) Ego dominance
d) Defence mechanisms
In the General Adaptation Syndrome, during which stage are you most likely to catch a cold or flu?
a) Alarm
b) Resistance
c) Exhaustion
d) Burn Out
Which of the following would you expect from a baby who was raised by deaf parents?
a) An absence of babbling
b) Delayed language development
c) Babbling with their hands
d) Greater activation of language and visual areas of the brain
Briefly contrast cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and behavioural therapy (2 marks). Give an example of a negative thought that a therapist might have a client challenge in a CBT session (1 mark). Give one example of evidence supporting the negative thought and two examples of evidence contradicting the negative thought (1 mark). Describe a more balanced thought that a CBT therapist would help the client come up with (1 mark).
Cognitive behavioural therapy focuses on underlying negative thought patterns. The idea is that if we can change our negative thought patterns, we can change our resulting negative emotions and behaviours.
Behavioural therapy focuses on maladaptive behaviours. The goal is to have the client behave in a more adaptive way without focusing on potential underlying causes of the maladaptive behaviour.
Negative thought: I’m no good at my job
Supporting Evidence: My boss never tells me I’m doing a good job.
Contradicting Evidence: I have never been reprimanded by my boss for not doing a good job. My boss recently asked me to take on additional responsibilities at work.
Balanced thought: Even though my boss doesn’t say it verbally, her behaviours suggest I’m doing a good job at work.
Define Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Phobias (2 marks). Provide an example that distinguishes between these two diagnoses (2 marks). Which categories of disorders in the DSM 5 do these two diagnoses fall under? (1 mark).
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Continual feelings of worry, anxiety, physical tension, and irritability across many areas of life functioning.
Phobias: Intense fear of an object or situation that’s greatly out of proportion to its actual threat.
Kasra has GAD and spends much of his day worrying about a variety of aspects of his life. He worries about his grades in courses, that his boss doesn’t think he’s doing a good job at work, that his friends talk about him behind his back, that his dog might have a hip problem, and that he doesn’t have enough money saved in the bank. He spends much of his day worrying and finds it difficult to control his worry.
Kimia has a phobia of needles and therefore avoids getting injections. She never gets her annual flu shot due to this phobia. Whenever she is forced to get an injection or have blood drawn, she feels sweaty and clammy and like she might faint. She doesn’t worry much about other aspects of her life.
GAD and phobias are both classified as anxiety disorders in the DSM V.
Jonathan is a therapist who believes that thinking influences emotions and behaviours. He is most likely a
a) Cognitive-behavioural therapist
b) Behavioural therapist
c) Humanistic therapist
d) Psychoanalytic therapist
What is the Flynn effect?
a) IQ scores have steadily decreased over the last decade
b) IQ scores have stayed the same over the last decade
c) IQ scores are negatively correlated with education levels
d) IQ scores have steadily increased over the last decade
Which characteristic, that is a significant predictor of academic achievement, consists of two major elements: perseverence and a passion for achieving goals?
a) Conscientiousness
b) Curiosity
c) Grit
d) Wisdom
Although there are harsh punishments for political activists in her country, Layla believes there shouldn’t be any punishment in any country for raising one’s voice about critical political issues influencing the lives of millions. This is an example of
a) Convergent reasoning
b) Preconventional reasoning
c) Conventional reasoning
d) Postconventional reasoning
Julia’s moods and identity are unstable. She is extremely impulsive and unpredictable. Her relationships are so volatile that she loves someone one day then hates them the next. She shows a pattern of “stable instability” because she has an extreme case of __________ personality disorder.
a) Antisocial
b) Borderline
c) Bipolar
d) Psychopathic
Email can often lead to misunderstandings. This is because
a) People misspell words more often in emails than with pen-and-paper writing
b) Of decreasing literacy levels
c) Most people read email more rapidly than other written forms of communication
d) Email lacks extralinguistic information
If you polled people from Edmonton, who read the local news on a regular basis, about the number of murders in their city, and you poll people in other areas of the country about the number of murders in the entire province of Alberta, you’d likely find that the average number of murders estimated for Edmonton is more than for the entire province. This impossible finding is best explained by the
a) Representativeness heuristic
b) Availability heuristic
c) Hindsight bias
d) Confirmation bias
Geneva may be making the fundamental attribution error when she says that Pauline failed the test because
a) Pauline has poor study habits
b) the test was very difficult
c) Pauline’s textbook was stolen
d) Pauline’s roommate was too busy to help her study for the test
Helen is dreading taking a statistics class that is required for her psychology degree. There are two sections of the course offered. She talks to her friends and reads teaching reviews about the professors teaching the class so that she knows her options. In making her choice of classes, Helen is engaging in
a) Decisional control
b) Emotional control
c) Behavioural control
d) Informational control
According to the ‘stress as transaction’ model, which of the following options is the cause of stress?
a) Our underlying vulnerabilities
b) The events we experience
c) Our interpretation of events
d) The physiological reactions we experience
What is meant by the term egocentric?
a) A child is unable to see the world from others’ point of view
b) A child is arrogant and feels that he or she is better than others
c) A child is selfish and refuses to share his or her possessions with others
d) A child lacks the motivation do things for him- or herself and expects them to be done by others
Yvanna considers herself to be a good student, because she notes that she studies regularly, shows up for classes on time, and takes part in classroom discussions. Which theory is consistent with Yvanna’s attitude about herself?
a) Impression management
b) Cognitive dissonance
c) Self-perception
d) Just-world
Many projective personality assessment tools lack
a) Subjectivity
b) Standardization
c) Validity and reliability
d) Theoretical foundations
Dissociative identity disorder is caused by a history of severe abuse according to the _______ model, and by expectancies and beliefs about the therapeutic process according to the __________ model.
a) Posttraumatic; sociocognitive
b) Behavioural; humanistic
c) Sociocognitive; posttraumatic
d) Humanistic; behavioural
Behaviourists believe that personality is determined by
a) Influences from our unconscious mind
b) Where an individual is at in their journey towards self-actualization
c) Genetic influences
d) The environment and the rewards and punishments a person received in the past
Svetlana is afraid of flying and has sought out therapeutic help to overcome her fear. The therapist gradually exposes Svetlana to flying-related stimuli in real-life, such as sitting on an airplane, and teaches her anxiety reduction techniques. What type of technique is Svetlana’s therapist using?
a) Assertion training
b) In vivo desensitization
c) Response prevention
d) Flooding
Define upward and downward social comparison (2 marks) and provide an example that distinguishes between them (2 marks). Which type of social comparison most likely accounts for the popularity of reality tv shows? (1 mark)
Upward social comparison: We compare ourselves with others who seem superior to us in some way
Downward social comparison: We compare ourselves with others who seem inferior to us in some way.
Example: A new member of the basketball team compares herself with the team’s top two superstars (upward social comparison). That same basketball player compares herself with her clumsy friends who keep bouncing basketballs off their feet (downward social comparison).
Downward social comparison probably accounts in part for the popularity of televised reality shows, which often feature the daily lives of people who are unsuccessful in their romantic relationships or friendships.
Briefly describe ECT, psychopharmacotherapy, and psychosurgery (3 marks). Recall our case study examples from chapter 15, Brianne and Joe. What type of drug would be used to treat each person? (2 marks)
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): Administer brief electrical pulses to the patient’s brain (that often produce a seizure).
Psychopharmacotherapy: Use of medication to treat psychological problems.
Psychosurgery: Brain surgery to treat psychological problems.
Brianne: Diagnosis = bipolar 2. Drug treatment = mood stabilizers
Joe: Diagnosis = Schizophrenia. Drug treatment = antipsychotics
When travelling on an airplane experiencing turbulence, if one passenger’s panicked reaction causes
others to panic, this is an example of the influence of ______ __________.
Social contagion
Anxiety could be considered as a condition that can be range from not present, to mild, moderate, or
severe. If we chose a treatment based on the level of anxiety a patient is experiencing, we would be
using the ____________ approach.
Rachel’s therapist is helping Rachel overcome her fear of dogs swiftly. She uses a technique where
she will enter the room with a dog, and not allow Rachel to leave the room as she normally would. The
technique of not allowing Rachel to leave the room is best described as _________ __________.
Response prevention
Amy notices her son always seems grumpy after playing video games. She decides to stop him from
playing video games because she believes video games make him grumpy. Her decision is likely based
upon the _____ _____ ________.
Post-hoc fallacy
Jennifer consistently brushes off her shoulders because she gets anxiety from the belief that spiders
will crawl into her ears. She is still able to perform well at her job and do household work. Her situation
best fits the criteria of abnormality known as __________ ___________.
Subjective distress
Moe’s therapist utilizes specific techniques to assist Moe with changing behaviours he finds
troubling while out in public. Moe’s therapists would be using a ___________ approach to treatment.
The ___________ ____ ___________ is a personality assessment that is said not to relate in
consistent ways to the big five measures. Also, respondents don’t tend to obtain the same personality
type when taking the test a short time after a previous attempt.
Myers-Biggs Type Indicator
The _________ stage of the General Adaption Syndrome energizes us to prepare for handling a
Joseph is teaching a class when he accidently trips over a cord behind his desk. Many of his students
think he is clumsy; however, they cannot see the cord. In this instance, the students’ mistaken
assumption was caused by the _____________ _____________ ______.
Fundamental attribution error
Jane believes she suffers from dissociative identity disorder (DID) caused by trauma earlier in her
life. Her therapist believes earlier treatment procedures may instead be the cause of her belief. Her
therapist would likely be an advocate of the ____________ model of dissociative identity disorder.
14-year-old Oscar often finds himself looking up at the stars and wondering how the universe began
and if it ends. His level of thinking would put him in the _______ __________ stage of Piaget’s stages of
Formal Operations
Jim stole a drink because he wanted it and had no money. According to psychoanalytic theory, Jim
would be relying only on his _______ when he made the decision to steal the drink
In the word reconstruct, “construct” would be a _________.
Britney suffers from migraines and complains her medication is not working. Her doctor opts to
utilize needles on her head, which do not actually penetrate her skin. Britney now reports her migraines
are no longer as frequent or painful. The ________ effect explains how the “fake” needles enhance the
effectiveness of Britney’s medication.
Aiden won’t take any cookies from the cookie jar because he knows he will get in trouble with his
parents if he does. Aiden’s thinking represents the _____________ stage of Kohlberg’s stages.
Tricia is writing a final exam at the end of the week. To deal with the stress of this important test, she
decides to begin studying for the exam instead of going out to a party. This is an example of ________
_________ coping.
Psychoanalytic theory focuses on meaning and unconscious motivation; behavioural theory focuses
on consequences in the environment; humanistic theory focuses on self-actualization; trait theory
focuses on ___________ personality.
Jane was reviewing some older case studies involving patients who had been diagnosed with
schizophrenia. She noticed that several patients had developed a series of involuntary movements in
various muscles of the face. She believes the patients likely developed _______ _________.
Tardive dyskinesia
Chris is watching a championship soccer game in a filled stadium. When the home team loses,
groups of fans that are all dressed the same in team jerseys crowd the streets and begin vandalizing cars
because they feel anonymous in the crowd. The fans’ behaviour is likely driven by ________________.
Steven believes that man has never set foot on the moon. To support his theory, he gathers all the
evidence (newspaper articles, media reports, etc) that support his beliefs, but tends to ignore any
evidence that shows man has been to the moon. In this instance, Steven has engaged in ____________
Confirmation bias
Alice has a fear of flying on airplanes because she has seen so many news stories about plane
crashes. Brandon sees a woman on a bench with glasses reading a book and assumes she is likely a
librarian. Alice’s reliance on the availability heuristic and Brandon’s on the representativeness heuristic
are likely associated with a failure to take _____ ______ into account.
base rates
Driving through the city with her mother, Lynne sees many hotels and wonders why people would go
to a hotel if they can just go home. Her mother tells her that not everyone lives in the city. Lynne initially
believes that everyone lives in the city like she does because at her current stage of development she
has not yet overcome ________________.
Alice learned about the availability heuristic in her psychology class. When her family was planning a
trip, she remembered what she had learned in class and realized that plane crashes likely do not occur
as often as she thinks. The _____________ _______ is likely associated with Alice’s new view of plane
Enlightenment effect
Stephanie has four siblings while Andrew is an only child. Based on correlational research on family
size and IQ, we would expect _______ to have a higher IQ.
Amit hears voices coming from the closet in his bedroom but no one is there. In this instance, he is
experiencing ____________.
Peter’s friends have distanced themselves from Peter and taunted him ever since he began to take
classes in ballet. Based on Carl Rogers’ model, Peter’s friends are attaching ___________ ____ ________
to their friendship with Peter.
Conditions of worth
Cora was doing research on IQ test scores. She noted a group of university students in 1990 scored an
average of 105 on an IQ test. However, a group of students from the same university scored an average
of 111 on the same test in 2010. The phenomenon known as the _______ ________ would likely be
associated with these results.
Flynn effect
Patricia is an architect wanting to ensure her design encompasses the single best way to construct a
building to meet her client’s needs. To do so, the type of creative thinking she would need to rely on is
_____________ _____________.
Convergent thinking
Bob believes he has been abducted by aliens from Area 51. He rarely speaks and when he does he’s
hard to understand. Bob also hears voices and sees images that aren’t there. If Bob’s therapist wishes to
try medication for treatment, the therapist would most likely use ___________.
Kathryn views the students in her mathematics club at her school as humble and intelligent.
However, her views of a competing school’s mathematics club are that the students are all arrogant and
rude. Kathryn’s views of the competing math club are an example of ________ ____________.
outgroup homogeneity
Aaron’s therapist is attempting to help him get over his fear of dogs. The therapist provides Aaron
with a series of breathing exercises he can use when he encounters a dog to help him relax. Aaron’s
therapist is using treatment based on the principle of __________ ___________.
reciprocal inhibition
Annika’s therapist is attempting to help her get over her fear of spiders. Her therapist begins by
having her imagine being in a room with a spider, before having a spider placed across the room, slowly
bringing it closer to June until the spider is crawling on June’s hand. June’s therapist is using _________
_______________ to help June overcome her phobia.
systematic desensitization
Ron can speak and read fluently in English, has learned some Russian and Chinese, but cannot speak
or read in French. When performing the Stroop task, he would make the _______ errors if the words
were written in English.
Latoya is being given a personality test where the examiner shows her cards and she is asked to tell a
story about the images she sees. The test Latoya is taking is known as the _________ ____________
Thematic Apperception Test
Kendra is conducting a study on influences on personality. Her participants are identical twins raised
in the same household. When compiling her results, she finds there is not a perfect correlation between
the personalities of her participants. From these results, she concludes that ___________
_______________ has an influence on personality.
non-shared environment
Nick thinks he is a good mechanic. He went to school and obtained high marks, he receives excellent
feedback from his supervisor and customers, and has never had a car he fixed returned to him. Nick’s
attitude towards himself follows ____ ___________ theory.
Orson is taking an IQ test written in French. One question asks him how many legs an item in a
picture has, one question asks if a written sentence is grammatically correct, and one asks to identify the
next 3 symbols in a pattern. The question referring to symbols and patterns is the _______ biased of the
three questions.
Ashlynn learns she has a pop quiz in class today. Looking at the quiz, she determines it is a challenging quiz. However, she consistently reviews her notes after class and believes that she is well-prepared for the quiz. Ashlynn performed a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ when she determined that she had adequate resources of knowledge to cope with the quiz.
secondary appraisal
John began experiencing symptoms of shortness of breath, increased heart rate, sweating, and felt
like he was either going to pass out or have a heart attack when he got into a car. Eventually, he would
experience these symptoms randomly even though he was not in a car. He now walks everywhere he
goes because he fears having these feelings again. John is most likely to be diagnosed with a ______
Panic disorder
Terrence suffers from an uncommon disorder characterized by decreased activity in his frontal lobes.
His disorder causes him great emotional pain as he has problems making friends. However, he is able to
perform well at school and take care of his basic needs. Terrence does not display the ____________
criteria of abnormality.